A haunting ghost story set against the backdrop of a busy winter sales period in a department store, following the life of a cursed dress as it passes from person to person, with devastating consequences.
This movie contains 14 potentially triggering events.
A few potentially triggering scenes that don't quite rise to the level of sexual assault: Two women undress and sexually caress a mannequin (which is obviously still and unresponsive) while a man watches and masturbates. A man is playfully groped by his friends while being made to wear a dress at his bachelor party, and he seems mildly uncomfortable. A woman briefly spies on her son and his girlfriend having sex.
In a dream sequence, a woman looks at a clothing catalogue where all the photos are of herself, each one skinnier than the last, while the dress sizes get larger.
Maybe. There is a dream sequence that may reveal a woman's body dysmorphia: she looks at a clothing catalogue where all the photos are of herself, each one skinnier than the last, while the dress sizes get larger. This scene might be triggering for people with EDs. There are other scenes where the woman is clearly anxious about the number of her dress size and craves validation. However, we don't see any actual evidence of ED behaviours.