You can choose to kill a variety of dogs in the game, but it is not recommended as the good ending" of the game involves sparing every creature you run into
Although not shown during gameplay (happened before the events of the game) it’s implied a character ran away from his home leaving his cousin without saying goodbye or where he went
In several points of the game, the player can find cameras that are implied to be recording them. Additionally, after exiting the Ruins, there is a short sequence where a character stalks the player which may be triggering to some.
One female character can die in a particularly brutal fashion on a neutral run should the player choose to kill her, but this is done for story reasons as opposed to “spectacle”.
Never outright confirmed, but Chara was likely abused and is manipulative towards Asriel. The evidence for this is few and far between, and requires playing multiple routes.
There's a rabbit woman who walks another rabbit on a leash??? Debatable if this is harmful, and if the second rabbit is sentient or not. It's played for laughs.
There is a monster encounter where your adversary is a cat-like creature. Like all monster encounters in this game, it is possible (but not required or recommended) to kill her. Additionally, there is an anthropomorphic cat creature who acts as a shopkeeper and cannot be fought. In the worst possible ending, the entire world is destroyed, killing all remaining monsters including the cat shopkeeper.
There is a very difficult-to-find monster encounter which is very dragon-like (and described by his creator as a "butterdragon"). Like other monster encounters, it is possible but not required or recommended to kill him.
There is a spider monster, Muffet, who bakes with spiders. In her battle, spider's aid her. If you spare her or eat one of her treats, she's friendly to you.
At one point, you, playing as a character that is presumably a child, can go on a 'date' with Papyrus, but Papyrus either doesn't understand the implications of what a date is or he does and has no actual romantic/sexual intent. Still, worth noting.
Open to interpretation, but a visual towards the end of the No Mercy route has a character get hit repeatedly with them showing signs of damage. Given the context and the damage shown on the sprite, it could be this character being specifically crushed.
In the true pacifist route, Undyne's house burns down. The house is shaped like a fish so it comedically shows it; the windows of the house are eyes, so there are flames in it and "tears."
One area that is necessary for the Pacifist Ending is the 'True Lab,' which features monsters fused with other monsters in a scientific experiment. The monsters in question have glitchy, surreal, and/or gruesome designs, with some battle text implying dark details about their emotional or physical pain (ex. "Welcome to my special hell"). The same area has logs describing their origins, including confirming that they were made from dead bodies. While most monsters dissolve into dust when they die, one character (Undyne) appears to be melting before her death. The final boss in the Neutral endings has a surreal plant/machine design that is a mixture of cartoon animation, the default art style, and photorealism (if you've seen Madoka Magica, it looks similar to the witch barriers for reference). Some of the monsters outside of the True Lab and the Neutral endings have surreal designs, such as extra eyes on another part of their body or a dog humorously stretching out its neck, but nothing that invokes gore or violent implications.
When on the "no mercy" path, after killing one boss his head becomes detached from his body while his body is reduced to dust. His head becomes dust separately. This is commonly interpreted (and regularly depicted in fan material) as being the result of the player crushing his head under their foot.
Offscreen, but a major character is able to have a heatstroke depending on the player's actions. Whether a seizure specifically took place is unclear, but may be implied as she "can barely move" according to another character.
Monsters canonically turn to dust when they die, so most of the game is pretty bloodless and non-graphic. There is body horror in some routes, but the type is less 'gore' and more 'bizarre surrealism.' The worst it gets is a visual in the No Mercy ending's final boss fight that depicts a character bleeding from the chest, but the context suggests it may be ketchup instead.
There are battle options and dialogue choices where you (a child) can 'flirt' with various characters, and two 'date' sequences with characters who are adults. However, all of these are tame; the character in the first date sequence doesn't seem to understand what a date even is, and the second is more wacky misunderstandings if anything. The player character themselves doesn't have anything sexualized.
