Angela, a corporate climber, gets stuck working late on Christmas Eve and finds herself the target of an unhinged security guard. With no help in sight, the woman must overcome physical and psychological challenges to survive.
This movie contains 30 potentially triggering events.
At about 17 minutes til end, Angela is trapped by the dog in a car and stabs it in the neck with a tire iron to escape. Warn anyone sensitive to it as it does not die easily.
You could say that the dog is abused in that the guy sics his dog on the captive woman, ultimately leading to his death. He uses the dog in his abuse of the woman, and the dog is trained to exhibit more unreined aggressiveness than guard dog behaviour which I would consider animal abuse in itself.
The main woman is assaulted both by a co-worker and by her stalker. The coworker tries to forcibly kiss her, and the stalker films himself touching her breast, then lifting her skirt (he also changed her into a dress) while she is passed out. She smashes the TV playing the footage, so there's no telling if any more happened.
A co-worker who has a wife comes on to the main woman, and it's suggested that he has done it many times before with other women (though this is from the mouth of her stalker).
While the ending has a positive note to it, the permanent damage in the death of a man and of a dog hang heavy, not to mention the immense psychological damage that would follow.
When Thomas takes Angela on a ride in the car, he beats a man near death with a club, then rams him three times with the car. It is extremely graphic, first his head splits, then he’s eviscerated and ends up with his rib cage hanging outside of his body.