Toulon, a puppet maker, discovers an ancient Egyptian potion and uses it to bring his creations to life. His puppets become murderous little demons and escape. Distraught, the master takes his life. Years later, psychics tune into the existence of the monstrous marionettes and set off to stop them.
This movie contains 14 potentially triggering events.
If you are sensitive to taxidermy, this isn’t for you. There are many long, and dramatic closeup shots on a real-life taxidermy dead Pekingese dog. At the end, he does become a living dog.
(Slight Spoiler) When Frank and Carissa are in the elevator, Carissa has a vision of the past of a woman who was raped in there. This isn't brought up again afterwards.
One of the puppets regurgitates leeches onto her victims to kill them. While it didn't bother me, she gags while doing this so it could be triggering to some.