Yukako is obsessed with Koichi, to the point she stalks, kidnaps, tortures and threatens to starve and electrocute him. Koichi is saved by his friends. Only a few episodes later, Koichi is shown to forgive Yukako and the two are shown as friendly and possibly dating.
Dio’s father is seen to be very abusive to Dio. It’s also heavily implied that this abusive behavor also killed Dio’s mother, further fueling Dio’s hatred for humanity and his father.
Much of the Death 13 arc in Part 3 involves a character struggling to tell the truth while his peers think he has gone insane.
In Part 8, a character states the completely correct conclusion another character made may as well be a product of supposed hallucinations.
Part 2, episode 1: Smokey is assaulted by police officers.
Part 3, episode 20: a baby is made to eat its own feces.
Part 3, episodes 32/33: Polnareff is de-aged and hunted down by Alessi.
Part 4: Hayato is manipulated/threatened by Kira.
Part 5 episodes 1 and 13: Giorno and Fugo are both abused in their respective backstories.
The story of part 5 revolves around drug abuse. Giorno and Bucciarati share a common goal to overthrow the mafia to stop selling drugs and use it more as a Robin’s Hood way of helping those in need.
Iggy is a dog with basically a human internal monolog. During the search for Dio's mansion and Iggy's fight with Pet Shop, Iggy is shown to be scared, injured and sad several times.
Most notably in Part 3. The Tower of Grey stand resembles a Stag Beetle, the crusaders find DIO’s location using a photograph of a fly, and a character is seen eating live beetles.
in part 3 several adult women are attracted to a 17 year old character. there is also a pedophile orangutan, which sounds absurd. in part 5 an 18 year old makes inappropriate comments about a 15 year old.
In the beginning of part 4, a character's backstory involves raping and murdering many people, the rape is not shown onscreen, but may still be triggering
In part 5, a man is tied up, gagged, and forced to watch his partner get hacked into pieces. He later kills himself by swallowing the cloth he was gagged with
In Part 5, they treat Fugo's case, where he was either almost or fully sexually assaulted at the age of 13 by a teacher (and his consequent fighting back) with the seriousness it deserved.
in part 3 kakyoin cuts his arm with a pocket knife to write a note to himself due to a stand that attacks in dreams. in part 8 a girl has a backstory where she attempted suicide by slitting her wrists.
much of part 4 revolves around a serial killer with a hand fetish who keeps his victims' severed hands as trophies.
in part 6, multiple people get accidentally cut on their hands by a blade on a brooch, but the injuries heal quickly.
In Part 3, a character begins gasping for air after the oxygen begins being removed from a room. Multiple characters struggle to breath at different points while underwater.
characters at the end of part 1 and 2 are decapitated and fights with just their severed head. several other background characters also get decapitated.
a part two character wears a mask that restricts his breathing and occasionally temporarily suffocates him for training purposes. it's not shown on screen, but a part 3 character's backstory includes his sister getting choked to death. many characters are also choked during fight scenes.
in part 2, Joseph gets his right arm cut off, in part 4, Okuyasu gets his right arm cut off, the main villain also carries amputated hands with him, in part 5 there are multiple amputations that happen.
In part 5, a character is bound and forced to watch as his partner is dismembered into 36 pieces, he commits suicide by swallowing his cloth gag into his throat to suffocate, saving himself from further terror.
Within the first few episodes of part 4 (Diamond is Unbreakable), when delivering the backstory of a serial killer, genital mutilation is mentioned. Nothing graphic is shown, but it is described and implied onscreen.
It’s par for the course in Jojo. Specifically, in part 3 the character Mariah has every bone in her body broken after she is crushed between two cars. She lives, however.
The character Cioccolata has a reputation for torturing his victims, along with his partner Secco who records videos of the victims’ faces. The two are vaguely shown brutally torturing a gay couple early in part 5, and other grotesque examples of what Cioccolata does are listed. Also in part 5 is “the torture dance”, wherein main characters dance while another character’s retina is burned as his disembodied head is dangling from a fishing line by the eyelid. Despite how gross that sounds, it’s mainly played for comedy.
In the first couple of episodes of Part 3, the protagonist falls down the stairs after being attacked by an enemy. The protagonist uses his power to survive.
In part 3, a character’s eyes are scratched and he is temporarily blinded (not graphic). In part 5, a character’s head is dangled with a fishing line by the eyelid.
In part 4, Joseph finds a baby with the ability to turn invisible. He takes the baby in while trying to find her mother, but they never do. He “adopts” the baby but theres no mention of legal adoption processes. Also in part 4, Yukako kidnaps Koichi (they are both teenagers of roughly the same age.)
Characters get poisoned in Part 1, and there is some implied substance abuse in Part 5 (particularly by teenagers in the background of the story). Nobody ever overdoses on screen, however.
many backstories of main characters involve the death of family members. because the story revolves around one bloodline, many members of it do pass away.
