Starting over isn’t easy, especially for small-town guy John Nolan who, after a life-altering incident, is pursuing his dream of being an LAPD officer. As the force’s oldest rookie, he’s met with skepticism from some higher-ups who see him as just a walking midlife crisis.
This tv show contains 53 potentially triggering events.
A little girl, Anna, has her parents murdered in her home while she is locked in the closet. The father dies and the mother does soon after while in the hospital.
[ S01E12 ] Nolan is stalked by a woman he rescues from a car accident. She is unhinged, as she is grieving the loss of her husband in combat, and tries to kill herself via OD in Nolan's bed. [ S02E09 ] One of the tv stars is stalked by a staffer.
A couple has a history of domestic disturbances and the wife is abusive but the aggressor is assumed to be the husband because of his gender and large size, plus his denial of the abuse he is experiencing. The wife violently murders her husband. This whole storyline could be extremely triggering.
a young boy is the victim of verbal abuse from his mother and when she turns up murdered they think it was her ex but it turns out her son did it because she sent her ex away and the son liked him
A woman is seen drunk and stumbling to get into her car, then she is arrested for attempted DUI. She’s drunk for most of the episode but reveals towards the end that she was only drinking to cope with some very bad/stressful news.
S2E06, detective Harper sees a dog eating a corpse and the dog chases her. I don't know exactly what happens cause I didn't watch the entire thing, but it was a brief scene. If you want to skip this scene, stop watching when Harper answers a phone call. Later on the same episode, Harper is waiting for backup and uses pepper spray on the dog. It gets scared and runs away for a moment, and Harper closes the door, trapping the dog inside the building.
There is a gnarly animal head in the beginning when Nolan is looking through the trash. It’s only shown briefly and it’s mentioned to be a goat. I thought it was some kind of fish head at first and when I learned it was goat it was a little more upsetting.
No but at the very end you hear a very muffled conversation where a (most likely metaphorical) dead cat mentioned. I probably would have missed it if there were no subtitles
The main character sees a man spiking a woman’s drink (the implications of this are obvious) at a party and detains him, thus preventing the sexual assault.
No, but a detective is shot and another officer has to cauterize the wound. I don’t know how much they show because I skipped it but it the cauterization scene only lasted a few seconds.
A man stabs himself in the thigh repeatedly and the screwdriver is kind of shown up close at one point. The visuals and sound effects made me a bit nauseous, but I’m very squeamish about things like that.
No but someone is beaten nearly to death with a baseball bat offscreen and their head and face are extremely bloody. Later in the episode a bounty hunter is found after being attacked and he has a head injury.
A man hangs himself in an industrial warehouse at around the 38/39 minute mark in s2e2. You don't see anything above the ankles- shown bellow a large machine I belive-after it happens. You do see the wire cable he uses pull tight against the roof support, though. The camera pans back to his feet again a little later
A peep crashes his car and becomes unconscious. It’s possible he is faking it because he uses the fact that the officer thinks that he’s unconscious to attack her when she isn’t paying attention.
A man jumps off of the roof of a 1 story building offscreen to escape police and is found with an injured and probably broken leg/ankle. I’m squeamish about broken bones and this didn’t bother me because his leg is just at a slightly off angle and it’s only shown briefly.
At the start of the first episode of the second season, we see a couple of police cars escorting an ambulance carrying Tim Bradford. After a few moments they show us inside of the ambulance, where they're giving Officer Bradford emergency care, and he then starts to seize as he goes into anaphylaxic shock. The camera cuts away after a second, though.
No but the burnt body of a man who had distinctive gold teeth is identified by them and his body is in a pretty grisly state. It seemed worth mentioning because the teeth are emphasized.
No but a man is shown with old scarring and missing fingers on his hand. When he’s asked what happened he says something about a lawn mower, but later it turns out that he builds bombs and presumably lost his fingers due to an explosion.
The main character is attacked with a wooden bat and is briefly unconscious. He comes to being dragged down a few steps that are in his home but that’s it.
No gore really (except some mutilated eyes shown in a picture) but copious amounts of blood and the blood is basically gushing from the primary man who is infected.
