When hundreds of videotapes showing torture, murder and dismemberment are found in an abandoned house, they reveal a serial killer's decade-long reign of terror and become the most disturbing collection of evidence homicide detectives have ever seen.
This movie contains 81 potentially triggering events.
If it counts, the killer leaves his traumabonded captive behind along with the tapes. When she's interviewed, she's traumatized and still believes that he loves her despite his cruelty. She later dies from suicide, leaving a note declaring her love for her 'master.'
No, but [SPOILER] a victim that survives is interviewed and says how the killer loved her and that he will come back for her and didn't mean to leave her. Soon after she kills herself (only talked about) and in her note she confesses her undying love for her "master"
Most of the killer's victims are female, with the intent explicitly being sexually predatory. Most of the SA is either discussed or heavily implied, but it's a definite theme. The victim that gets the most focus is one that's been held captive for years, having developed an intense traumabond that results in her ending her life (not shown). Her corpse is later removed from her grave, with the implication being that the killer took her corpse to further violate.
Yes! There is gaslighting!
Someone says they told a girl that she was being paranoid for feeling watched and followed. Another scene in which a little girl asks what "that" (a victim screaming) was, the serial killer tells the her he just left the TV on in the basement.
Corpse of child implied under body blanket for crime scene pictures. An 8 year old’s kidnapping is shown, and it explains that he raped and murdered her, but off camera.
While most of the killer's victims are adults, he kills a little girl in what was probably his first murder. We see the abduction where he knocks her unconscious and takes her to his car, but not anything after. It's shortly after mentioned she was raped as well as murdered. Later, there's a tense sequence where he invites two little girls who are selling Girl Scout cookies into his house, with the heavy implication that he plans on kidnapping and murdering them in his basement. However, they decide to leave before he can do anything. We can infer that while the killer mostly preys upon adult women, children aren't necessarily off the menu.
There is direct verbal confirmation of rape, including of children, throughout the movie. There are multiple scenes with naked corpses of women, and a few scenes of torture that are sexualized by the killer. To my memory, there was not any visuals of penetrative rape.
Someone is drugged with a cloth+chemical in a up close face shot. There is also a scene in which a victim is bonded crudely and sounds like she is having trouble breathing while she is sobbing. Another clip has a girl choking briefly
A man's head gets sewn up inside a woman's abdomen while she is still alive. The scene depicting this shows the killer trying to wake her up to reveal what he did while she was unconscious. We later see the desiccated corpses of the man and woman, the head still inside her body. There is also intensive talk of dismembering bodies post-mortem, complete with some brief visuals.
As well as post mortem dismemberment, both for disposal and for the amusement of the killer, there is a live victim who had a hand cut off at some point off screen. In the interview with her you see the arm with hand missing briefly.
Briefly, one of the victims, Cheryl Dempsey, who is played by Stacy Chbosky, is shown to have had one of her hands amputated, though Chbosky is not an amputee
The transitions between tape clips and "documentary" clips have a loud screech-like noise (similar to a Five Night's at Freddy's jumpscare noise) that is very jarring. There is also a lot of sudden yelling towards already upset women
To clarify the above comment; no nudity in the shower scene, just the sound of water and you see the shower curtain. It is from the view of the killer outside though, so if you're sensitive to scary stuff around the shower be prepared!
Discussed. It's mentioned that masks used to be banned because it was believed to be easier to dissociate yourself from your actions during them, which made criminals less inhibited. It is theorized as one reason why the killer likes to wear masks in the footage. He also forces poor Cheryl, his long-term captive, to wear a mask, possibly intentionally making her dissociate/depersonalize for similar reasons. This is supported by a scene where he uses her as a table, placing a hand mirror near her face so she is forced to stare at her reflection.
Several panic attacks throughout the movie, although they are all during torture clips and not ptsd/past trauma triggered, they are panicked about the current torture/kidnapping they are experiencing.
While PTSD is never mentioned, it's made clear that the various professionals working on the case are scarred by the grotesque and brutal nature of the killer's actions. An early scene has an interview with the person who had to watch the tapes in their entirety and is clearly affected by it (this is a commonly traumatizing thing for law enforcement who have to analyse CSEM, sexual abuse videos, violent footage, etc. as part of their job in real life). Shortly after, we get a classroom scene full of people interested in criminology, with the instructor guaranteeing that at least some of them will go home after the lecture to rethink their career path, indicating some of the people would realistically decide not to pursue criminal justice after being scarred by the details of the crimes.
The killer's captive also shows signs of traumabonding once she's returned home, as she genuinely believes the killer loves her, asks to be 'taken home,' (actually back into captivity), self harms in the hospital, and acts confused and distraught during an interview. She ultimately ends her life shortly after the interview, with her suicide note declaring her love for her 'master.'
Lots of shouting and screaming. An example early on is an odd fetish video of one of the victims where she's asked to blow up and bounce on a large balloon. The killer first asks her to pop it at a normal register, before loudly raising his voice when he repeats himself.
YES! The camera the serial killer uses has horrible quality that frequently changes colour and becomes wavy and static-y. There is also some flashing of images
It's not fully clear who was and who wasn't a virgin before their run-in with the killer, and it's never discussed. However, his presumed first kill was an eight-year-old girl, with dialogue confirming she was also raped. The movie generally has themes of sexual assault due to the killer's nature.
Technically. The killer's torture is sexualized with BDSM undertones, especially in his treatment of poor Cheryl. In particular, he forces her to call him her 'master,' renames her 'slave,' keeps her in a mask and fetishwear, uses her as furniture, and makes her recite mantras about how she exists only to serve him. It's very much not safe, sane, or consensual for obvious reasons, and not indicative of regular BDSM practices, but the themes are still there.
The movie ends with the killer never caught. Additionally, Cheryl dies from suicide after being rescued, as she is so intensely traumatized she believes that the killer loves her. Her corpse is shortly after taken from her grave, with the implication the killer took it out to desecrate. However, there's a bittersweet note in that the local police will keep an eye on cinema screenings of the film, as the killer is the sort of person to buy as many tickets as possible to relish in his crimes. So, it's entirely possible he was caught some time after the movie was over.