Nearly a decade after occupation by an extraterrestrial force, the lives of a Chicago neighborhood on both sides of the conflict are explored. In a working-class Chicago neighborhood occupied by an alien force for nine years, increased surveillance and the restriction of civil rights have given rise to an authoritarian system -- and dissent among the populace.
This movie contains 14 potentially triggering events.
Dog is shown chained up and appears to be abandoned by owner, but she or he is not killed or injured. Movie doesn’t follow up on what happened to the dog.
One character has a horse kept underground. Horse is only shown in one quick scene. Movie doesn’t follow up on what happened to the horse after the owner/watcher leaves.
But they remove those implants and put them in rats. Rat seems to survive! But after I couldn't find a pet rat trigger warning I thought it would fit here.
Many people die by suicide. Characters plan to ingest cyanide pills if caught, and one is shown doing it. When a cell is discovered, all of its members kill themselves. The acts aren't shown, but the aftermath is: an empty window, a man who has cut his wrist in a bathtub, and someone who has walked into the ocean.