Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu and other Jedi Knights lead the Grand Army of the Republic against the droid army of the Separatists.
This tv show contains 81 potentially triggering events.
Padme’s ex forcibly kisses her before getting violently beaten by Anakin, her husband. YMMV for either of these, I guess (although the former is sexual harassment at the least).
There is child marriage late in S4; a villain who we are meant to find repulsive kidnaps a young girl for his bride. The girl never makes it to him, however.
No specific characters use drugs but there are mentions of spice and spice dealing (a fictional drug, implied to be kind of like weed, in the star wars universe)
Implied by the way certain background characters behave around "spice" (drugs) and alcohol, but only ever explicitly stated in a conversation between two characters in Season 7
In episode 10 of Season 1 General Grievous has a large pet alien creature named Gor, Gor is killed by two Jedi and Grievous is shown to be upset by this.
Technically, at the end of the 11th episode they are offered spiked drinks, but swich their mugs with other people around, but somehow in the next episode in the recap is said that they drank and got unconcious
There’s a joke where Hunter talks about aliens trying to kill him and the rest of the Bad Batch before Tech corrects him that the aliens were trying to mate with them.
During s5ep1 Savage Opress gets his arm cut off. It is pretty graphic during this scene (no blood still) so if this is one of your triggers I'd stay away from that episode. It happens a few more times but that is the one that sticks out the most (and is the most graphic)
During s4e15 Obi-wan goes through a procedure and he looks as if he is having a seizure, although he isn't. This scene is only a few seconds and has enough lead up to look away when it happens.
Torture is used infrequently but strongly as a tactic by evil characters against good ones, usually to divulge information. Anakin slips occasionally dring questioning and leans into torturous tactics, foreshadowing his fall to the dark side.
One episode contains a scene where a character briefly threatens to remove the eye of another, and comes close to doing so before they are interrupted.
3 infants are abducted by a bounty hunter, one's mother is tricked in to handing over her baby (she thought the bounty hunter was one of the good guys), another is abducted off screen (we don't know how), and another is temporarily abducted (gets the infant out of the home) but is stopped by the good guys before leaving the local area.
Both of the infants that are abducted to a different plant are rescued without any physical injuries. However, they are put in dangerous (high chance of death) and distressing situations causing them to cry a lot.
Children die with some frequency, often due to malicious actions by evil characters. This is always treated as horrific in the eyes of the good characters and they work to prevent it.
Episode 6 & 7 of Season 1. A droid similar to R2-D2 fills in for R2. It's not very good at its job and Anakin is mean to it while Ahsoka sympathizes with it, making it a sympathetic character. It is revealed to be a spy and R2 sets it on fire, knocks it off a ledge, and then it is hit by a ship and blown to pieces while making sad noises.
There are also lots of battle droids destroyed throughout the series that are not as sympathetic, but are still cute/funny.
YMMV, Droids that people love get destroyed, a doll is lost but returned to its owner and there is nose-art of the aforementioned doll with green blood on it and a knife but no visible damage.
In some episodes, Padme has to flirt with another male character, however Anakin is fully aware and knows she doesnt mean it. In another scene she is kissed by a man unwillingly
There are witch characters that bring back the dead and force ghosts, which are largely just friendly ghosts to give characters advice however there are also some ghost-like hallucinations forced on the main characters by antagonists.
In one episode of s5 there is a traveling circus, which might contain clowns in the background. However I believe they dont put the makeup on at first, so when you see the traveling circus you can just skip it.
I don't remember which season or episode it was, but at some point the Nightsisters perform a ritual to take revenge on Dooku for leaving Ventress to die. It causes him a lot of physical pain and in the end, he vomits green gas. The appearance of the substance itself isn't triggering, but the sounds Dooku makes are.
This series is set during a war, so there are frequent injuries that land the characters in the universes equivalent of a hospital. There is not a lot of what you would expect in a hospital though, as this is a scifi fantasy show set in a more advanced society
Lots of vent crawling, one scene where said vents include automatic doors the heroes try not to get cut in half by (one fails), and one of the challenges in "The Cube" includes closing in walls
At least two characters intentionally jump from buildings to their deaths, both of which are shown. Mention is made of other characters "taking their own lives", usually to avoid questioning.
There are unborn kids in the cloning tanks on Kamino (hundreds of which get destroyed in one episode) and there are probably born babies at some point, as well.
The clone 99 is referred to as being part of a "bad batch" due to his small stature and misaligned body and is forced to do maintenance work instead of fight. However, most other clones treat him respectfully (with some exceptions) and he proves his bravery and usefulness.
Jar Jar Binks, an alien who seems a lot like a racist caricature of black/Caribbean people (broken English, portrayed as dim-witted, etc.), returns. The Neimodians also come back and carry the same Asian stereotypes they did before (shifty, slit eyes, robes, trade conflict). King Katunga has a different accent from Watto so he doesn't seem as much like an antisemitic stereotype but the other Toydarians could be viewed as such. Banking Clan is an antisemitic stereotype. While sympathetically-portrayed, two Latina women run drugs in one episode. Zirro, who is queer-coded, abducts a baby in the film adaptation. S4E14 has Asian caricatures. Some of the most violent and evil villains in the series (Riff Tamson and Pong Krell) are Black-coded aliens.
There are a variety of Star Wars-specific racial epithets, directed at fictional races, such as "clankers" for droids and "tail-heads" for Twi'Leks, among others. These are not offensive words to us but the way that they are delivered makes it clear they are intended to be to the recipients.
Throughout the series, many characters are sexually objectified. This includes Ahsoka Tano (an underage character), a child bride, female slaves, and female dancers.
Characters occasionally flirt and make suggestive comments. Frequently these exchanges are between two married characters, but there are also provocative posters shown and characters sometimes wear revealing outfits.
Characters are frequently injured and killed in graphic ways (falling from buildings, getting shot, being impaled by a variety of implements, being beheaded, etc), but no blood is shown.