Sheldon goes on a bus to see Dr Sturgis. he doesn’t really say goodbye to anyone but does leave a note for Missy in morse code explaining where he went.
*SPOILER* i put no because it’s barely stalking. sheldon watches meemaw and dr sturgis on their date with binoculars but it’s really just child curiosity
Verbal abuse. Also note that emotional neglect is a key theme in this show as Georgie and Missy are shown regularly wishing for care and attention from their parents.
Also the show is set in the 80s when physical punishments at school had just been outlawed, Sheldon's dad mentions how his teacher used to hit him with a paddle, the teacher then pulls out his old paddle he used to hit children with.
One night, Sheldon is sent to bed without dinner as a punishment.
I’m the bathroom when Sheldon is trying to make friends he talks to 2 teenage boys who are smoking “a weird smelling cigarette” and the 2 boys run out of the bathroom
S5 E15 An armadillo is hit by a car. It doesn't show it actually happen but it shows it laying in the road and they are upset about it. They try to find help. Later the armadillo doesn't make it. The animal is not shown dying or dead. They talk about how they had a funeral for it.
Sheldon’s fish is kept in a bowl, and fishbowls are very harmful for fish. This bowl was also very tiny. Later on in the episode his father puts his finger in the fishbowl, the fish bites him, and he freaks out and accidentally throws the fish on the ground. He puts the fish back into the bowl and it just falls down, implying it died. Afterwards there’s a zoom out of the house and a flushing sound can be heard as they’re flushing the fish down the toilet. This show takes place many years ago before it was known that fishbowls are harmful, but it is still worth mentioning as fishbowls are abusive. The scene was really funny though
It is never explicitly stated, however there is a troubled young teen girl who is implied to engage in risky sexual behaviors, she has a "rough family situation", and in this episode she witnesses a religious display of "the sin of lust" in which an actor playing a sex worker is said to have "lost her youth for a few dollars". The girls reaction to this is so intense that, to me, it was very reminiscent of someone who has been sexually abused. However it is up for interpretation and the show mostly makes a joke out of the entire situation, but it left me with a much heavier feeling than the show seemed to be going for.
yes, but it's not bad. SPOILER: missy goes to school with a new skirt and gets told her let's look hairy, she goes home and finds her mom's razor, and cuts herself on accident. nothing is shown though, and her meemaw puts plasters on her legs.
Not on-screen, but it's mentioned that Georgie used to sit on Sheldon's face while he was watching Star Trek and fart on him when they fired their phasers.
paige gets drunk underage and is sick into a fountain, i think she was under the influence of some drugs too (not sure if this counts as an overdose though)
At the start of meemaw and dr sturgis relationship meemaw forgets she has another boyfriend and tries to date them both but then she found it too difficult so SPOILER she chooses Dr Sturgis
not necessarily, but at the beginning of the episode when the cooper family is having dinner, there are quick cuts to a bunch of clown faces which scared me a fair bit
(Without major spoilers) Series 2 episode 12 one of the kids end up in hospital and someone dressed up comes to try and cheer them up. I had to look away cause I'm absolutely terrified of them. Only lasted a couple seconds apparently, it happens right after the nurse brings the patient jello!
Also shows up briefly at the end when they get in the elevator to go home.
In all 3 seasons, there are only a couple scenes with sounds but no visuals at all. If you find sounds triggering, here's a pretty detailed list: Sheldon gets carsick in S1E7 around 14min into the episode. It happens offscreen but you can hear it for a moment. Also in S1E13, Georgie chews tobacco and gags around 4min into the episode and then again about one minute later. He's holding a mug and spits into it but nothing happens otherwise. Season 2 was safe although there was one episode where Sheldon was swinging and he apparently was sick but we don't see or hear anything, Missy only mentions it later - but I can't remember which episode it was. In S3E6 around 11min when the grandma is talking with Georgie, she is sick but we can't see anything again - just the sounds for a quick moment. Also S3E17, around 2min Sheldon gets carsick and we can hear him but can't see anything.
*possible spoiler!* dr sturgis has a mental disorder in which he can have episodes of hazy realities. he is found by meemaw standing on a platform on the roof waving his hands around in weird ways. it’s not frightening to see as is it sort of played for laughs and meemaw finds it a bit funny herself, but he is admitted to a mental hospital for a little while
sheldon has meltdowns many times if he doesn’t get things he wants. missy and georgie are generally better about not getting what they want but will still throw small tantrums at times. george and mary fight sometimes, but that’s it. meemaw fights sometimes, mainly with her boyfriends
There is a scene near the end of this episode where there are a lot of short cuts back and forth to show the junk foods a character ate, including some shots of them in the character's mouth with chewing sounds. Very brief.
Sheldon has multiple panic attacks in the series due to his anxieties. They aren't particularly distressing or graphic, but they are played for laughs.
replying to the person who said it’s not an eating disorder: in this case i wouldn’t necessarily call it that because it only lasts 5 weeks but you should look up ARFID. it’s an eating disorder too, even if the motivation is fear/sensory issues rather than weight loss/control/body image
Sheldon spies on his grandmother with binoculars. She does figure it out and has him sign a contract to stop. He does it again for a different reason, and he tells her that he did it.
There is an episode about mental illness and they're very ableist at times, but at one point it gets explained by the narrator, that this was how people would handle it in the old days and how it isn't accepted anymore nowadays.
There is one comment in s1 episode 2 where Meemaw calls a Jewish person “Hebrew” Mary responds wirh “you mean Jewish” it’s not a joke as such but may be offensive
(Spoilers) There's a major plot point where a 17 year old gets a 28 year old pregnant. It's important to note that the 17 year old lied about his age, and absolutely nobody is happy about this situation.
yes, and very often. i’d say religious things are said at least once per episode. mary is extremely faithful and is involved in the baptist church as a secretary. sheldon is what he calls an “atheist baptist” as he is baptized as baptist but doesn’t believe in god. one episode he dabbles with other religions such as judaism. veronica and georgie get baptized one epsiode. veronica is a pretty religious person and can be seen at church, bible study, etc. the pastor of the church discusses religion a lot, obviously. the family says a prayer before every dinner. and much much more, so very religion heavy
MAJOR SPOILER !! Till now the ending is sad. Not done yet but the mewmaws house is ruined and it was a massive hurricane. Mary and Sheldon was on their way to some other country I can’t remember
sheldon bites his nails a lot this episode because he is stressed, which causes his cuticles to be bloody. mary wipes his hands off near the beginning of the episode and you can see some blood. it happens right after missy is practicing baseball with her dad and she says she uses her right hand to color