The scene in which a dog dies happens as the result of player choices, and not all players will see it. However, it is not obvious which choices will lead to this outcome. Discretion advised.
chloe's stepfather is emotionally and mentally abusive towards chloe and her mother, joyce, and depending on one of your choices on the first episode, physically abusive towards chloe.
Max has frequent opportunities to get private information about people through conversations or looking through their things, then has the option to rewind time and use this private information to get those people to trust her.
Several characters use drugs, although the most you see actually used on screen is pot. One character is a drug dealer, and a major puzzle involves using the drug dealer's list of customer contacts in order to find a culprit. Most, if not all the contacts are underage. Some of the drugs sold are hard drugs too.
Additionally, the main antagonist drugs their victims so that they lie prone for their disturbing art pieces.
There is a dog who is mentioned to have been saved from a dog fighter, there is a choice that can lead to the dogs death, there are dead birds, and dead whales
In the episode Farewell of Before the Storm, which takes place several years before the main story, a character's pet cat passed away before the episode took place. It's not dwelled upon too much, but you do have the option to place a flower at the cat's grave, which will be noted by the characters if you choose to do so.
There is a character who’s dog may be killed as a result of the player’s choices in the game. The player has the option to reverse these choices and replay immediately until they find a solution where the dog lives, but this still may result in the player seeing the dog killed (if not multiple times based on the amount of attempts).
Yesn't. The major villian of the game grooms and mistreats young adults, as well as kidnapping and photographing them while drugged. It's implied he assaults them.
this may not count, but the main antagonist talks about a dead character and necrophilia with her. this is in a dream-like state where everything is very extreme and exaggerated though.
The main villain is a man who drugs and kidnaps teenage girls, then photographs them while they are unconscious. Near the end of the game the protagonist is abducted by him and wakes up tied to a chair in a bunker
In the reality where Chloe’s dad doesn’t die she has a car accident and becomes quadriplegic, her voice actor is the same able bodied person as before.
The father of one of the main characters passed away in a car accident prior to the events of the game. This was a major turning point for said character's life, so it's brought up fairly frequently.
Depending on various choices, you may visit a character in a hospital. She is being treated for depression and attempted suicide. It doesn't specify it's a mental hospital.
In the first game, a friend of the main character goes to the hospital after a failed suicide attempt (depending on the player's choice) and the main character visits her in the hospital.
In the prequel game, the main characters love interest/best friend (depending on the player's choice) in the hospital after she is stabbed. This scene will happen regardless of player choice.
A character is heavily implied to be mentally ill through prescribed medication and doctors notes from therapists who are concerned for his safety. He attacks and threatens people multiple times, and also murders two people depending on the timeline.
there is a brief use of a variation of the r-slur (libt*rd) in an email. This is in episode 4. (!!SPOILERS!! you can only read the email if you blame david and he gets suspended from blackwell) there is also "t*rd" written as graffiti in the car park in episode 1. you will go there regardless of your choices. just a heads up for people who are sensitive to the r-slur :)
(SPOILER!!) a friend of the main character can attempt suicide by jumping off the girls dorm roof, but depending on your choices you can stop her from jumping
Especially pronounced in a scene toward the end where the main character travels through a maze with scenes and characters and situations from throughout the game. Definitely unsettling, I'd consider it unstable/unhinged reality.
Yes. Although the main one I think of is more of a meltdown than an anxiety attack, Nathan (if you're the kind of asshole who let's Warren beat him up in the dorms) rolls around on the floor mumbling to himself apologies and is clearly not okay.
The pills mentioned above are an antidepressant (iirc fluoxetine) which, yes, is used to treat bulimia, but also commonly used to treat anxiety and depression. Since there's no other indication for an ED, it's far more likely the AD was prescribed for the latter.
Episode 2 culminates in a character attempting suicide. You intervene, and depending on what you choose, they can live or die. If they live, they recover and you visit them in a later episode, and get well cards are placed outside their dorm room, but if they die, then they remain dead for the rest of the game [it cannot be reversed like other near death experiences in the game] and it will be mentioned frequently by the characters and story. There will also be a memorial set up by the dorm room.
Late in the game, you also have the option to assist a disabled character's suicide, as well.
Everytime a flash(back?) to the tornado vision happens it is pretty sudden and for me the noises are pretty loud. As well as the sound of guns going off throughout the game.
During certain points humming is heard in the background while the screen goes monochrome and shakes strongly, and while utilizing the main mechanic of the game the screen shakes.
The beginning of episode two one of the characters is shown looking at the main character through a window. This is very avoidable however, and only lasts for a few seconds.
In ep 5, if the main character fails a number code puzzle 50 times, she'll say she's going to get revenge on the devs for the number puzzles. It's most likely not going to happen unless you look for it though
If Max looks at the home pregnancy test in Dana's room, then rewinds and doesn't touch it, only brings it up, Dana tells Max that she was pregnant, and strongly implies that she got an abortion previously. Nothing happens on screen, and Max can find a doctor's note which shows a previous appointment at a women's health clinic where she most likely got the abortion.
Depending on your final decision, yes. Another character that was implied to be LGBT+ in the main game [and more or less confirmed to be in the prequel game depending on how you play it] has died by the time that the main story has started.
Spirit animals used by white /non-indigenous people, people ghosts become their spirit animals when they die. Dreamcatcher worn by white person. Racist “indian burial ground” trope. No black or non-white main characters. Totem poles are misappropriated and their cultural significance ignored. Repeated use of ableist phrases like “psycho”/“psychopath” etc.
Several characters are said to have sex and it's brought up pretty often, but it all happens off screen. There's a plot point that involves a man taking photos of young girls in slightly sexually provocative poses against their will.
max will sometimes get a nosebleed when she has to time travel; blood due to gun violence is frequently shown, especially at the start of the game when a character is shot and a wound forms