i guess if you choose to have any animal, they will eventually die of old age. however it's only of old age and all that happens is the grim reaper comes.
If the player cannot properly meet the needs (typically Hunger) of a newborn, infant, toddler, or child Sim, they will be removed from your household and a popup reading "Due to neglect, [Sim name] has been whisked away to safety. Maybe you should try a goldfish before parenting again." will show. This will not happen automatically.
In the "Get Famous" EP, celebrity sims can get the "stan" trait, which will cause a sim to follow them around, appear at their house, and try to steal their dirty dishes and stuff. This only happens to sims with high fame levels.
Definitely no explicit gaslighting or manipulation, but some of the social interactions in the "Mischief" category involve lying: "Lie about career", "claim to be criminal mastermind", etc. Sometimes Sims will become tense for a few hours after being lied to.
The medicine in the Get To Work expansion pack, used to cure the illnesses that sims can get, can be taken when a sim isn't sick to induce a "dazed" moodlet that lasts a few in-game hours.
Geeky sims are low-key addicted to video games as they become tense if they have gone too long without playing.
Likewise, Active sims are addicted to sports and exercise in the same manner.
No. There are items that resemble alcoholic drinks but they are never referred as such. Drinking these 'drinks' or 'juices' can influence your sims mood and emotions. But I don't think these would fall under the 'abuse of alcohol' description.
You can’t actually physically harm your cats or dogs. You can scold them for bad behaviour and you can neglect them by ignoring their needs. But they can be taken away from you for doing that.
If a dog has the ''agressive'' trait it will fight with every sim who is not in their household. Dogs with the ''hunter" trait will enter bushes and fight squirrels, but I played it for years and no, none of my dogs, even with the "agressive" trait fighted each other. It is a game where you choose what happens with some little bit of backstory envolving the townies but no,no dog fights.
Corpses are not graphic in the sims, though. When a dog or cat (or a sim for that matter) dies, they simply lie down and the grim reaper appears to magically turn them into an urn/gravestone.
No snakes in the base game BUT there are snakes if you get the following packs.
Packs with living snakes in world:
- Jungle Adventure (there are snakes in Selvadora)
- Strangerville (Strangerville is in a desert and snakes and lizards can be spotted in the landscape)
-Realm of Magic: I remember seeing a big snake in one of the lots in the Magic Realm (where the gardens are if I remember correctly). Glimmerbrook has snakes too.
- Star Wars, Journey to Batuu - Life and death: snakes seen in the bushes near the well (No data for For rent, Growing together or the horse pack) Depictions of snakes: - City Living: It adds the "world culture network" tv channel. The channel shows footage from the sims 3 world adventures that has snakes. There is a close up shot of the snake charmer and the snake (cobra). It is quite huge if your sim is watching it on a big screen. Of course this is some easily skippable gameplay. I rarely had sims watch this channel autonomously.
- Vampires: In the vampire menu you get if your sim is a vampire, there is snake drawing for one of the perks (the 'hissing' weakness).
Things that look like snakes: - Snowy Escape: When your sim goes hiking big in Mt Komorebi they can be attacked by gigantic caterpillars that move in a snake like way and of course can be mistaken for snakes if you're not familiar with gameplay. They're red and fall off trees and will wrap around your sim's arm before disappearing (a 10sec animation basically).
-(Spoiler?) Get together: It can be considered as an easter egg, but from the bluffs you can see on rare occasions the 'Sea Monster'. The monster is dragon-like and could be said to resemble a snake.
Other: There's a creepy crawlies lot trait. I don't know what it does as I've never used it. If you download builds from the gallery and creepy crawlies are a concern, you might want to check if the lot doesn't come with the trait.
(I have all packs so this list should be more or less exhaustive except for rent, horse pack and growing together. I might have missed some as well.)
Not directly but if you have the get to work pack and your male sim gets abducted by aliens (even if his gender is set so he can’t become pregnant) he can get pregnant and have an alien baby. Only male sims can get pregnant this way
If the "High School Years" expansion pack is installed, Sims may shave their body or facial hair if directed to do so. Body/facial hair growth may be disabled in the Create-A-Sim menu. The animation is cartoonish, however Sims may receive a moodlet called "Cutting It Close" that reads "Every Sim struggles with the occasional nicks and cuts from shaving."
Sims can die in manners that ostensibly involve asphyxiation: drowning, pufferfish poisoning in City Living, and being crushed under the murphy bed in Tiny Living, just to name a few. It's all very cartoonish and not gruesome, though.
Some possible deaths are caused by asphyxiation. A full list: Drowning (will float to top of water face down), Hysteria (will laugh until out of breath and then collapse), Pufferfish (eating low-quality pufferfish will poison the Sim and they will choke before collapsing).
Sims with a low cooking skill might accidentally cut themselves while chopping ingredients. Nothing graphic is shown, the Sim only yells and holds their hand for a second before going back to what they were doing.
A recent update added insulin pumps and hearing aids, but these are purely cosmetic and there's no way for sims to actually experience a real disability or chronic illness.
There's a very small chance your sim will get abducted by aliens if you have the Get To Work expansion installed. Nothing is shown beyond your sim getting into a UFO. Mods exist that can turn off this event.
Strangerville includes Possessed Sims and Possession, which is treated as one of the game's Emotions and overrides all other Emotional states. Some Ghosts can possess objects, and Ghost Sims who died by being squashed under a Murphy Bed can possess living Sims and drain their energy. Some Vampire, Alien and Spellcaster Sims can gain abilities that may imply possession mechanics.
