A mysterious woman is perched between the harsh legacy of World War II and the hope of a new life in Australia. A sweeping romantic drama set in 1950s rural Australia following the lives of the Blighs, a wealthy and complicated pastoralist family, who lives in Inverness, NSW.
This tv show contains 9 potentially triggering events.
A main villain doesn't appear to be mentally ill at the start of the show, but slowly develops it and becomes more and more dangerous/violent throughout the series until she is institutionalized.
Not quite stalking, but it's implied that a main villain has always been obsessed with a main character and has been scheming to trick him into marrying her by any means necessary for many years
It is a recurring theme that a main character's abusive father would berate him for being weak/unmanly - including a flashback scene where he takes him to a brothel as a young teen and mocks him for refusing to have sex with a prostitute.
Anna miscarries early in her pregnancy after contemplating an abortion.
Olivia's baby dies and she is induced (season 2).
In a flashback scene in season 3 episode 2, Sarah is repeatedly kicked in the stomach by a N**i with the intent to make her miscarry, she is shown heavily bleeding.
In a flashback, a 12 year old boy is beaten by his father after he walks in on him with another man. Numerous mentions are made throughout the series of the father being abusive and a drunk.
Not quite sure if it counts as gaslighting, but it is a recurring tactic of the main villain to manipulate her husband into believing she is a victim of bullying by other members of his family, while she is actually the one terrorizing them.
Season 1, a pregnant woman is shown repeatedly abused by her boyfriend. She is eventually hurt to the extent that she breaks her back and is sent into early labor. She survives and goes back to him until he dies later in the story.
Season 2, Regina asks a man to physically rough her up so she can play the victim of domestic violence.
In season 3, towards the end Anna and Gino are arguing and struggling over a box containing her writing. She falls back and hits her head on the windowsill. She is not severely hurt.
Suicide of minor character not on screen.
Multiple attempted of a main character.
Mentioned frequently (is a major plotline from the first episode).
Minor character is found hang in his home ( a friend of the doctor) in season 1.
Another attempt at the end of season 2 (Rene).
One of the main characters is Jewish and survived a concentration camp. This and continuing prejudice and aggression are a major theme. Regina is particularly nasty.