Up to player discretion. [SPOILERS] On the final day of the game, you are given the opportunity to say goodbye to all your friends and confidants but you can also just leave without saying goodbye. The Phantom Thieves see you off in the final cutscene anyway, but your other friends won’t.
A young girl is literally gaslighted by the government to have believed that she was responsible for her mother's death.
Several other characters lie throughout the plot. Even the protagonist is technically gas-lighting his parental guardian by claiming to not be involved with the Phantom Thieves, which he is.
A teacher is both mentioned and shows on screen physical and verbal abuse of his students. Additionally many characters have abusive parents that they talk about when you talk with them.
At the start of the game, the player character is drugged by police forces during his interrogation. Early on in the story, the player visits a back-alley doctor, and is able to purchase medicines from her to heal the party during dungeon-crawling segments, in return for being her test subject on an experimental new drug.
A major character talks about his alcoholic abusive father. A supporting character you can talk to is almost always seen very drunk and talks about abusing alcohol to relieve stress.
Some of the Shadows in Kaneshiro’s palace disguise themselves as guard dogs, but once you actually begin combat, they transform back into their monster forms.
A character who takes the form of a talking cat feeling sad is a minor plot point, although it is resolved fairly quickly. Shadows who are feline in appearance will also sometimes get sad when the player is bargaining with them. Neither instances are particularly emotional.
In a side quest there is a man who repeatedly abuses and kills alley cats. Additionally there is a scene where a main character cat tries to save another character who is in danger and ends up being harshly kicked against a wall. The cat survives but it could still be a pretty disturbing moment.
Also in Futaba’s confidant, she says that when she was In elementary school, she accidentally read her best friends diary and found out that her parents are making her dress in sexually provocative clothing, taking pictures of it and selling them for money. Futaba finds out this is still ongoing in the present and initiates a Mementos mission to stop them.
Mishima is beat up by his PE teacher purely because he’s not very good at volleyball. Throughout the entire first storyline, his face is constantly seen bruised and bandaged and he acts very depressed and apathetic. Also in the prologue when the protagonist is captured, one of the police officers beats the protagonist while he is restrained, clearly getting off on the power he has.
The main character is detained by the police - the frame narrative of the game is that he is being held and interrogated about the actions that lead to it. The Velvet Room (a supernatural location the main character visits in his dreams) is also depicted as a jail cell he is being held in, and the personas themselves also have some imagery of restraints/chains, especially during persona fusion
One of the game's mechanics involves fusing personas via using a guillotine. However no decapitation or any of its results are shown directly on screen.
Once you have reached a certain progression point in the game, you unlock a set of Gallows, where you can tribute one of your current Personas to power up another with higher stats, and a skill inherited from the sacrificed Persona.
Shido takes a dangerous experimental drug which temporarily shuts down all function in his body, essentially self-flatlining himself. He awakens effected by the change of heart triggered in him, but not by the drugs.
A main character broke his leg from the abuse of a teacher. Additionally at the start of the game if you initially refuse to sign a confession under your name a police officer stomps on your leg and it makes a snapping/crunching noise very reminiscent of breaking a leg.
At the beginning of the interrogation scene the protagonist is drugged and beaten up by police officials. In a palace there are "dungeons" of students going through different types of torture to symbolize how the teacher abuses those students in the real world.
There is violence throughout the game but quite minimal blood. The most notable scenes of gore are when characters unlock their persona powers - a mask appears in their face and they must rip it off, and it is seen to hurt and cause some blood.
There is also a scene where a character is shot in the head, blood is seen
[SPOILERS] At a certain point in the game, the main character will appear to have been shot in the head point-blank, and you can see blood running down his face as well as in a puddle under his head on the table. Near the end of the game, another teenager sacrifices himself to save the others, and while this is not seen, you can hear him being shot multiple times followed by a character confirming that she can no longer receive a signal from him.
Ann, a teenager who was almost sexually assaulted by a teacher, is objectified and utilized for fanservice throughout the game. She wears a dominatrix leather catsuit and does suggestive poses in it.
[SPOILERS] Akechi after defeating him, although what happened is obscured an only gunshots are heard. In the original release, he never appears again implying he died, however the Royal true ending implies he might still be alive
A couple antagonists and one playable character. There’s also a brief period of time where it seems like the protagonist is killed after being shot point blank in the head with a gun, but it’s revealed a few minutes later that this was a trick.
The past death of a mother is an integral plot point for two major characters. One of the antagonists who winds up being killed is the father of a main character.
Offscreen multiple major characters have deceased parents. On screen the father of a major character dies however he is very clearly depicted as a villain.
you can choose to do so as the main protagonist. this will have consequences come valentine's day in-game, particularly if you decide to date every available girl in the game. this consequence has no bearing on the plot, however.
Not in the sense of things attacking you out of nowhere (though random encounters may be startling if you don’t see them coming), but there is a particular cutscene after Okumura’s palace where a character is well one minute and then very abruptly begins dying, and there is a zoom on his face which has become very disturbing in appearance.
The main characters have "personas," which are effectively demons that represent their internal spirits manifested outside of their bodies to give them fighting powers. Especially in their introductory scenes of "awaking" their personas, this can seem a little bit like possession, though it is not exactly the case.
A main part of the mystery also includes "mental shutdowns," where people lose control of themselves and act erratically, which [SPOILER] is revealed to have been caused intentionally by a third party.
