The true story of one of the worst man-made catastrophes in history: the catastrophic nuclear accident at Chernobyl. A tale of the brave men and women who sacrificed to save Europe from unimaginable disaster.
This tv show contains 71 potentially triggering events.
Skip from 26:50 to 32:10 and 43:30 to 49:20. Not only the shooting but before that the older men talk about how to do it. You have to hear animals suffering (they didn't play noise with the cow in the first scene). And it just gets worse and worse. Even muted it was tough.
The KGB are having various main characters followed and watched closely throughout the series. In the first episode, somebody is parked in a car outside a main character's house, watching his coming and going.
There is at least one scene per episode, frequently multiple scenes, where characters are depicted as drinking vodka. Given the circumstances, I dont blame them
Presumably if there were horses in the area, they were executed along with every other animal - wild or domesticated. There are no horse deaths, or even horses, on screen however. There is a deer or similar creature briefly shown as dead by radiation poisoning.
In episode 4, by far the most violent (thus far) involving animals, the soldier in charge of killing the irradiated animals before they spread, specifically says he will kill a fellow soldier who does not cleanly kill the animals and makes them suffer. It is still a terribly difficult scene to watch, but the reasoning behind it is not abuse.
Yes. In E4 there is a scene of a soldier trying to exterminate animals, and he runs into a group of dogs and puppies in one room, which are almost begging. He exits the room. Won't explain further.
All of the animals the soldiers are shown shooting are dogs, and those are all killed off-screen, except or one that is shown bleeding after it is shot once--the scene isn't gratuitous, and the dog later dies off-screen. While there are cats that are shown as alive and outside in some scenes, they are never shown being shot. There is a scene later on in the episode where the corpses of the area's animals, including cats, are dumped in a grave and buried in cement. I am phobic of cats dying, and I managed to sit through the scene.
There's a little green caterpillar in the last episode (Episode 5: "Vichnaya Pamyat"). It's not presented as scary at all, it just crawls on one of the actors and he remarks that it is beautiful.
Many characters are depicted with respirators, which frequently causes heavy breathing sounds. Multiple episodes but most frequently in episode 4.
The end of episode 2 and the beginning of episode 3 have 3 characters suffering from panicked breathing
Episode 5 has a character that has a heavy cough, and struggles to speak because of it. Its implied the character has lung cancer.
Not directly, and not intentional. It's simply the result of Acute Radiation Syndrome, which causes, among other terrible things, the decomposition of organs and soft tissue. This includes the skin, muscle and fat of a hand. The effects of this is shown, chest up and a few closeish shots of a hand and finger. This is in Episode 3 - Open wide, o' earth
Not deliberately, but people are sent into conditions that are known will result in significant pain or death, and the people going into these situations don’t always know it or the extent.
When they begin an attempt to suffocate the fire, a helicopter crashes and the people inside fall to their deaths that way. Their bodies are not depicted however.
I don't believe there's mutilation per se, but there is some gore. In episode 3 Ilana interviews workers who are sick with radiation poisoning in the hospital. One's body is quite difficult to see and includes shots of his eye looking very unhealthy due to radiation.
As of episode one, it is heavily implied any and all children playing in the fallout on the bridge in Pripyat will die. It is historically accurate that anyone on that bridge does receive a fatal does of radiation. In the hospital, a severely injured father begs a main character to take his baby away. The baby is not in the same makeup, although the same fate is implied.
-Episode 4- a baby dies off screen via radiation in a scene discussed between main characters of another main character who goes into labor in the same episode.
Yes. One in the show, at the very start. Skip it if you don't want to see it. One irl, but not in the show. Other firefighters/plantworkers suffer from radiation burns and eventually die.
A main character's husband dies slowly in the hospital. When he is buried, there are other widows standing alongside the grave whose spouses have also died.
Many other people are implied to lose family members given the amount of death.
A father visibly affected by the immediate radiation begs a character to take his baby away. A father dies in gruesome fashion, his baby still in utero and is told his wife is pregnant while perishing in hospital.
Unless you count managers / government officials that are more concerned about their image than radiation - no, there are no clowns.
If you do consider such people as clowns, then episode 1 and 2 have the clowns in charge, and episode 5 have the clowns on trial.
I wouldn't say Tryphobia specifically, but the radiation burn wounds literally burn the skin, so the way that the injured skin appears could trigger the same discomfort.
