After the devastating events of Avengers: Infinity War, the universe is in ruins due to the efforts of the Mad Titan, Thanos. With the help of remaining allies, the Avengers must assemble once more in order to undo Thanos' actions and restore order to the universe once and for all, no matter what consequences may be in store.
This movie contains 51 potentially triggering events.
a character suffering trauma drinks heavily and puts on weight due to it. throughout the rest of the movie the alcoholism is treated as a joke and the character is made fun of for it multiple times.
Digitally created alien animals (like rats) are kicked and abused for fun. And an alien rat is even gagged... One might disagree with me, they seem to be attacking the humans first, then, they get kicked and gagged for it.
One man’s girlfriend who’s mind got messed up struggles to understand who he is, so when he approaches her, she knees him in the groin twice. Intended for comedy, can be viewed as triggering because of how sudden it is for some.
I'm not sure why there are so many people saying yes. I'm really sensitive to this happening, and it doesn't happen in Endgame. Maybe people are thinking of Infinity War?
Similar to the cliff scene in Avengers: Infinity War, there's another instance of a character falling to their death, with the death in question being important to the plot.
A main character, during the climatic battle, sacrifices himself to stop Thanos. He uses the infinity stones to destroy Thanos but the power of the stones mortally wounds him.
(Non-spoiler version) a character whose relationship with their young child is prominently featured dies at the end of the movie, and the funeral aftermath is shown.
during a scene tony stark is dressed as a guard and as he backs to a door, hulk bursts out, its purposely a jump scare with a loud surge of music and sound.
It's only briefly mentioned and played for laughs, but Scott/Ant-Man is turned into a child, baby, and an old man due to a mishap in time travel, and when he's returned to normal he comments that he wet himself. He's unsure if it was his baby self, older self, or current self who did it.
It's a strange situation, but two characters fight for the right to throw themselves off a cliff. A sacrifice of a soul is needed to get the Soul Stone so the two characters attempt to throw themself off to save the other. It's a self-sacrifice type of suicide attempt. One does eventually go over the edge and dies.
Around 54 minutes in Thor starts eating something and I'm wearing headphone and it made me super uncomfortable it could be different if you're watching it on a tv though
Most of the surviving Avengers have some signs of PTSD. They have depression, throw themselves into work, turn to alcohol and yelling at Noobmaster69, or otherwise demonstrate the mental harm Thanos caused them.
No explicit aphobia but the narrative seems like “having a spouse and kids is more important than found family” to me. It goes as far as Natasha self-sacrificing instead of Clint because he has a spouse and kids to go back to when The Snap is undone while she doesn’t. YMMV.
Thor getting smacked by Rocket over his anxiety attack probably qualifies more as ableist behavior but that happens. The God of Thunder is also sad over the death of his mother and his breakup with Jane Foster and cries over the former at one point IIRC, he isn't bullied for it but it's arguably played for laughs.
Hulk hits an alien several times even after it's dead with a car with it's bare hands. It's brutal. Also there is crashing aerial vehicles, spacecrafts and flying debris hitting humans/humanoid aliens everywhere.