There is trypophobia, specifically mild spores and fungus growth in the new renter pack (trypophobia also includes bulbous textures like this as well as holes)
High School Years expansion pack adds a shaving interaction. Sims shave their facial hair in the mirror with a safety razor. The razor might also be visible when sims shave their body hair in the bathtub/shower (I will update this info when I play again). Bathroom clutter kit: comes with a decorative electric shaver
I don't know why there are so mamy no's. Sims can express displeasure when they gain weight. Things that might trigger dysmorphia -The insta-lean/insta-large potions instantly make your sim fatter or slimmer. -One of the milestones of the Athletic Asipirations is for a Sim to reach "peak body performance," which is achieved by having your sim work out a LOT. -One of the New Year's Resolutions (Seasons pack) is to lose weight. (I'll update this when I play again)
There’s no EDs, but there is talk of weight loss with it being one of the possible New Year’s resolutions. You can easily choose a better-suited resolution for your Sims in the menu provided or even avoid setting resolutions (though your Sim may be a little disappointed).
The festival notifications have actually jumpscared me several times. I think there's a mod to disable them but if you want to be notified but just not with the loud jingle I'm not sure if a mod like that exists?
Once your sim learns they are pregnant (with a test or by waiting a few days after Trying for Baby), the pregnancy will always be brought to term. There will never be miscarriages or complications.
Technically pregnancy can be terminated, but only by console commands. Though by doing this, the pregnant sim goes on as if they've never been pregnant in the first place, and the word "Abortion" is never used nor performed.
The erratic trait uses a straitjacket as its icon and could be considered an ableist stereotype. Obviously can't speak for everyone but definitely wasn't made with good intent.
You can dress your Sims however you want, and the game will not comment on it in any way (unless a Sim is wearing an outfit for cold weather when it is hot outside or vice versa).
No, and in fact, in this installation, a Sim's gender is highly customizable. There was an update in June 2022 where you can even customize a Sim's pronouns.
No but clothes and actions often look weird on plus size sims as the morphs are very much not designed to fit larger sims, there is also not much representation of sims that are very large, since the sliders and body types have a limit
With a recent basegame update you can specify that your sim is asexual/aromantic (by turning off their attraction basically) and they will not flirt with other sims/won't be in romantic relationships.
If NPC characters are ace and you try to flirt with them they will let you know that they aren't interested.
Some real life cultures are taken as inspiration for the packs and they can come across very whitewashed, like how sulani is a parallel to Pacific Islander cultures and jungle adventure is a parallel to South American cultures. Some are done well however like the Snowy adventure pack witch is a paralel to Japan, though Korean sims fans did get rightfully upset about the shrine that was included because of Japan’s history colonizing and forcefully converting Koreans to Shintoism. The “erratic” and “klepto” are also very sanist and ableist towards neurodivergent people
No but until recently the caliente and goth families where whitewashed compared to their previous appearances in older sims games, this was fixed but Liberty Lee is still whitewashed
Only among adult Sims. A young adult Sim and an elderly Sim can be romantically involved, but a teen Sim can only have romantic interactions with other teen Sims. Anyone younger than that cannot have any romantic interactions with anyone.
Ghosts, witchcraft, the occult, magic, Santa There are also some religious items or symbolism like a menorah, a kinara, sage & palo santo They often celebrate renamed Christian/westernised holidays like Christmas being called Winterfest, Easter being bunny day, etc
Sims may become werewolves, which may be romanced and take on the appearance of an anthropomorphic cartoon wolf. No actual animals may be interacted with in this way, and modded content that implements bestiality is against EA terms of service.
While registered familial bonds prevent incestuous relationships from happening, anything beyond first cousins will not be registered and can thus form a relationship. Ergo, your sim's first cousin once removed is free game.
It's called Woohoo. But no sexual activity is shown what so ever. When done in bed, they just hop under the covers and start to giggle, and fireworks sparks in the air. It's pretty much what a kid thinks adults do at night during bedtime and the parents are smart enough to lock the doors just in case.
Unfortunately the only disability or illness rep we have so far (despite being promised more 8yrs ago) in basegame is hearing aids, insulin pumps/glucose monitors, scars implying surgery (mastectomy/top surgery and hysterectomy), birthmarks, temporary illness which can be cured with medicine (some may result in death if not taken fast enough)
As well as; Some more scars in the werewolf pack Get to work having a hospital which you can go to when sick or treat ill patients, there is a possibility of misdiagnosis however The occult sims (in their own packs) being a metaphor for chronic illness (vampires requiring blood to sustain oneself, having to hide away your occult traits from society, werewolves going on rampages they can’t control) The traits „erratic”, „klepto” being outdated terms for actual mental health conditions („erattic” used to be called „insane”) The traits „cringe”, „loner” and „socially awkward” being seen as neurodivergent traits or allegory
Every sim requires to own a terrain to be able to play. You can decide to treat your sims as homeless by not building a house. There are also NPCs that don't have an actual home in the game world, but the game doesn't depict them as homeless.
When "woohooing" you have to choose to "try for baby" While you can't have an abortion once pregnant, you also have to intentionally choose to get pregnant.
There was a basegame update that allows you to specify that your sim can't get pregnant at all if you don't want them to.