A man and his daughter who he is picking up from preschool are essentially kidnapped by an escaped inmate. The inmate holds the toddler hostage in the trunk with a gun while the father is supposed to get them through a roadblock
i don’t want to spoil it but one of the black actors decided they didn’t want to continue portraying a police officer in a world where the two are at odds so they had their character killed off and the others have to watch it in a security camera video. it’s not gory at all but definitely is really sad to see
A very young child picks up a gun that’s been dropped and accidentally shoots his mother who ends up dying during surgery later in the episode. I skipped this scene because I knew it would be too disturbing and heartbreaking.
A man is found with sex workers and is arrested on an unrelated charge. When he’s being booked the officer mentions the dreaded call to the perp’s wife, and the perp confirms he’s married but says that his wife is the least of his worries.
No, but an officer is having a dream in the beginning of the episode where she keeps seeing a very creepy guy wearing a gas mask. Her training officer does not see the man but she does so she follows him into the woods. When she catches up to him she tells him to remove the mask and as he does, light starts beaming out of his face and she quickly wakes up to fellow officers taking pictures of her while she was napping on shift. This scene was very creepy and I was expecting a jumpscare but there wasn’t one. This strange guy in the mask isn’t a ghost per se but it was weird enough that I decided to put it here.
An officer is in a perp’s house and the man seems to pop up out of nowhere with his shotgun multiple times. These aren’t severe jumpscares but they could startle someone a little bit.
A goofy looking man (big novelty sunglasses and a shirt that says “HI” in tape letters) uses counterfeit money at a convenience store and is referred to as a clown but he’s not actually.
A woman stabs her husband repeatedly with some sort of blade but the attack is pretty frenzied so I couldn’t identify it. A perp holds a woman hostage with a knife and threatens to slit her throat but she is rescued.
as a heads up i’m very sensitive to anything regarding illness so here is a run down on everything. planning to update as i finish each season S1: unknown episode: v* is shown being mopped up in the drunk tank. it is mentioned in the episode before hand. lasts onscreen only briefly and looks like cheerios at worst unknown episode: officer is sprayed by a skunk by surprise, gagging sounds by coworkers were not triggering for me, however after being sprayed it lasts the rest of the episode. SAFE Episode 11: skip from 9:05 till 9:30 to avoid gagging and onscreen v*. protester in green shirt gets sick on West after choking on a key Episode 20: not v* however a man in a room coughs blood onto an officer (after 17:50 and chens dialogue, coughing begins befor clip visual) and then later his mouth begins to produce blood. He starts shaking violently but doesn’t actually get sick. this whole episode is sensitive every other episode in S1 is safe S2 Episode 1 - Nolan v* offscreen after visual of burnt body and Grey says not on the crime scene (18:50) resume at 19:00. Audio only and quiet not too violent Episode 7 - after Harper takes the suspect from Chen, Chen v*, audio and visual. skip from 36:20- 36:35. brief but visual. Episode 8 SAFE - suspect of a DUI but nothing happens Episode 9 SAFE- drunk tank referenced Episode 14 SAFE - character approaches groaning and is assumed to have been drinking, instead he suffered a head injury. this triggered me. the next scene a character in a dim hallway runs in frantic saying “im gonna ___” - nothing happens. Rest of episodes should be safe S3 Episode 1 - 23:19 after smelling a bag of chips. not visible and barely audio. lasts a second. she then says can we take a rain check and turns around. captions say r*tching but it didn’t sound like anything at all. was not triggering. Same character around 29:30 finds a bag and grabs money, she gags and v* off screen. no visual. audio sounds like coughing Episode 2 - people leave a meth house coughing and a cop coughs and v* on screen visual and audio. Not graphic at all for someone who is extremely sensitive. AFter nolan leaves the meth house the cops replace the door and a man puts his face to the window and something comes out of his mouth. it was abrupt but short. idk fs what happened bc i looked away but it doesnt last long. Episode 10 SAFE - 0:0:11 jackson says still feel like p* nothing happens Episode 14 SAFE - a man out side rattles the door of chens room. caption says he gets sick but nothing is shown and it isn’t relevant to the plot. this happens before the intro
