A wolf cub is seen caught in a beartrap in episode seven, the scene is not overly gory but the cub's paw is amputated off screen. After, a character implies that the cub will need to be put down or it will suffer/die. The wolf survives and grows up despite this.
Rayla leaves Callum without saying goodbye in an accompanying graphic novel and the repercussions of this are central to their relationship in the fourth season
They abandon horses multiple times while being chased by monsters and you can somewhat see the horses body laying on the ground and the monsters mouth dripping with blood implying that it is eating the horse
In the beginning, one of the main characters is stalking a guard, intending to kill him. (She laters spares his life ) The main characters are followed and stalked by the antagonist's children on their way to zaidia.
A dragon is chained down and injured severely. A unicorn is implied to have its horn taken. A pet bird normally allowed freedom becomes confined to a cage. Animals and animal parts are used to fuel magic.
A man supposedly kills a dragon egg, which is somewhat akin to both a puppy and a human infant. With dragons being sentient, this skims the line, but could still be triggering. A room is shown to be filled with preserved parts of dead animals, some mythical, some real. A toad (a character's pet) is endangered and discussions of his hypothetical death are somewhat frequent throughout season 1. He does not actually die, however, he comes very close. A spider is squashed onscreen and its orange guts/goo spill over someone's hand. A wolf is injured and there are discussions of her hypothetical death. She survives, however, she is amputated, and the missing leg serves as a visible reminder of her hurt. A large leech-like monster is slashed with a sword and orange goo spills out like a spurt of blood.
A deer is killed offscreen. We see it before its death, then cut to a scene change when it is already dead. No body is shown. A unicorn is mentioned to have had its horn cut off. Its survival is left ambiguous. A gryphon's severed eyeball is mentioned. Its survival is left ambiguous. However, in end credits, there is a sketch of a living gryphon with an eyepatch. Butterflies and moths are drained of their life essence and killed. Many horses go into battle, and their death is implied.
In season three episode four "The Midnight Desert" A character's pet is bitten by a snake and has the soul drained from it. It is technically still alive afterwards but it is a husk and it wanders away into the desert. In season three episode six "Thunderfall" a character's pet phoenix dies, however, it is established immediately that she is not gone forever and will be revived. The phoenix is later seen flying around, completely unharmed. Later, in season six episode one "Startouched" a creature of questionable sentience is killed offscreen. He's not necessarily a pet but it's possible that this could still be triggering. All of the other pets make it out unscathed.
Several scenes with a fantastical species of snake that is supposed to bite someone to perform a magical ritual. A character turns chains into snakes temporarily via magic. Characters are attacked by snakes but they escape.
Moths are used for magic throughout the series. In season two two characters communicate through a small grub like bug that later crawls in one of the characters ears
In S4, Claudia is tied up with vines. And then Soren is also tied up and gagged with vines. They both escape eventually and are fine. Gren and Runaan are both chained by their hands in a dungeon at one point.
Not sure if it counts but a villain holds a woman captive and then forcibly kisses her as she lets them go. Also another not sure if it counts situation happens where two villains sexually reproduce via dark magic and make a homunculous child which one of the villains then refers to it as “our child” which the other villain is shocked by as if he didn’t consider or know they had a child together
Throughout season one, Rayla has an enchanted binding on her wrist which is slowly constricting the bloodflow to her hand. She talks about how, if she cannot remove the binding, then it will eventually cut off her hand. The binding does get removed before this happens and there are no graphic injuries, but her hand does slowly turn purple over the course of the season and she experiences pain from the binding. In season four, episode four "Through the Looking Glass" A woman's hands are badly burned. This scene starts at 14:00 and is over at 14:20.
In Season 2 Episode 9, Callum has a type of fever dream that involves him drowning and then having an anxiety attack where he hyperventilates. During these parts of his dream he loudly gasps for breath in his sleep.
One of the characters wears a magic braclets that tightens as time goes on. Her hand becomes blue and there is discussion of amputation. A wolf pup is also severely injured and gets a leg amputated. Nothing is shown on screen, but the amputated and healed leg is shown eventually.
Character has something bound around her wrist which slowly tightens and destroys her hand. It is later healed but may be hard for someone sensitive to this
A minor character is implied to have been tortured, and soon after is trapped in a coin (which is probably horrible and torturous), The main antagonist mentions wanting to capture and possibly torture information out of a character.
In the beginning of Season 3, a dragon is blinded by fire on screen, leaving a nasty scar. Later, a worm (Aaravos) spins a web directly on Viren's eye; it seems rather painful and leaves the eye cloudy for the rest of the season.
While there are small amounts of blood throughout seasons 1-5, season 6 contains a lot of blood, particularly in episode one and episode eight. There aren't any particularly graphic injuries but there is a lot of blood.
There are disabled characters, however this is an animated show so none are played by physical live action actors, only voice acted. Soren is temporarily disabled, but cured by literal magic against his will, he is voiced by a presumably able bodied VA, Jesse Inocalla (though there’s always a chance of him having a disability not known to the public) Viren uses a cane (unsure if due to disability but seemingly not as it’s a magic staff) and later faces terminal illness, he is played by Jason Simpson, who is presumably able bodied. Villads, the blind pirate, is voiced by a sighted actor Peter Kelmaid. He is unfortunately used as a joke most of the time. Amaya is Deaf and doesn’t speak much, the few voice lines used for her are from Sheila Ferguson, a deaf person, according to the wiki.
