Alone, and targeted on an isolated farm, 12 year old Henry finds himself at the center of a maelstrom of terror, and a dark family legacy, when his secretive grandfather dies suddenly in the night.
This movie contains 5 potentially triggering events.
Doesn’t die on screen; it’s already dead and they show kind of the legs, when there’s 1h18-1h17 left. The man says it’s his dog and talks about it a bit. The description wasn’t particularly comfortable, but the scene is not graphic so it wasn’t too bad.
Later, more uncomfortably, someone picks up the ‘dogs body’ and throws it into a house to scare someone. There is one scene where that person steps over the dog that I believe they used a real dog laying down, but every other time it’s so obviously a fake dog that even I didn’t find it bothersome.
The grandfather, Jacob, has two medical episodes that appear to be either small strokes or early indications of a heart attack. No one observed these attacks and he does not seek medical attention, but they foreshadow what comes.
While not shown, there is audio of a video Dixon watches where what sounds like a young boy is pleading for something to stop. It’s unclear if this is footage of Dixon’s own activity or just a content type he enjoys. It’s brief and not returned to again.
While fleeing, Henry clips a doorframe with his face. He doesn’t injure his eye, but has a small cut underneath the eye for the duration of the film. It’s small, and does not bleed profusely as a head wound normally would.
No timestamp but I would say not quite halfway through.
The bad guy drinks a drugged soda meant for the main character.He has some hallucinations (nothing gory).Not long after he puts his fingers in his mouth.Audio clearly heard... probably visual as I turned my head as soon as I heard the audio.
Scene near the end as the bad guy meets his end.He has a lot of b* coming from his mouth and it was very triggering.
Later, more uncomfortably, someone picks up the ‘dogs body’ and throws it into a house to scare someone. There is one scene where that person steps over the dog that I believe they used a real dog laying down, but every other time it’s so obviously a fake dog that even I didn’t find it bothersome.