The girl's doll gets stabbed and has its voice box ripped out. The girl watches it happen and is distraught, but she still carries the doll with her after this event.
At one point a young girl and her parent are held at gun point by a firing squad. They survive. Later there are characters with gun shot wounds, one of whom dies of these injuries.
Many anxious moments, with one full blown panic attack had by a young girl. She is immediately distracted and calmed down by a parent. This happens roughly halfway through the film. She does not struggle to breathe.
Almost the entire film takes place in a bunker. While this doesn't bother the characters (as there is a fair amount of space in the shelter) this may be upsetting for some viewers.
There is a moment where the driver doesn't see an obstacle and has to suddenly slam on the breaks. No one is harmed and they stop without hitting anything.