A character drama based on the 2001 Elmore Leonard short story "Fire in the Hole." Leonard's tale centers around U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens of Kentucky, a quiet but strong-willed official of the law. The tale covers his high-stakes job, as well as his strained relationships with his ex-wife and father.
This tv show contains 36 potentially triggering events.
A 30-year-old man (and registered sex offender) preys on a 14-year-old girl. He admits he's been stalking her, puts tape over her mouth, kidnaps her at gunpoint, and locks her in the trunk of his car. She's rescued before he can assault her further.
In season 2 episode 1, a man shoots a rat and swings it around by the tail, throwing it on Raylan's car. In season 3 episode 7, dead pigs are shown hanging and slit open with their entrails on a table.
Not Exactly ... S3/E10 - Sheriff Shelby says he was diagnosed with liver cancer 2mths prior, but it was later revealed that he was “lying”. However, leads you to believe different