Sorta, in the genocide route (the one where you eliminate every monster in the game) undyne takes a fatal blow blocking a child from the player, also, while accidental and not shown on screen, a major character dies trying to put his sibling in their requested resting place
Several characters die before the story. The most we see on-screen are their coffins (closed/empty).
You have the option to kill the characters you fight. It's ENTIRELY optional.
It's possible for the protagonist to "die". No harm is shown coming to them, their HP just hits 0.
The parents of Asriel Dreamer, Toriel and Asgore, can be killed by the protagonist. When they are killed, they have slashes across themselves and turn into dust. However it is your choice if they die or not.
When the playable child character is taken in by a motherly goat creature who intends to keep you as her own. She is disappointed when you leave, but understands that you are not her child.
Your character resembles the first human child that this motherly goat creature adopted. So implied kidnapping?
Additionally a silly skeleton creature “captures” you after he defeats you in battle. You are put into a room with dog supplies and a fence, but can easily escape through the bars to continue your journey.
After leaving the Ruins (all routes), a door clicks and Sans' shadow appears behind a tree The elevator to the True Lab (Pacifist route) suddenly falls and a siren plays
Neither are exactly scary but they made me jump lmao
Depending on what sets you off, in the entirely nonviolent route you will come across a lab. There are encounters with gooey, melted creatures, and some of them appear to have areas without flesh. I'm struggling to find the words for it, but like. pockets, sort of? If you've got it really bad, maybe don't pay attention to the sprites in said lab.
The closest thing to police in the underground are the royal guards, who are seen as a good thing. However, most of them are portrayed as silly and over the top, or otherwise not effective. The only one who is effective (Undine) is portrayed as a person who, while strict and no-nonsense at first, is a huge goof and befriends the protagonist
With a stretch, you could *maybe* count a scene on the Pacifist route, but it's more silly sitcom-esque antics if anything. Basically, one female character asks you to deliver what quickly turns out to be a love letter to her (also female) crush. However, the second character mistakes it as it being yours (gender ambiguous/implied nonbinary), which results in a humorous intentionally awkward sequence where both of you go on a date, during which she admits she favors the first character more. The first character eventually shows up while the two of you are discussing approaches to asking her out. Again, more ridiculous sitcom misunderstandings than any sort of cheating or deliberate dishonesty involved.
While they are not explicitly said to have a mental illness , a character that is coded as mentally ill wanted to kill people in the backstory but is stopped from doing so
Papyrus is definitely autism-coded as he has many typically autistic traits, but he is not abused or mistreated unless by the player on a Genocide run or a No Mercy run. Even then, it’s not autism-specific since it isn’t mentioned and Papyrus has not been canonically confirmed as autistic. Being autistic myself, I think he definitely is, but that’s beside the point.
One character is hinted to have suicidal ideation, with dialogue in the Pacifist route implying they were about to harm themself (or, as they put it, "doing something cowardly") if the player hadn't stopped by when they did. Some Neutral endings imply they die from suicide offscreen. Another character mentions that when they first met, they found them staring into the Garbage Dump's abyss looking 'contemplative,' further hinting at this character's suicidal thoughts. However, they not only survive the Pacifist ending but are implied to be in recovery due to a strong support network and coming to terms with their past actions.
A different character describes a past suicide attempt in the No Mercy ending, which took place after they were resurrected in an unfavorable way. While the specific means aren't detailed (the exact phrasing is "erase myself from existence," which could be literal given the context), they realized they didn't want to die and essentially revived themself.
It's also implied a third character attempted suicide in the backstory, as talking to one character in the Pacifist ending's epilogue ask why the player went to Mt. Ebbot in the first place, bringing up that the legends say no one would return. They add that they knew this character went for an unhappy reason and that they 'hated humanity' (despite being human themself). This same character later died from a completed suicide, which forms a major part of the backstory.
No. Some characters are very emotional and speak loudly or do things like stomp their foot, which may resemble meltdowns, but no characters have a meltdown.
