No, but you have a dog companion that you can use to target people etc with. So there is dog combat, but not dogfighting according to the definition from the dictionary
When switching back to one character at a certain points in the game, there is a random chance he'll be seen leaving the bed of another man, who's crawled up in the foetal position and crying.
It is really strongely implied the protagonist assaulted him.
In the mission “By the Book” you get several tools to torture Mr. K with, one of these options is a large red wrench, selecting this makes you hit him in the knee or crotch. You cannot cancel out after you select an instrument to torture him with.
there's a scene in which the player character is forced to interrogate a man, using methods such as water-boarding, electrocution, pulling teeth, or hitting him with a sledgehammer. it cannot be skipped, and the man can (momentarily) die if pushed too far.
Not in gameplay but there is excessive gore in cutscenes like the one where someone gets shredded by a plane’s propeller and there’s also gore on the Accept the Chaos website accessible in game.
Trevor kidnaps Martin Madrazo's wife as revenge but doesn't hurt her, Michael is kidnapped by Cheng's men but gets rescued, Mr K is kidnapped by the IAA and then the FIB for interrogation, and in Ending C, Trevor kidnaps Devin Weston to kill him.
Michael and Amanda both sleep with other people. It is up to interpretation whether this is cheating as Michael says they had an arrangement and that it was an open relationship.
In the mission 'By the Book' Trevor is seen pooping behind a dumpster. Farting is heard. But nothing is shown.
But later when Micheal is instructed to go to the specified location after the cutscene, if you go behind the dumpster, you can actually see Trevor's fecal matter. While Trevor is doing the act, it is not shown. But after this, if the player
willingly goes behind the dumpster, you can see it. If you find these things gross, don't go behind the dumpster. It's not compulsory at all and you can avoid it.
Absolutely not; while the protagonists are far from good people, being ruthless criminals who do not hesitate to kill people, the police (as well as 2 government agencies based on the FBI and CIA) are depicted as ridiculously corrupt and incompetent crooks, with police brutality also being commonly referenced and the Los Santos Police Department's motto literally being "Obey and Survive".
Characters will exit from a hospital after being wasted, but there are no scenes focusing on the hospital. Closest thing is when Trevor drives through inside one.
Trans women are misgendered in some versions of the game. The player’s character can’t have sex with trans women working as prostitutes, either (which is used to imply that they “aren’t women”).
Aggressively transphobic portrayals of trans women; such portrayals were removed in the PS5 and Xbox Series ports. Black gangsters are somewhat stereotypical but are mostly likable. Most characters are white despite the game being set in the equivalent of Los Angeles. Most Asian and Latino characters are in a gang/cartel. Almost every gay character is portrayed negatively (i.e. incest). Trevor pretends he’s Latino and puts on a fake accent in one mission. Infamously misogynistic portrayal of women with most being either disposable or sex objects.
The first death in the game is a white police officer who unmasks one of the three main characters as he robs a bank vault with his crew. The first major death is of one of said crew members, who is also white.
After "The Construction Assassination", a news report comes on where, after the main story (the actions of the previous mission), it is reported that a celebrity on the in universe twitter equivalent, used a transphobic slur to refer to a politician.
If you consider topless with underwear nude, then yes. At Vanilla Unicorn there can be strippers without tops and just underwear and stockings/thigh highs socks.
It's a Random Encounter, a brother and a sister on the desert are having intercourse on an RV. Plus, the O'Neil brothers, an enemy group, are supposed to be inbred.
It is implied that Lester has a chronic illness since he sometimes has to use a wheelchair, and has to use a cane when walking. He also seems to not be able to drive.
Yes, Minor Turbulence has Trevor crash a crop duster into a cargo plane and later in the mission you jump out of the plane and it crashes. I’ve also had a huge plane crash in my front yard as Michael, it’s not a common occurrence or random event. It was very shocking.
The player can run out of air while swimming and drown. No other categories fit this but you can also be attacked and killed by a shark when swimming far out in the ocean
No excessive gore, but there is alot of blood when you shoot npcs. The goriest scenes are one where a woman is sucked into a jet engine, and another where a guy is shot in the head.