In part 1, the main character’s father is killed. In part 4, a woman’s father (the main character’s grandfather) is killed. In part 5, multiple characters have backstories involving dead parents.
in part 3 there is an episode called “Justice Part 1” where a character named hol horse is forced to shove his hand into his own mouth and then he vomits. I had my friend skip over the scene for me but I know that there’s audio and possibly visuals.
In part 3 episode 19, there's an antagonist baby (with the intelligence of an adult) who soils himself and then another character mixes it into his food and has him eat it to punish him
there’s multiple instances of on screen poop. in part 3 there’s poop on screen during the death 13 arc and polnareff shits himself in a bathtub to escape someone (that sounds insane lmao) during that weird part where he’s a kid, a few times dog poop is shown, turtle poop is shown, and alligator poop is shown.
In Part 2, the New York city police are corrupt and racist. A character's grandfather in Part 4 is a cop, but is only part of the story for a very short time. One of the characters in Part 5 is an ex-cop; the police themselves are repeatedly portrayed as openly corrupt.
There is a character who is known by a different name than he had a t birth, but other than the name being mentioned when he was introduced everyone calls him by his chosen name.
implied drug use via needles happens in pt5; it isn’t actually shown, but it’s heavily implied. Also in pt 5, a character gets needles spawned in his mouth
Yeah, in part 5, a character's backstory is meant to put a truly evil light on them, as they were a doctor that did things like put light doses of gas on people so they wake up during surgery, but it's censored.
Most of the time.
in part 8 an antagonist has the power to give cancer to people that touch an specific something, it's explicitely mentioned as cancer and it's fast and a bit gorey
In the Death 13 episodes Part 1 and 2 Noriaki Kakyoin and seen in a dream taking out a pocket knife. He is seen on screen cutting into his arm and the scars can be seen multiple times. Towards the end of Death 13 part 2 it disappears.
Ep 6 of Part 6 has a suicidal character whose ability is that the injuries from his suicide attempts are reflected on to someone else. The main villain of Part 5 has "split personality disorder" and both personalities are sadistic murderers.
in pt 6 there’s a minor character who tries to kill himself several times. there is also another pt 6 character who tries to shoot himself but there are no bullets in the gun.
Vanilla Ice decapitates himself, but is immediately brought back to life by Dio. Other characters willingly sacrifice themselves for others, if that counts.
there is an incredibly large amount of curse words/obscene insults throughout the show. there are also several gestures, most notably in part 6 when a character lists different variations of the middle finger.
An orangutan watching a girl in the shower, Joseph spying on Lisa Lisa while she's taking a bath, Hayato spying on Kira and even taking pictures, the list goes on.
Although there is no explicit antisemitism, the nazis in Part 2 are handled very poorly which viewers should be aware of. The anime adaptation doesn't include swastikas/iron crosses and refers to them as "German Soldiers", however the character Stroheim still regularly throws up the nazi salute. He also receives a touching sendoff, gets more screentime and fight scenes than some main characters do, and is well loved by the fanbase. The villains regularly murder nazis which is very sexy of them though.
In part 5, the main character remarks on a prisoners abnornally tall and large, fat body wondering how he even got into the prison cell in the first place.
At the end of part 2 and in certain parts of 3, Joseph is shown being racist towards Japanese people. In part 6, there are scenes involving the KKK wherein they beat and hang a man of mixed race. He survives, however.
In Part 4, Josuke is the result of an affair. His mother was 20 and his father was 62 at the time. In Part 7, a 14-year old girl is married to a man in his 50s, but he has exclusively platonic feelings towards her and only chose to marry her to save her from being sold off and assaulted.
A character in Stone Ocean is a priest and he is shown discussing Heaven and how to get there with another character. The idea of learning how to go to Heaven is his main motivation.
one of the characters(pretty much omnipotent)sent someone to hell, altough hell was not depicted onscreen,also there are a lot of christian references to heaven and hell throughout parts 6 and 7
Part 3 shows the penises of two babies, the cleavage of a woman, and the butt of a young girl (briefly). In the comic of part 5, a teenage girl’s areola is shown in one panel, but not in the anime. In part 6 there is a naked man’s butt shown as he showers, and the main character strips to be searched before going into prison (though only the top of her breasts and part of her butt are shown). Many characters dress somewhat immodestly but its not too bad.
in the animated parts, there are no real sex scenes. in the not yet animated ones (7 and 8) there are a couple implied sex scenes but no one explicitly loses their v-card.
an old character in part 4 is referred to as senile several times, as he has trouble hearing and sometimes gets confused/misinterprets instructions. however, it is minor and he does not have a diagnosis.
Ep 11 of Vento Aureo shows Narancia's backstory which involves him becoming homeless after his mother's death, there are some shots of him sleeping in alleyways and eating food from bins