There is a scene where a group of vets have prosthetics, these characters are unlikely disabled in real life, though the its only one scene and they are all background characters.
As mentioned under other headings - when they're heading in the helicopter to the location where they're trying to trap/cage the female alien they see a group of horses (3 I think?) at full-gallop along a beach being chased by aliens. When they next see them they've been circled by aliens and make some tragic sounds of distress as they pounced on from all angles, right before the scene cuts
There's a very breif scene when they are flying in a helicopter (Romeo command and Dan foster) where they pan down to a water hole where you can see multipe wild animals (giraffes, zebras etc.) get mauled to death by the aliens/whitespikes, i would just look away for a few seconds if that triggers you...
But also multiple alien/whitespike deaths, some are very graphic, but especially the one at the end... Even though it isnt an animal you might wanna look out for this one... At the end there is a VERY VERY tragic/disturbing/horrible/graphic death of one of the aliens/whitespikes, even though the aliens are all bad this one is so disturbing and nearly sad because the alien is suffering and struggeling so much, and it isnt just a quick death it has either, honestly one of the most disturbing things ive seen in a long time... so maybe some of you might wanna skip watching that part.
To add to what @TaraWalsh was saying.. Empathy doesn't stop with a creature that's "bad". Seeing a living being suffer is always sad, painful and triggering to a sensitive person. I can very well see @AnnaPetreaMadsen's point and I'm with her here
No, but... The aliens/whitespikes look a bit like dragon/dinosaur creatures, but very horrible and disgusting looking ones... and could maybe be triggering for some, there are multiple graphic deaths. And a VERY VERY disturbing one at the end...
Yes at the beginning, (very minor spoilers) two people are shown swallowed by a ball of fire/smoke their death is not shown on screen, but they still burned at it was very sad...
YES!!! There are so many throughout the movie, some showing the aftermath with people that already have prostetics, some where they just have an open wound where their limb used to be, and then also MULTIPLE showing limbs getting saw/cut/shot/ripped/torn of, multiple alien/whitespikes get their limbs torn/cut off, and its very disturbing, especially one at the end...
In the beginning on one of the aliens/whitespikes, very disgusting
And also just on the aliens/whitespikes overall, very graphic and disturbing to look at
In a way, yes. Near the beginning Chris Pratt is strapped in a machine, and slightly tortured by a machine putting things in his arms. He is asked to bite down on something for the pain.
Over hundres of people +300 (and some aliens/whitespikes)
:SPOILERS: When they do the first jump something goes wrong and they are transported the wrong place, instead of the beach they are are dropped miles up in the sky and hundres of people are shown falling to their deaths getting their head squashed and limbs torn of, alot of people survive to though...
!!!MAJOR SPOILERS!!! After future Muri gets hit with one of the alien/whitespike spikes the alien/whitespike drags them both to the egde of the collapsing building and she falls in to a sea of aliens/whitespikes, her death is not shown but it is very tragic...
An aliens/whitespikes eye gets shot out, and at the end they stab an alien/whitespike in both its eyes and its EXTREMELY graphic!!!! But even just the aliens/whitespikes eyes normally could be triggering for some since they have done a very good job with the cgi to make them look incredibly disturbing...
Not a kid but someones child... (grown up at the time of her death)
!!!MAJOR SPOILERS!!! After future Muri gets hit with one of the alien/whitespike spikes the alien/whitespike drags them both to the egde of the collapsing building and she falls in to a sea of aliens/whitespikes, her death is not shown but it is very tragic...
There's a bunch of minor ones, and then some bigger ones, only one jumpscare actually scared me, because with the rest you could kind of sense when they were gonna happen.
In the scene where the drafted people are falling into the pool, there’s a quick shot of a woman coming up for air and throwing up water. It’s very quick but caught me by surprise.
If you get triggered by audio gore you should probebly not watch this movie, the sounds the aliens/whitespikes make are pretty disturbing, and there are multiple other disturbing sounds in this movie...
They eject fluids from the alien/whitespike
:SPOILERS: in the scene where they have the alien/whitespike chained up they stick a syringe in it to ejecy some fluids
And once more near the end :SPOILERS: when they inject the aliens/whitespikes even before they have come out of their pouch-like things...
Kinda... Early on in the film when Dan's wife is leading a counselling group for returned survivors one of them describes the clicking sounds the alien makes and how the sound still traumatised him despite being back
If shakey cam triggers you i would advise you to not watch this movie, there's only actually a few times when the camera is not shaking/going fast/in constant movement
Nothing over-the-top or confronting - when Dan and Charlie have first met at the basic training and are standing at a window overlooking some soldiers resting below having a chat, one of the soldiers notices them and gives them a double bird (middle fingers) to which Charlie says (not verbatim) "he's just flipped us off" and Dan corrects him saying "SHE'S flipping YOU off"
Not the first to die in the whole movie, but definietly the first that isnt just a character whose whole point is just to die, although he only has one or two lines...
There is one early in the movie :SPOILERS: when they are about to get picked up after they recovered the vials from the lab, where a bunch of aliens/whitespikes ram into their rescue vehicles...
:MAJOR SPOILERS: and another one that is not shown on screen, but where (old) Muri Forester tells Dan about the car crash that kills him in the future
I don't recall anyone drowning so the yes votes here have me confused... there is a very brief moment of struggle in a rooftop pool when the time-jumping soldiers land in it; some of whom just get straight out but a couple need some assistance