While there are examples of the police being corrupt (such as beating up and drugging the player character), their actions are not celebrated and are framed as immoral by the game itself
Not transgenders, but two cross dressers try at two different points in the game to force Ryuji to participate in cross dressing without his consent, even chasing him at one point. There is a supporting character who is a positive representation of a cross dresser who is treated respectfully and normally by the other characters, but that doesn’t excuse how these other two are depicted.
Kawakami collapses from exhaustion in her confidant storyline. She is seen recovering in hospital but is otherwise fine. In the Royal expanded version of the game, A woman is in a catatonic depression state after her family was murdered in front of her. While in the hospital, she has a PTSD attack when her boyfriend attempts to comfort her.
Not explicitly stated but Futaba is heavily autistic coded. She’s treated respectfully by the main characters although a major plot point is that a group of antagonists gaslight her into thinking she was the cause of her mother’s suicide, when in reality her mother didn’t commit suicide and was actually murdered to protect classified research.
It depends. A character is autistic-coded, and it is implied that she was verbally abused by men in black suits following her mother's death, and then neglected by an uncle of hers following her mother's death.
A major plot element involves travelling into an alternate dimension where the usual rules of reality don’t apply. The climax of the game has these two realities fuse and affect the real world. The bonus Royal storyline is entirely focused on the protagonist waking up one day to find the lives of his friends have all completely changed in a way that makes no sense, such as Futaba’s mother suddenly being alive and with her the whole time and Morganna being human, with no explanation and the other characters acting like this has always been the case when it hasn’t. Only the protagonist and one other character are aware of this for an extended period of time.
Anyone who the Phantom Thieves trigger a change of heart in have a, usually publicly televised, severe mental breakdown over the guilt of their crimes although it should be noted that these are all monstrous people who have done terrible things such as Rape, Murder, Exploitation of Minors etc.
the leg crunching noises that (can) happen in the beginning of the game, theres also lots of like. gorey noises?? heavy breathing also happens a number of times
When you first meet her, Futaba has PTSD of her mother’s death and suffers visual and auditory hallucinations of her mother and people screaming at her for her death. Maruki’s ex-girlfriend is hospitalised because of her severe PTSD after witnessing her whole family being murdered. She has a panic attack when Maruki accidentally triggers her PTSD while trying to calm her. Kasumi is repressing traumatic memories of her sister’s death because she is unable to deal with the weight of being partly responsible for her death.
A character listens in on the main characters through a bug without them realising and hacks into their group chats to read through their messages. They later on hack themselves into their group chats and directly contact them without being invited into it several times. It’s heavily implied that the black mask is watching the phantom thieves throughout the game. He even verbally stated himself that he was secretly investigating every person in Joker’s life to find the best opportunity to frame him. Also the ending implies that Joker is now on a government/police watch list and will likely be followed and monitored by them for a long time, which is further proven in the spinoff sequel Persona 5 Strikers.
If you choose the dialogue where you refuse to acknowledge that the game is a work of fiction, a voice will say you're not allowed to play the game and send you back to the main menu.
Nothing hateful is said about Gay people; but there is one scene of comic relief where two gay stereotypes pursue a straight character who is clearly upset by their advances. The re-release of the game "Persona 5 Royal" changes the scene to make these two characters more sympathetic, but still stereotypical.
Yusuke, who exhibits many behaviors suggesting he is autistic or at the very least autistic-coded, is often referred to and treated like he is just weird.
There are a pair of very minor characters that are stereotypes of gay men, including feminine speech, makeup and clothing (although it is not literally a dress). During their (fortunately brief) time on screen, they make unwanted advanced towards a male main character, and exist solely for the purpose of jokes at their expense and jokes trivializing male on male sexual assault. The undated re-release Persona 5: Royal makes them more sympathetic, but they remain very stereotypical.
not specifically stated outright, but two very minor characters appear who are very overt homophobic stereotypes. one main protagonist expresses slight disgust over the implications of these two.
Numerous Enemy Shadows and Ally Personas take the forms of religious figures and deities from various religions, including Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism etc. The ultimate persona the protagonist gets for one of the final bosses is heavily based on Satan.
It’s heavily implied that the final stage of any romantic side quest is the MC having sex with his girl (or inexplicably adult woman) of choice which could potentially be this considering the age of the characters
No Futaba isn’t! Sojiro is only an in loco parentis type guardian who is doing it as an INFORMAL favor from the protagonist’s parents. Please do not spread misinformation
Multiple supporting and background characters suffer a fictional “mental shutdown” illness that causes a person’s brain function to completely cease, causing black bile to leak from their face and killing them. This is not an airborne virus or disease but rather something intentionally triggered by corrupt high-up government and police officials via supernatural means.
There’s a scene where the principal is hit and killed by a truck while suffering a mental shutdown. The truck driver sees him at the last second, tries braking hard to stop the truck before hitting him causing the tyres to screech and repeatedly honking the horn to get him to move but still hits him.
In the Royal expanded version of the game, A high school girl is hit and killed by a car. The impact isn’t shown but her bloody corpse after the impact is. Also earlier in the game in both versions, a man has a mental shutdown as he is crossing the street and is hit and killed by a truck. Also in Mementos, you begin combat with monster enemies by ramming into them with your car.
A character is shot point-blank in the forehead with a pistol, and blood is seen pouring down their face and splattering onto a table. Other characters are killed by a fictional catastrophic illness which causes them to leak black bile from their face and die.
One main character has nuclear skills as her persona and when some are used a small explosion happen on an enemy. The main protagonist can use some of these powers as well.