Not an innocent child by a parent. The main character abuses a female child in his class, and his parents try to harm him when he becomes malicious and dangerous.
The kid goes out to the barn late at night, then next scene we see barn lights flickering and hear the chickens clucking like crazy. The father goes out to check and finds them all brutally slaughtered. Skip from 26:53 - 28:00 to avoid.
Two different people in two different scenes, both after being horribly wounded. Some of the worst blood-bubbling-gurgling-breathing (you know what I mean) I've ever seen/heard in a movie.
A girl is ordered to reach out her hand to help the main character up. She does so reluctantly, and he crushes her hand. She is later shown in a cast. There are many other gruesome injuries throughout the film that involve the breaking of bones
Victims are killed brutally and are still alive for nearly a minute prior, visibly suffering. Mother is emotionally tortured at the end of the movie while hiding from her son.
At the climax of the movie, the main character grabs his mother and flies her up very high, then drops her. She is shown dramatically falling, but her landing or body are not shown.
*Spoiler* Brandon has superhuman strength, speed, and durability and he despises seemingly everyone. As such, he kills many people, some of which are shown very graphically
The parents discover lingerie photos in their sons bed, they have the "talk" with him. Also, there are a couple of scenes where its implied the parents are about to have sex.
Not only does he become evil, but they imply that there is a who "Justice League" of evil characters like him and society is for the most part unaware.
Numerous scenes of intense gore. The most gory are listed briefly here, but if you are sensitive to this, I would avoid reading these descriptions as well as avoiding the movie. First, a girl's hand is crushed in the main character's grip. Second, her mother has glass thrown in her face. A shard pierces her eyeball, and she pulls it out. Third, a man's car is dropped front-first into the ground and his jaw breaks off his face.