Spoilers Claudia later becomes an amputee and is played by an able bodied VA
The mother of the main characters is dead before the story begins, but the details are not provided until a flashback in season 2. Presumably the father of one of the characters is also already dead, because he's raised by his stepfather. The mothers of another character are said to be dead (details in a flashback). The dead dragon is the parent of a dragon character. The father/stepfather dies but it's not shown on screen. A father is stabbed by a sword but it turns out to be an illusion.
He's not a toy but the younger prince keeps a magical frog/toad creature named bait and that animal is put in danger in some scenes. Bait is never harmed. If the idea of something precious to a child being harmed is upsetting, this could be upsetting too
Similar concepts are discussed, but there are no explicit ghosts as pop culture would have them. However, it could still be triggering. Spectral illusion images of dead people appear; they are not decayed, not meant to be scary, and are treated with wonder and awe. In similar fashion, a man has a spectral appearance similar to an astral projection. Another man dies and is resurrected. He comes back fully human, sentient, and non-decayed, just slightly battered and beaten from the aftermath of his injuries. The soul is sucked out of a man, who screams in agony. There is no body left, he is trapped in another dimension. The soul is sucked out of a wolf-like animal, which is left as a lifeless and pale husk of questionable sentience.
Note: Tangentially, the graphic novel continuation includes many ghosts.
In the episode "We All Fall Down" from 15:22 to 16:00 there is a scene in which a dragon eats an elf and then chokes on the body. It's not gory or bloody but may be disturbing.
Another character also mentions choosing his own name, the character being confirmed to be a transgender guy. No one deadnames him as of s7. S6 a character is called something that seems to be his old name, he reacts angrily.
Zubeya gets infected with something in s5 and starts becoming worried she is mentally unstable, other characters often have panic attacks, anxiety attacks and so on. Viren becomes catatonic and nonspeaking while having flashbacks and visions, at one point due to misusing dark magic.
(Vague spoilers) An autistic coded character is executed, in part because their way of thinking led them to break a rule they didn’t understand they were breaking.
No, however, there is a scene vaguely similar to a suicide attempt.
A main character attempts to face an oncoming army all alone, knowing and expecting that this will kill her, when it really isn't necessary for her to do this. When confronted about it, she states that "If I die (...) I'll just be paying the price". This heavily implies that (due to spoilers and plot reasons) she believes that she deserves death in some form, and sees it as redemption. This topic is discussed heavily for an episode. After some convincing she eventually decides not to go through with the plan.
[SPOILER] In S4, Viren has PTSD from falling off a mountain and dying as he has to climb up the same mountain when he is brought back to life. This causes him to have a panic attack, have flashbacks and hyperventilate.
A pet has the ability to make 1 bright flash S1E1 has a lightning storm S1E5: 5:30-6:40 Callum tries a lightning spell. It's not super strobe-y but might be triggering to photosensive viewers, but does end with one big flash and again at 19:35 S1E7: 20:06-20:12 bright light effect for a spell
No, not explicitly, but there is an inside joke referring to a character from a different series (Avatar: The Last Airbender) voiced by the same actor, and there are other small Easter eggs. "Boomerang?..."
A dragon egg is believed to be killed; its mother grieves its loss. Dragons are sentient in this universe, so it is quite similar to the death of an unborn infant.
Ableism, antisemitism, sanism, in-world specism/racism, fictional depictions of dark magic being evil, etc. Check related categories for more info. Also not a minority but Terry’s Aussie accent is pretty bad imo as an Aussie, even the VA agrees his accent was a bit off. The elves also have dialectical accents based on the kind of elf they are, moonshadow having Scottish, earthblood having Aussie/New Zeland, skywing having British and English dialects, etc. This is often used to “other” the elves in dialect and make them stick out as different species but the only time I remember them being used in the show itself as a racism/classism allegory (possibly unintentionally) was when a skywing elf with a cockney accent becomes a minor villain, she is later redeemed. However, the connection between a character who’s accent is connected to being poor or disenfranchised being a villain is there, especially as it’s a well known trope to use lower class or foreign accents as a key villain feature in film. There is also positive representation of trans and queer characters, I don’t remember them being misrepresented though. The trans character never explicitly states “I’m trans” but he mentions changing and choosing his own name and also makes trans pride coloured flowers bloom as an Easter egg. He is also played by a trans voice actor which is great news. Queer characters are common and not treated as a weird thing by others, just as a normal part of human beings/mystical beings and their existence.
Racial hatred between humans and elves; at one point an elven child is chased out of a town by an angry mob. There is also a character insisting that an unborn child deserved to be killed because he was a dragon (a sapient species in this world). Ethnic cleansing is shown in the prologue.
Many people in this series have spiritual beliefs, and the connection that magical beings have with their arcanum can be thought of as a religious/spiritual experience. There’s no discussion of any real world religions
Callum mentions his bio dad had a breathing illness that implied to be the reason he died. Viren also talks about Soren’s chronic breathing illness he had as a baby/toddler which Viren used black magic to cure
Not 100% certain what this section means as my disability makes it hard to understand new things but the existence of humans is debated, on the flip side humans are prejudiced against mythical beings as well. Genocide from both groups takes place.
Not often and usually only small amounts; most notable is at the end of Season 3, where a character is stabbed through the chest on screen and bleeds out, with no attempt to hide the wound. Shortly after this is revealed to be an illusion.