Being cavemen, the Clan can't afford to care for malformed or mentally deficient tribe members. Babies with birth defects are killed soon after.
The antagonist, Broud, is staunchly ableist, and resents that Durc (Ayla's half-Cro Magnon, half-Neanderthal) son is allowed to live.
Mul-Gur (or Creg to his family), the disfigured shaman, was only spared because his father was the cheif, and muses on how the village bully would taunt him for his inability to hunt and laments that all the girls think he's hideous (except Ayla).
A character has his arm broken by a bear and another character has his spine broken. Ayla helps a rabbit with a broken leg. A story of a man who broke his arm is told.
The Clan never figured out how to make alcohol (but they figured out a few other mild recreational intoxicants; notably datura root infusions for the ladies' dance night when the men are at prayer).
There are no abortions depicted. However, there is mention of plants that can be used to intentionally cause miscarriages (some is even given to one person), which is the closest thing to abortion that the characters have.
No ghosts are shown, however "spirits" are mentioned quite a few times. These are simultaneously treated like spirit animals, gods, and the spirits of the dearly departed. A couple of spirits are briefly described, but they are made to sound like real animals.
Yes. The protagonist is described as being repeatedly raped by the antagonist, though the act isn't ever described in detail. Instead, it goes into detail of how the protagonist feels during and after this act.
There is a brief mention of how closely related is considered incest and a character very briefly considers making Ayla be Creb's (her adopted father) mate.
The story depicts the beginning of monogamy: Mated pairs in the hopes that if a man has a woman at home, he'll leave the other females alone. Mated females are generally not asked for a roll in the... mammoth pelts by anyone but her mate because it's disrespectful to him.
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