The Floran race are heavily implied to eat other humanoid races. Not technically cannibalism, but a humanoid that's implied to eat other humanoids might bother some folk.
the Avians are the only race with an explicitly mentioned religon. said religon is heavily inspired by the Aztecs
there is also a major (yet generic) creator god who is part of the catalist of the games entire plot
the game has 4 different styles of ocean planets that all have realy deep oceans to the point that you have to spend at least 20 seconds sinking just to reach the botom
the 1.5 update added a PeaceKeeper questline were you go out and arrest criminal gangs
you can also find prisons that have been taken over by their inmates
the game features 4 diffrent types of ocean planets which contains masively deep oceans. also the third main story dungeon is a masive library that is located in an ocean
You can get buried in loose silt/sand, bones, piles of ash, gravel, slush, plus a few other types of blocks. Out of the hundreds of blocks in Starbound, only 13 are able to fall.
Avians perform ritualistic suicide by jumping off a high platform. They believe that one's soul escapes the body halfway through the jump and enters the afterlife. One can sometimes observe NPC Avians performing this behavior.
"Fantastic" racism is shared between races. For example, the froglike Hyotl race dislikes the primitive Florans. No racism between humans. In fact, they are friendly to all other races.
Guns, along with swords, axes, and hammers, are a weapon type in the game. Most of the guns are sci-fi fantasy guns and fire lasers as opposed to bullets. One can engage in a shootout with enemy or friendly NPC's.
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