After the fight with Asgore, if you haven't been doing a "No Mercy" playthrough, you'll be thrust into another boss fight who makes TV static noises during dialogue. TV static is heard again during the credits of the Pacifist ending, at the first time the words "The End" are displayed below a picture of Mt Ebbot. There are also some rooms in the Waterfall section where rain sound effects might sound like TV static
You are all extremely confused about what body dysmorphia is. Body dysmorphia is not body horror. Body dysmorphia is not gender dysphoria. Body dysmorphia is when a person (usually anorexic) perceives their body to be different(usually larger) than it actually is.
There is one successful and two attempted suicides in the backstory. Furthermore, two characters can commit suicide during the game, one implied and the other on-screen (though non-graphic). Both of them survive in the pacifist route.
Upon dying to the final boss of the game's Neutral Route, the boss will suddenly laugh maniacally at you. Additionally, at the end of the game's No Mercy Route, if the option "Don't Erase" is selected, the player is jumpscared by the Character they are talking to.
A few characters use mild cussing from time to time (nothing above pg13) and one character is depicted to be (from what most can tell) bleeding, but both are very mild, and the latter is very difficult to trigger (if you get to the "unexpected really hard fight" it's that one)
Two different characters watch your progress throughout the game, one of which you discover later on and another is occasionally shown following you in singular frames and may be difficult to catch.
No, but be wary; characters that use they/them pronouns in canon are often given a binary gender in fanworks, and this is a common point of contention.
No, overall no one ever comments on anyone else's weight. However, one of the secret bosses, So Sorry, is known for being a character designed by a fat fetish artist.
Closest you'll get is a character many people interpret as aromantic or asexual going on a "date" with you, the player character. It is entirely his choice, though, and eventually he "confesses" he doesn't actually like you like that. He does entirely what he thinks you're supposed to do on dates, most of which is entirely wrong and rather silly. It's more reflective of someone enforcing allonormativity on themself than others on them.
There is also a (rather silly and unserious) date between the player character (a child) and the aforementioned skeletons brother, who is maybe an adult??? he's rather tall. The date is later called off as it's revealed this character just felt pressured after misreading politeness as flirting.
A character at the end of the violent route refers to themself as "the demon that comes when you call its name". Likely non-literal, but it's up for debate.
In the final area of one of the game's main routes, you can learn a male child character was repeatedly manipulated by a family member using the phrase "big kids don't cry", a tactic they presumably used to invalidate his emotions so he would not resist them. The manipulator was of the same age as the child, and the scene can be easily avoided by not watching the cassette tapes, but the lasting consequence is still evident as he states he still views himself as a "crybaby" later on the route. The other child ridiculing him like this is portrayed by the game as a very unsympathetic thing to do.
Several characters are depicted as becoming ill or "falling down" (the monsters' term for being on their deathbed), but none are specifically stated to be terminal illness.
If you count mental illness some characters (2 in particular) are implied to have depression and anxiety, both end up with and/or already are surrounded by great support groups
One character (an elderly tortoise) is depicted as being forgetful, though it's not directly stated to be dementia or Alzheimer's. He's never depicted to be confused, only forgetting stories here and there (which can easily be credited to how long a lifespan the character has lived, since he states he's "lived through much of history himself"). Though, him "forgetting" the stories are mostly just a means to keep specific information from the player until the very end of the game, since you can backtrack and talk to him again and he'll have remembered the story (once the player has discovered more context through the Pacifist route).
It really only depends on what route you play, if you do a genocide Route then of cause there’s not a happy ending, there’s a fair amount of what one would call neutral endings though
You have the option to kill a plane shaped enemy. Their death animation shows them crashing to the ground. This is more comical than anything and the only fatality is the plane monster.
there is eye gore shown toward the very end of the genocide route. there is another instance of possible blood in the genocide route, but considering the character it happens to, it could just be ketchup.
The main character can use an empty gun as a weapon but it isn't really shown as any different than using other weapons. There's also cartoonish guns in one fight
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