When a kid accidentally triggers the universe's most lethal hunters' return to Earth, only a ragtag crew of ex-soldiers and a disgruntled female scientist can prevent the end of the human race.
This movie contains 60 potentially triggering events.
The head military guy is constantly chewing nicorette and one member of the main group is constantly smoking cigarettes, in some scenes directly next to a child.
(Around 35 minutes) The female protagonist is shot in the foot with a tranquilizer and wakes up 5 minutes later. Nothing happens to her while she is unconscious.
There is a scene where a man gets stabbed in the torse by the predator through the inseam of his pants. No genitals are shown, but it is an obvious crotch shot.
While there isn’t anything extremely obvious, a larger predator punches a smaller predator in the mouth and there is a lot of blood. I’d assume that there would be broken teeth, but I didn’t see anything explicit.
(around 22 minutes) The female protagonist strips for a decontamination procedure to enter a lab and does so again (around 29 minutes) to exit. Nothing below her collarbone is shown.
Ooooh yes, serious indigo child vibes here considering how they call autism the next step of human evolution and treat it like a superpower in a way that’s rather condescending
A group of veterans are on a bus headed to (I assume) some facility to help them, but commandeer the bus and throw out the guards when the alien shows up. They continue to be violent throughout the rest of the film.
The young child experiences behavioral tics, is extremely sensitive to noise and repeatedly claps his fists to his head or overly covers his ears, shows abnormal memorization skills, whimpers, and lacks proper communication skills— all points to him being autistic, but it’s also briefly mentioned. He is bullied by two older teens and called retarded by one of the soldiers.
Someone is lying flat between the outside of an aircraft and its hi-tech transparent protective shield. The two surfaces are so close together, I could barely stand seeing it.
There’s annoyance toward a character that keeps mentioning biblical catastrophic references, but nothing targeting Jews (I doubt this man is a Jew, probably some branch of Christianity).
Really depends on how deep you are into Predator lore to notice. Generally speaking female predators are larger than males and usually the ones in charge. Because of this it's possible the more threatening of the two predators was female. A soldier sees this predator mutilate the smaller predator and says, Is that the male?!" - That said, no one official has ever acknowledged a female predator featured in any movies, so your mileage may vary.
The narrative treats autism in a rather condescending matter by the fact that autism can grant you supernatural abilities in this universe due to being the next step of human evolution or something