You can abandon an animal (or human) in your party by driving away before they have gotten in the car. The game will not give a warning before this is about to happen!
When a character dies all zombies around them will start huddling together and eating the corpse. After a few moments they will walk away and the corpse will be replaced with a skeleton
There is a rare event where the party will run into a "geometrically impossible vortex". Choosing to go through it will result in the character/s having their appearance randomized
There is a text event that has a store full of creepy mannequins. Whether or not the characters freak themselves out depends on stats and a skill check.
Violence against animals is generally either a result of zombies biting player animals, or hunting. But you can wrestle an alligator if you really want.
You can use flamethrowers and Molotovs as weapons, sometimes you'll come across a burning house. Fireproof characters are able to move through fire without taking damage.
Killing a zombie causes it to explode into chunks. Brains, intestines, and eyeballs can be visible however it should be noted there's a lack of realism due to the game's pixelated art style.
You are able to occasionally find toys which can be used as weapons, and will eventually break like most other weapons. As you can just find them lying around, they don't seem to currently belong to a child and you never find out about any past owner.
There are events that can cause your party to hurt themselves,such as the car breaking down and them punching it or punching themselves to prevent a lost sneeze,these are mostly played for laughs and a sign of a Low Wits (this games intelligence) stat.
No, but there are certain character traits which can cause characters to eat more or less than average, as well as having their morale be more or less heavily affected by food than most characters.
Not broken exactly, but the in-game text and descriptions will often lean on it. References to pop culture, real world events, or the realism of the whole situation are relatively common.
While unintentional, a glitch in older versions of the game results in all characters being referred to as "he" during the credit sequence, regardless of gender.
Plausible. Custom characters can be made to resemble anyone, real or fictional. Many characters can die. There are no canonical relationships in the game.
Not directly, but there's an event where the party can choose whether or not to eat food from "McBurg's" and is warned that while it won't kill them it's bad for their health. If the player chooses to do so, one or more of their party members might become visibly significantly wider and stay that way for the rest of the game.
Zombies bleed black blood and explode into cartoonish body parts when killed. Party members leave an undetailed splotch of red on the ground when injured, and merely fall over sideways when dead.