Secure within a desolate home as an unnatural threat terrorizes the world, a man has established a tenuous domestic order with his wife and son, but this will soon be put to test when a desperate young family arrives seeking refuge.
This movie contains 41 potentially triggering events.
Thanks for the warnings, I just switched it off! My heart sank when I saw the little doggy and I knew I probably wasn't going to continue with it. Why do they have to include animals??
No, but they constantly have to be on their toes about potentially being discovered by unfriendly people, the house being broken into etc. Anyone who knows they live there is a potential threat.
You don't see the dog's head, but you know, everything else, red fur.
If you want to skip, beware of the first night the red door was already open. Skip a few minutes.
Early on in the movie a painting is shown in which you can see an apocalyptic scene, including one person hanging from a gallows in the background, but it's really only a few black lines and not the centre of attention.
Yes and no. One character has a dream about another character's partner climbing on top of him and kissing him, so, although it isn't real, cheating is technically shown onscreen.
Characters are shown in showers/bathtubs, but in non-sexual context. No genitalia or b*****s are shown during these scenes, nor any provocative camera angles.
Time stamps:
11:01-11:12 - gross but quick, I was more startled than triggered
44:12 - the black substance drips from one person’s mouth into another’s, also wasn’t too triggering to me
1:08:50 - right after someone wakes up
1:23:41 - someone retches but doesn’t actually v*m
During a scene in which two characters are negotiating with each other (not heated), Travis appears to be either dissociating or beginning to have an anxiety attack. The scene ends before anything escalates for him.
In a later scene, travis appears to be dissociating for a few seconds.
Travis is shown have a mild panic attack throughout a scene where other characters are fighting in another room. There's muffled shouted heard during this. Once travis joins the others outside, the camera shows his perspective and gives the effect of severe dissociation.
[SPOILER] Travis has a very obvious panic attack (not shown for long) while Stanley is being put out of his misery. Stanley is shot, but this is not shown only the gunshot is heard.