5 children receive strange messages on their cell phones that lead them to a train that takes them to the "Digital World"; a strange world filled with bizarre creatures called "Digimon". These children have been sent there to stop an evil Digimon named Cherubimon from completely annihilating the planet of all its inhabitants. In order to accomplish this, the 5 children must locate their "spirits", which will evolve them into the Legendary Warrior Digimon. Unfortunately for them, Cherubimon has ordered his servants to stop the kids from finishing the mission; eventually the children will have to fight Cherubimon's forces in order to save the planet.
This tv show contains 2 potentially triggering events.
In episode 26, a character is given a magic apple that forces her to relive bad memories, and in the process takes on a sickly-looking appearance. It's a minor example with no lasting consequences, but it's still present
Tommy/Tomoki often cries in the first episodes of the season (though later outgrows it) and is often chastised by others, though more for being viewed as childish and irritating than something gender-specific
Not explicitly but several Digimon have demonic motifs, such as Cerberumon in episode 1 and Cherubimon across the entire series being inspired by a fallen angel.
Many of the major Digimon characters of this season are inspired/designed after entities from several different religions (Catholic, Greek, Shinto, Norse, Mesopotamian etc.) but mainly only reference religion in their appearances/attacks rather than in discussion
In episode 28, a character is lifted by the head and dangles in the air for a few brief scenes. Not a hanging, but similar imagery that might be uncomfortable to watch
In episode 15, Izumi/Zoe takes off her clothes and a Digimon peeps on her. As Fairymon/Kazemon, she has a move where she slams her butt onto the enemy. In a later episode she also has her butt touched.
The main plotline of episode 9 involves a main character being possessed and lashing out at the others in fear, though the conflict is resolved within the episode with no lasting effects.
There are a few moments, mainly in the latter half of the season.
-Episode 30 contains a scene where a character speaks to his dying grandmother before her passing.
-Episode 50 has a longer scene involving one of the main characters in a hospital operating room.
-There is a brief scene in episode 39 where most of the main cast has their injuries treated and bodies examined, and while it only lasts a few moments and the setting isn't quite a hospital it still may make some uncomfortable
While there is no actual incestous relationships, there is a joke where LordKnightmon is weird about Koji and Koichi's relationship, this is censored in the dub.
An episode shows Zoe in several swimsuits (one of them called Sexy Dinamite) and taking off her clothes though the camera cuts away before any body parts can be seen.