The Dark Lord’s Memento Mori features him cutting the throat of the survivor. While no wounds are shown in extreme detail, the survivor does grasp at their neck which is pouring blood.
Every match involves Survivor players being hunted down/stalked by Killer players. Worthy of note is Michael Meyers, who gains power by stealthily staring at Survivors from a distance.
The Spirit is a young Japanese woman who has been abused by her father and becomes a vengeful ghost killer. - This is however all contained in the character's optional backstory.
Yun-Jin Lee is gaslit by The Trickster aka Ji-Woon Hak in both of their base lores as well as their tome stories, Chorus of Lies and Dissonance for the Dead
The character “the Clown” attacks survivors by throwing bottles of chemicals at them, which makes them dizzy. In his backstory these are said to be drugs. It does not affect the players very much, only blurring the screen and making them cough.
In multiple levels you can find dead pigs hung as if in a butcher shop. One character wears a dead pig as a mask, but it is never shown alive or being killed.
While no animals are seen being abused, several animal carcasses can be found in levels, along with an apparently live horse that appears badly injured.
The entity, which is the main antagonist of the game, resembles a spider. The killer player’s goal is to feed survivors to her, and it is impossible to play the game without seeing this regularly.
The character "The Hag" has an outfit themed around snakes, and has one strewn around her body. This will only be seen if you pick that outfit, or go against a player with that outfit.
One of the main mechanics involves the killer characters picking up helpless survivors over their shoulder - in the memento mori death animation of certain killers, the survivors are also restrained by force or supernatural means
Leatherface from Texas chainsaw massacre is a playable character nicknamed "the cannibal" and while he doesn't on screen eat anyone like the hag, many of his items reference it
One of the characters available to play as/against is Freddy Kruger from the Nightmare on Elm Street series, who is a vengeful ghost who was murdered by fire. His design reflects this as he is covered in burns.
In the Pinhead Mori, the survivor is chained to a log with spiked and dragged down through a blue portal in the floor, which closes up behind the survivor.
Several Characters such as The Blight, The Twins and The Artist are all examples of body horror. Additionally several characters have what is colloquially known as a “Blighted” cosmetic that is a result of the aforementioned character The Blight experimenting on them. Which gives various horrific mutations to the existing characters such us extra limbs, unnatural fur growth and one such outfit is four people that have been sewn together.
In a Tome cutscene for Nea's story "Rebel With a Cause," a mayor gets in a car wreck and we see him dead in the aftermath of the wreck, with multiple teeth fallen out. In additional Tome cutscene, for "Go For Broke," the character Ace Visconti gets in a bar fight where his face, and teeth, are damaged.
when the clown uses a memento mori to kill a survivor he chops of their right index finger and tastes it before storing it on their person after violently stomping their head
You cannot play this game and avoid seeing torture. The main purpose of the game is for the player acting as the killer to hunt down and kill four players who are survivors. [TRIGGER WARNING] This is done by hanging them on meat hooks, which slowly kills them. The Pyramid Head can trap survivors in cages of barbed wire instead, and The Pig (who is from the Saw series) places a trap from the series around survivor’s heads.
While I don’t believe a scene of an important toy being destroyed happens, worth noting is The Dredge’s Unwanted Toy and Twisted Plaything cosmetics which feature broken and dirty toys and dolls respectively.
One killer (The Spirit) is the ghost of a mutilated young woman. Freddy Krueger also makes an appearance, and two killers (Wraith and Nurse) have ghost-like traits. Ghostface is also in this game.
Several of the killers are either hinted to be possessed, or are ghosts and demons themselves. As of now, players cannot be possessed by other players in combat, but because the game is always adding more characters there is a possibility this could change.
Sort of. In the trailer cutscene for Tome VIII - Deliverance, there is a flashback sequence in which a young Jeffrey Hawk (The Clown) wets himself in fear of his father's alcoholic rage.
The Hag’s momento mori aninimation has her pulling out an organ from a survivor’s body and The Demogorgon’s memento mori has it biting down on the survivor’s head and shaking them violently
Some licensed character are positively portrayed cops but for original characters there's a CIA guy who was involved in a war crime and a short story in the archives about a cop being haunted by the ghosts of all the dogs he's shot.