S4: E2 SAFE - officer thorsen sees a body and begins coughing due to a gas leak. nothing happens but later tim asks Nyla if he p*ked and she says yes. nothing happens nor is aftermath shown E5 SAFE from V* - the whole episode has people who foam at the mouth due to a new drug. specifically around 10:20- 11:00 nolan and nyla tackle a lady who is having a seizure. She begins foaming at the mouth. Nothing horrible but may be triggering. She stays on screen until 11 minutes. If seizures trigger you maybe avoid this episode. E7- 29:50, skip to 30 after being sprayed in the face nolan limps away. the room he is in is dark, the angle has beams that partially cover things but visual and audio is present. Almost as triggering as the protester one in season 1. E19- around 8:20 after simone gets out of the car and cuffs the guy after training, the trainer v* very suddenly. Visual and audio, skip to 8:30
SEASON 5 unknown episode(s) - V is mentioned multiple times but in a casual sense E12 - ~17:00, after duke takes the pills he begins to seize and foam at the mouth E16 - 22:10 tim finds a body with v* on face and floor. E20- intro is a shot of nolan and bailey is heard coughing in the bathroom after a long night. no visual and audio is not graphic at all(simply coughing and moaning in discomfort) skip to 1:55. Same episode, Lopez is interrogating a suspect, she chugs a soda and belches loudly. may be sensitive but no v*
S6: E3- 11 minute mark, i skipped from 10:46-12:00 because of the other comments E4- SAFE: v* briefly shown on ground when lucy is near the dumpsters, looks like oatmeal and water not triggering at all E7: SAFE- around 20 minutes the lady being interrogated in the maroon jacket says she thinks she will be sick. SHE DOESNT.
SEASON 7: E1: 21:29-21:49. ONLY AUDIO OF ACTIVE V*, visual of v* on the dead man’s face and ground after he falls out of the car. after chen pulls into the alley way, you’re safe for sure before until after chen yells to the driver, at 21:12 Chen and the new rookie approach the vehicle were a man is dead w v* around his mouth. at 21:29 they open the door to the car, the man falls out and v* falls on the ground so look away, but for the rookie there is plenty of warning to turn the volume down. In my opinion it was not triggering. but you’re completely safe at 21:49 E1: SAME EPISODE. the new rookie talks about an experience he had about still being able to taste the V*. Only a story he doesn’t get sick and doesn’t mention it but i thought i’d include it E4: SAFE, in the very beginning recap of ep 1, nothing shown E8: Right after the kids get dropped off in the beginning subtitles say audio of getting sick. no visual at all!
nyla is called to a scene where a maintenance man called 911 about smelling something rancid inside a building and she discovers a dead man who’s being eaten by a dog
Towards the end of the episode there are multiple instances of people suffering head trauma. One of the situations is a serial killer brutally smashing an officer’s head into a concrete wall and there are pretty graphic and disturbing sound effects.
It’s a cop show, the whole thing is copaganda. Police force is shown as mostly good with a few “bad eggs” but even then one of the main characters is viewed as good while showing clear signs of racism.
A man in the middle of a mental health crisis is shown standing on top of a car and smashing the windshield with a bat. He’s behaving extremely erratically and doesn’t seem to have any plans on hurting anyone but his recklessness and disconnection to reality could have lead to him hurting someone.
A mentally ill man who assaulted (broke the arm of) his therapist is said to have only been violent because he was in a “dissociative episode” but no other details are mentioned. DID isn’t mentioned or alluded to.
A man throws himself and an officer there to arrest him off some building scaffolding and they fall onto the rescue cushion that the fire department had set up. The man knew the cushion was there and this didn’t seem like a suicide attempt.
I don’t know where else to put this, but there is a fender bender and the airbags in the car are deployed and there are the ringing/buzzing sort of sound effects to indicate that the characters in the car are experiencing temporary hearing loss. This happens very briefly.
Suicidal ideation is referenced because an officer said that he would rather kill himself than die of the deadly virus he was potentially exposed to. Him saying this actually happened in the prior episode but it’s brought up again.
A shaft in between walls that leads to a basement is shown and two officers end up going down it but the scene cuts before they actually enter the enclosed space.
