All Creatures Great and Small is a British television series, based on the books of the British veterinary surgeon Alf Wight, who wrote under the pseudonym James Herriot. Ninety episodes were aired over two three-year runs. The first run was based directly on Herriot's books; the second was filmed with original scripts.
This tv show contains 3 potentially triggering events.
No animal abuse is ever shown. Neglect is sometimes referenced. Any cases of neglect are resolved in the end. The closest thing to abuse was when a family refused to give their dog a bath for skin problems in 7x06 but the dog is later adopted by someone else who takes good care. Another dog who has been severely mistreated in the past is found and rescued sometime during or after 7x05 and all turns out well.
No humans are hit with cars, however Christopher Timothy was hit by a car off-set and is visibly injured. He has difficulty walking for half a season sometime in season 2 or 3.
No. They had a deal where the veterinarians on staff would treat certain conditions on the show at no cost to the owner. The cameras would film one shot of Christopher Timothy or whoever standing over an animal doing “surgery” then shoot a closeup shot of the veterinarian supervisor’s hands performing the actual procedure. One veterinarian took Chris Tim on his rounds for a week before they started filming, which is presumably how he learned to assist in calving, stitching, and other basic procedures.
A horse is shot in the pilot. It isn't seen, but it's known that the horse has a fatal condition and a bullet is heard to be fired offscreen to put it out of its misery.
Yes, the viewer learns Mr. Dalby has died in the beginning of 1x07 ‘Golden Lads and Girls’, leaving behind his wife and children. It is a central theme throughout the episode.
Yes, in the latter half of episode 5x12 James watches a man waste away in his bed from cancer while he treats the man’s dog. This may be especially triggering to those who have had loved ones die of cancer. Dogs and cats get cancer in the show, albeit infrequently.
No, an LGBT person does not die. The show takes place in the 1930s-50s and aired in 1978, so there is no mention of anyone being LGBTQ, nor is it implied.
S1E7 a car without passengers crashes to a hut. Later during the same episode (at around 35:00) a car crashes with passengers inside. The car is a bit damaged but the passengers are fine.