When soldier Shaun Emery's conviction for a murder in Afghanistan is overturned due to flawed video evidence, he returns to life as a free man with his young daughter. But when damning CCTV footage from a night out in London comes to light, Shaun's life takes a shocking turn and he must soon fight for his freedom once again.
This tv show contains 21 potentially triggering events.
the pervasive use of deep fakes means it's frequently unclear whether what the viewer is watching actually happened, which might be difficult for those with unreality triggers.
a video of two people kissing then shortly after the man assaulting the woman and dragging her away is shown repeatedly throughout season 1. SPOILER: the assault didn't happen; the video is a deep fake.
It is questioned throughout S1 whether Shaun suffers from PTSD even though he is not diagnosed
He does have war flashbacks when exposed to flashing lights
When the lights go out in the house stop watching for 5 mins if you don't want to see.