A Philadelphia couple are in mourning after an unspeakable tragedy creates a rift in their marriage and opens the door for a mysterious force to enter their home.
This tv show contains 61 potentially triggering events.
Suggested multiple times that Leanne’s biological mother was emotionally and physically abusive. When they show the old VHS of the pageant, you can see Leanne’s mom yelling at her and handling her roughly in the background.
I’m saying yes… Things are very surreal. It’s not always clear if things are really happening, and if they are happening, it’s not clear whether it’s supernatural.
A religious cult called “The Church of the Lesser Saints” is a huge part of the plot throughout.
Also noting that the cult seems to be rooted in Christian doctrines. The cross iconography, prayers, and a bible are used. There’s also ceremonial daggers, cleansing rituals, a baptism, and ritual self-flagulation.
Additionally, the merit of religion/faith (in general) and the existence of God are also debated a few times between the atheist characters and religious characters.
Yes, multiple characters are mentally ill. Dorothy in particular is delusional with selective memory around traumatic events and paranoid fixations. Julian has PTSD and alcoholism. Sean is majorly depressed.
It is ambiguous and up for interpretation whether Leanne is mentally ill, but I have not completed season 4.
Lots of animals are killed and lots of dead animals are shown in the kitchen while they are being prepared as food. It is especially egregious in the first season but never completely stops. Animal body horror is used throughout. Lots of dead bugs as well.
SPOILER: in the first season it is revealed that a baby dies from neglect (left in a car), and it’s at least suggested that a baby is being harmed by a cult in season 2 episode 2. It’s only briefly described by a person who is under hypnosis and recalling what happened from another room in s2e2, but the description is rather shocking and disturbing if taken literally, however it could maybe have been figurative. There is nothing actually shown in that episode, but I don’t know about future episodes.
(“he takes the eyes and throws them away”).
Julian is an alcoholic, among other vices. (Mild spoilers) Julian’s recovery and sobriety after an overdose are a focus in Season 3. And he relapses hard in Season 4. (/spoilers)
A main character is a chef, and there are a lot of close-ups of preparing dead animals including rabbits, eels (live), lobster (live), geese, liver, crickets (live), probably others. I just skipped forward and was able to not see too much and it didn’t ruin my enjoyment of the show all that much.
Skinned and beheaded rabbits are seen in first episode but you don’t see them being killed. One of the main characters is a chef and he ordered them already processed for cooking.
spoiler to clarify previous comment. you don't see the baby burn it is just implied by showing how high the temperature is that day........................also you don't see it happen but a burned body is stored in the wall at the end of season 2 and is shown throughout s3
seems like every time Sean is preparing to cook an animal protein we watch/hear him rip the animal open and tear out the innards. it's so gross i usually look away but the audio is hyper realistic and also super gross
Dorothy has several minor anxiety attacks during the show. After the death of her baby she is in a catatonic state that is only shown once and only for a moment. It is however mentioned several times.
All main characters are suffering from severe to extreme levels of PTSD for the entirety of the show. One character’s PTSD causes psychosis and severe memory loss. This is the backdrop of the whole story and is central to the plot
(SPOILERS) Julian (30s) and Leanne (18) develop an off/on sexual relationship by the end of season 2. In S3 E1 they discuss concerns about the age gap.
Dorothy and Julian's father (the baby's grandfather) is dating a woman decades his junior. It is implied that age gap relationships are habitual for him.
During one scene in the attic there is nudity but not full frontal, leading to a sex scene shown from the waist up. Nipples etc are kept mostly in shadow.
Maybe mildly. Julian asks Sean multiple times if Leanne is attractive, and if he has seen her naked. Sean refuses to answer these questions, and nothing further happens.
A woman in her late teens has sex with a man in his 30s. Shown from the waist up. All is consensual but it is a choice made during a tense time and the man cries during part of it.