You’re able to abandon animals you’ve tamed. Common ways are making them sit & then leaving, or becoming separated by a large distance — usually from teleporting away or dying far from your respawn point while they’re with you.
This is avoidable, but is a pretty common mistake. You can go back and get them but that depends on being able to find your way back.
All animals are able to die and sometimes killing them provides food. However, there are ways of avoiding killing the animals:
1. Play on creative mode: in this mode, you won't get hungry and you have everything you need.
2. Don't eat meat. This is kind of hard, but not impossible: some plants are grown, and apples and potatoes are relatively easy to find.
3. Don't sleep. You need wool to make a bed, but you don't need to sleep in Minecraft, so you can just not sleep.
4. Shear a sheep instead of killing it.
5. Kill spiders instead of sheep to get wool. Spider silk can be made into wool, and the spiders are bad guys so you don't need to feel bad about killing them.
One optional way of "winning" is by slaying a dragon called the Ender Dragon, however, she's evil and quite dangerous, so you don't need to feel guilty.
If the player remains underwater for too long, has sand or gravel fall on them, or glitches in such a way that they are inside a solid block, they will start to suffocate.
It is extremely easy to accidentally bury oneself while mining, if you aren't careful. Practice safe mining and never dig straight up and you should be fine.
There is no hanging in Minecraft. The closest thing to it would be attaching lead to an entity and having it hang off of a fence but this does not harm them.
If the player falls from a height of 4 blocks or higher, there is a noise of a crack as the olayer takes damage. The sound could just be hitting the ground but could be triggering to some with a sensitivity to bones breaking.
Phantoms and Ghasts, both ghost-like beings, are in the game as enemies. You can avoid Phantoms by sleeping regularly (they'll only attack you if you haven't slept in at least 3 game days), and Ghasts from avoiding going to the Nether. You can also avoid both of them by playing in Creative mode, where they won't attack you.
Creepers walk behind the player and explode. Endermen will teleport unexpectedly and the Elder Guardian will cause a phantom image to appear in front of the player.
theres a honeycomb item and honeycomb block. the holes arent very detailed or small so it will most likely not be a bother unless you focus on it. though the buttons on command blocks could be triggering, but command blocks have to be specifically summoned and arent seen naturally in game or even in the creative mode block menu. i cant think of any other instances of this.
There's a poisoning effect called "Nausea". Despite its name, however, it only causes the screen to wobble and doesn't actually cause the player to vomit.
Some mobs will hunt and kill other mobs, presumably for food (wolves hunt rabbits, ocelots hunt chickens, etc). The player can also eat meat from mobs, including the flesh of apparently once-human zombies (though it will make you sick, so it’s a last-ditch effort).
Someone might make a map starring 9/11 stuff, or a recreation of New York City might have the World Trade Center, but no 9/11 stuff that isn’t player made.
Notch was banned from the dev team for being transphobic so avoid any videos about him if you can as they may bring this up
The only trans people or characters are bees, confirmed by a dev on twitter, and technically all mobs since they are all unisex, genderless and breedable with other members of that species
If you’re not careful, you may accidentally break the artifacts inside suspicious sand/gravel blocks. If you do so, a shattering sound is heard. To avoid this, look carefully at sand/gravel and don’t break any distinctly different-looking blocks. You can also destroy ancient buildings and monuments, and you may have to in some situations (though you can always rebuild them).
The End Poem involves some potentially triggering discussion of unreality. However, you can just not read the screen after defeating the Ender Dragon if this is a trigger.
Honestly only with consideration to the End Poem, which plays just before the credits. It addresses both the world of the game and the world of the player with dubiously dreamlike descriptions among other things.
The end itself is also intentionally disorienting, containing large expanses of void and distorted renditions of earlier background music. You may want to tread carefully with this part of the game.
A sound is made while eating but it doesn’t last very long and doesn’t sound remotely like real chewing. Also I think it can be toggled somewhere in settings but don’t quote me on that.
There are baby animals, but they just look like smaller versions of the adult animals. Villager children also exist, though they look more like children than babies. There are no fetuses in the game.
If you are playing Minecraft online, then other players may use homophobic slurs in the in-game chat. However, this can be avoided by only playing offline, or with people you trust.
If you are playing Minecraft online, then other players may use n-words in the in-game chat. However, this can be avoided by only playing offline, or with people you trust.
As with a lot of these categories, not unless you’re on multiplayer. It’s unlikely but there is a chance someone might say something nasty or wear an unflattering skin.
With Minecraft characters, everyone can breed with a member of the same species, so they can't really have sexual orientations. The only exception is the Ender Dragon, who's definitely female, and she can die but she's not stated to be LGBT.
not many examples, other than the villagers (mentioned by other ppl). only thing i can think of is that steve minecraft is black but often gets whitewashed in minecraft merchandise
Not explicitly, but as noted above, villagers can be interpreted as antisemitic caricatures, and the creator is notorious for harboring just about every form of bigotry under the sun; steer clear of Notch's Twitter account.
No nudity in the game itself, but there's a chance that users in multiplayer may use skins that resemble a naked person. (Unlikely to be realistic considering the pixellated nature of the game, though.)
Cars don't even exist in the game without mods. The closest thing to cars is minecarts, which can technically crash into each other, but it doesn't cause any damage.