The character known as “the Doctor” hunts down survivors and electrocutes them, and this is called “shock therapy” in the game. However, this is not realistically portrayed at all in game. The Doctor’s backstory does show that he used to perform realistic shock therapy, however.
Two levels take place in abandoned mental hospitals. One of them, Lery's Memorial Institute, features sounds of shock therapy and screams as background noise.
One very minor reference. The character “the Pig” has a power up that references someone she knows who has cancer, specifically his medical file. This character is absent in the game, and this power up can be avoided by not playing as the Pig.
The character “the Pig” has a power up in the form of a small box with razors in it, and the text on the power up explains that she uses this to self harm and it gives her strength. This power up can be avoided by not playing as the Pig.
The Nurse is implied to have mentally “snapped,” causing her to kill people. A few of the other Killers are implied to be mentally ill. On the other side of the spectrum, multiple Survivors are implied to have mental illnesses or neurodivergency, and said survivors are not aggressive.
In Claudette’s lore, she’s heavily implied to be autistic, and her mother treated her coldly because of this, just wanting her to be like the other kids. (In actuality, her mother really wanted for her not to be bullied, however this isn’t stated at first in her lore.) Another character, Felix, is told by his father to get help for his social issues.
In The Artist’s backstory it describes her attempt to kill herself after the death of her younger brother. This event is also referenced in several of her cosmetics and power add ons
One of the core gameplay mechanics is known as The End Game Collapse. (Trigger Warning) Large cracks appear across the ground and a bell tolls while the screen shakes.
In the backstory of the character “the Hag,” it is described that she was starved nearly to death. Additionally while not an eating disorder (but I do not know where else to categorize this), multiple characters engage in cannibalism.
A core game mechanic is what is know as “Loud Noise Notifications” which alert the killer to vital information. Additionally The Hag can leave traps that when triggered by a survivor force the camera to turn towards it and makes a loud yell/growl
The doctor has an ability to electrify people, which results in your screen flashing static until you can remove this status effect. Attempting to remove it can result in more flashing static.
Maybe if this counts idk but The Trickster will sometimes look back at the screen and wink as if he's winking at the player (personally I like it but if this would bother you I hope this helps as a warning)
no, however one of the killers is a parasitic twin and so when the adult twin lets the parasite out,(tw if even the mention will put you off)
it looks like a baby jumping out of her stomach, so you just have to judge if that sounds too close to it for you.
The post-match chat is heavily moderated, but sometimes stuff slips through. You have the option to report if this happens. Also the usernames of your teammates aren't moderated, but you can report them through Steam.
The character Sally Smithson, more commonly referred to as The Nurse, has additional lore through the Tome system in which she and other characters say hateful things in regards to mentally ill and disabled patients.
In the past, Leatherface had an unlockable cosmetic that depicted him wearing the face of Black survivor Claudette Morel, with the unlock condition being to sacrifice Claudette in gameplay a certain number of times. The cosmetic was in the game since Bubba’s release but was removed years later alongside the rest of Bubba’s unlockable masks after Black players and streamers (especially those who only play Black survivors) voiced their upset over racist Leatherface players tunneling (prioritizing the death of one survivor over the others) them out of the game while wearing the cosmetic, alongside community discussion of the uncomfortable implications of a White man wearing the skin of a Black woman.
A cult worships the entity that runs the trials in game, and two characters worship that entity directly. At least one character is lightly implied to be Christian.
Survivor players often “t-bag” the killer as a joke which is in reference to a sexual activity, but it is more of a joke or a taunt than anything truly sexual.
The entire purpose of the game is to either attempt to kill other players, or avoid being killed. Blood and gore are main mechanics of the game, and if that is troublesome the game should be avoided because there is no way to avoid this mechanic.
One killer, The Deathslinger wields a rifle that can fire out a chain. No actual bullets are seen but when playing as a survivor against him, a loud bang can be heard across the map
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