Chen makes an offhand remark about starving herself to fit into a dress but it’s just hyperbole that she’s using because she’s anxious. She doesn’t end up going to the event where she would have worn the dress anyway.
Not diagnosed and it’s not brought up again but the main character is pretty traumatized by a murder he witnessed. He couldn’t save the victim and feels partially responsible. He has auditory flashbacks a few times.
john and bailey are on their honeymoon when someone is seen on their video footage watching them while they sleep. this happens at 13:42 and happens for about 8 seconds
A woman breaks into a clinic and steals the embryos belonging to her ex wife. She wants to destroy them to get revenge on her ex wife for cheating on her. She holds the vials up in the air and is threatening to smash them but an officer manages to talk her down. The ex wife is extremely distraught because she really wants to have a baby and she says that this is her last chance. No fetuses but I figured embryos were included here.
[ S01E09 ] Officer Chen helps deliver a baby while pinned down in an apartment building with a suspect's girlfriend. The mom is shown having contractions and sweating, and baby is shown covered in goop afterwards, but nothing about the birth is shown.
An officer is told by his colleague that he may have a learning “difference”/disability and he initially reacts angrily to this, but i don’t think it’s intentional ableism. He is very defensive and extremely private so that could have been a part of the reaction as well. He later acknowledges the difference in his learning style but it’s not mentioned as a disability or difference again.
The show is about cops... minorities are gonna get misrepresented. However, since it's a newer show, the misrepresentation is often addressed and dealt with.
No but a black rookie is sent into a convenience store under the illusion of getting snacks/taking a bathroom break but he encounters a perp that they’ve been looking for who is a neo-nazi and the 2 get into a fight. The nazi overpowers the cop several times and seems like he has every intention of killing him, but the cop eventually gets the upper hand. This scene made me really uncomfortable because his training officer knew that the nazi would be at the location and didn’t tell the rookie so he was taken by surprise and the training officer just stayed in the car the whole time. It was essentially retribution for him freezing up during a shootout in the previous episode and leaving her vulnerable. Again, this was hugely inappropriate to me because the training officer’s reckless and dangerous behavior isn’t mentioned again or treated as unacceptable. She basically sent a black person to be potentially murdered by a nazi.
No but an armed militia (all white) makes a citizens arrest of a completely innocent bystander purely because he’s a person of color. One of the militiamen makes a comment that the officers confronting them should “at least check his papers” implying that he’s undocumented because he’s a POC and a gardener
No but a naked man is chased down the street by the husband of the woman he was sleeping with. Nothing is shown but he’s charged with indecent exposure and he explains that he didn’t voluntarily run naked and that the man was chasing him with a golf club. The husband caught them in bed together.
No but one of the rookies freezes up during shootouts and he is made to feel like a failure because of it. It’s not because he’s a man but he’s treated with no sensitivity and it felt worth mentioning.
several scenes throughout the entire show of people being hospitalized. Unknown season and episode, a bald woman had went through chemo and Tim and Lucy talk to her followed up by an arrest. She is not shown in a hospital but she talks about knowing she’s going to die soon. There is also an episode where there is a virus that is going around.
The police are called for a wellness check for an old man who had previously had a stroke and left the hospital before being discharged. He turns out to be completely fine and he shows no sign of a stroke.
A man is in the hospital who was diagnosed with dementia and is there because he was attacked. It’s later revealed that the injuries were received while the woman he attempted to abduct fought him off and escaped, and that he is a serial killer. His dementia diagnosis is suspected to be the reason he went dormant for several years.
Grief drives a father to do cold blooded things but he’s not a black and white villain, so there isn’t really a satisfying ending. Overall this episode is quite dark but it doesn’t necessarily have a sad ending.
Season 1 Episode 5 (0:02:30 - 0:03:20) a young, unattended child falls into a pool. Found unresponsive. Saved, resuscitated and fully recovered during that time.
[ S01E20 ] This episode is pretty gory, the team is trying to stop a terror attack that involves spreading hemorrhagic fever. One victim dies bloody and multiple graphic photos are shown during a briefing as well.