Coming-of-age drama about lovable rogues Conor and Jock as they navigate their awkward teenage years, hatching plans and adventures to help distract from their tough home lives and their inability to stay out of trouble at school.
This tv show contains 6 potentially triggering events.
At 25:30, a character goes home to his dad who is then shown being attacked by his dad, before being knocked over and choked, but not passing out, as another character comes into the house and pushed the dad off the son and confronts him. The son then packs his things and leaves with the other character.
At 20:40, 2 people are shown cutting the palm of their hands with a knife to draw blood, before smearing it over their hands and a hammer to imitate the blood of a duck they are pretending to kill
No, but in episode 5 of season 2, the antagonist (Dinny Malloy) has a reputation for this. He nearly does it to one of the main characters, but there's no blood or injury. Because this is a comedy series, this is all played for laughs.
In the opening sequence, a few drunk people are shown throwing up, and one person is shown passed out drunk after having thrown up
At 14:30, a horse vomits on another character - visual and audio
Though your mileage may vary here. In episode 5 of season 2, a character fakes his death. The blood is obviously fake, but some animal innards are used to make the scene look more "realistic" (though of course it looks even sillier).