Episode 1: Right after the title, and the text saying its 2 years ago. Audio only, very short. After the woman comes out of the toilet it’s safe. After the guy (who’s afraid they’re being bombed) is told to “get Shashenok […] we need to get everyone out”, he runs up a flight of stairs. A man v*s as he passes him, it’s literally 2 secs, and audio only (or too dark to see it). A man asks where Viktor is. The other man says “still in the pump room”. He v*s right after that. There’s sound, there may have been visual? But it was super fast and again dark. It’s safe once the first man leaves him alone, and is calling for Viktor. One of the men who went to the core runs into the control room. He says he looked into the core. After Dyatlov asks if the man if he lowered the control rods, the man r*s but I don’t know if he actually v*s. There’s audio, and I covered the screen, so I don’t know if there was visual but it couldn’t have been very graphic. When he straightens up/when someone asks where Kurdyastev is, it’s safe. The men are refusing to believe the reactor has exploded. Dyatlov says that he’ll go to the vent roof, because you can see into reactor building 4, and he’ll see it with his own eyes. Right after that he v*. Audio, probably some visual. When another man says to the guards to get him a medic/hospital, it’s safe. The scene stays in the room after he’s gone, but they don’t show the v*. Episode 2: There are no scenes with the actual act of v*. At 55:10-55:19 during the montage of deserted places, they have a shot inside the hospital of what is obviously supposed to be v* in a bowl and a little on the wall. It’s not too graphic, but just in case you want to look away. Episode 3: Just after Lyudmilla thanks Vasily for showing her Moscow (in the scene where she describes what’s outside the window), the scene changes to Khomyuk walking in a corridor. While she’s walking a man is heard r* offscreen, but there’s no visual. It’s safe when she gets into Dyatlov’s room. Episode 4: While the men are coming in on buses, from 11:22-11:30 they see a man outside on the grass v*. Full visual but no sound. Also, not v* related but just as a warning, parts of this episode follows people whose job it was to kill animals left in the contaminated area and you do see wounded/dead dogs and cats. Episode 5: Safe.
Professor Khomyuk was arrested by the KGB after threatening to expose the hospital for allowing a pregnant girl to touch a patient dying from radiation. It shows the professor held in a jail cell
In a early hospital scene a man can be heard screaming in pain, upon entering the room we can see a nurse holding a syringe attempting to inoculate the man
Firstly I’d like to clarify that not every action that ends up hurting the person is self harm. To clarify, the “liqudators”, soldiers who volunteered, are sent to chernobyl reactor roof to clean up radioactive debris knowing that they’ll be dead in a week. Thisis not self harm, this is sacrifice. Know the difference
A frustrated character becomes angry on the phone and shouts/breaks the phone. It's pretty angry/aggressive, but you're meant to agree with his frustration. Nothing else close to a meltdown that I can recall.
There are times where characters are shown in dark spaces that are small, one scene spanned over two episodes is three men in dark tunnels that are flooded with water and their lighting is sporadic at best.
On occasion, mild "shakey cam" is used to place the viewer into the scene. These are usually scenes involving military clean-up or other first-person important interactions with the plant itself. (Initial reactions of some plant workers exploring, going to assess it, going to clean it up...)
A side character's baby is born very sick from radiation and lives only four hours. Nothing is shown on screen except for the mother in the hospital after with an empty crib.
It is briefly discussed during a confrontation after the trial in Episode 5 that the main character was involved in discriminating Jewish members of the academy (???) or some kind of institution. He seems to regret it.
A group of workers (keeping it vague for spoiler reasons) are fully naked in a protest about how their working conditions are too hot. Male front and back, for fully non sexual reasons
Even without the final episode, I can safely say this will not be a happy ending. As a historical event, you can look up the IMDB page and Google character names to see who died, how and when. I can safely say the survival of main characters will be non-existent to one or two.
Multiple radiation burn injuries portrayed, including full body radiation burns shown on screen. Vomiting of blood and portrayals of real-time radiation burns. Very graphic.
Almost half an episode 4 - The Happiness Of All Mankind, features soldiers carrying out orders to kill all abandoned pets. No animals are shot on screen, but gun shots are heard.
In addition, one of the older soldiers shares a war story in how he killed a person by shooting him in the stomach. It is not glorified, and it appears that the older soldier is remorseful of the event.
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