Nearly 20 years ago, Owen Strand was the lone survivor of his Manhattan firehouse on 9/11. In the wake of the attack, Owen had the unenviable task of rebuilding his station. After a similar tragedy happens to a firehouse in Austin, Owen, along with his troubled firefighter son, T.K., takes his progressive philosophies of life and firefighting down to Texas, where he helps them start anew. On the surface, Owen is all about big-city style and swagger, but underneath he struggles with a secret he hides from the world - one that could very well end his life.
This tv show contains 67 potentially triggering events.
There is storyline in episodes 8 and 9 about a woman who's boyfriend abuses her. She escapes, but he talks about finding her again in Episode 9. He dies before he can.
A schizophrenic character’s experiences are discredited when evidence shows that they may not have actually happened. The character quickly begins to distrust everything they know. You later find out the character did not imagine any of their story.
Season 3- a camera in a child’s bedroom is hacked, and a stranger talks to the child repeatedly. Eventually the voice tells her to set her house on fire, and then they kidnap her. They show the child in the vehicle when kidnapped, and the kidnapper yells at and hits the child.
One main character has past substance issues (opioids) and an OD in the pilot, they are in recovery and go to AA meetings for the remainder of the series so far (as of season 2 ep 10). There are also a few bit characters dealing with addiction, in particular a man who appears in a few episodes. In season 1 ep 10 he knocks out a paramedic and steals a medical van.
S3 E11 in the last minute a severed pig’s head is seen. It will be obvious when it is about to appear. It is referred to in the next episode briefly but not seen.
In season 1 episode 8 a bunch of rattle snakes get into a family home. There is a baby and a baby sitter inside--the baby is fine but the baby sitter is bitten.
2x02: A character is trapped in a small bus with swarms of scorpions surrounding her (not bugs)
3x06: An emergency includes a character having worms come out from her nostrils and mouth.
Two main characters eat drugged soup in S3E12. A main character is drugged repeatedly, including an overdose (his heart stops briefly but he is revived), in S4E4.
People become unconscious several times, sometimes due to being attacked. There are also comas (at least three from main characters off the top of my head).
Several characters that are technically supporting or featured characters but are important in the lives of the main characters (spoilers ahead: Tim in S2E2, Gwyn in S3E7, and Gabriel in S4E17)
Jackson Pace’s character suffers a spinal injury at the end of season four and has been in a wheelchair since, though it’s not clear whether the disability is permanent or temporary, as he has regained use of his arms since the accident
season 2 episode 4 the crew goes on a call about a wedding. at first there is a scene setting up the emergency as usual and everyone begins to v****t beginning with the groom. the scene lasts about 2 minutes i believe. then later when they return to the call it’s visible on the brides dress.
Main character was a first responder and speaks about his experience in earlier seasons.
S3e5: flashbacks to the event, including a plane flying towards the towers, being in the rubble and being unable to save another first responder.
Another building has collapsed in the episode which has triggered the flashbacks
A main protagonist is a cop. Cops are seen in a neutral or positive light most of the time. A character discusses the history of the Texas Rangers and says he doesn't wish to be a part of it.
No, but a trans character's sister calls him a nickname instead of his full name, which he believes (though it is not confirmed) is due to her not fully accepting him.
There are quite a few.
Season 1 ep 5 has a hospital scene where a main character (Michelle Blake) is hospitalized after the 126 ambulance is in a car crash.
Season 1 ep 8 has a hospital scene after a character is struck by lightning.
Season 1 ep 8 and ep 9 have hospital scenes after a main character (TK Strand) is shot and goes into a coma, and ep 9 also has one later on after Judd Ryder's father is hospitalized after being cut falling on a glass table.
Season 1 ep 10 has a hospital scene with Michelle and her sister Iris.
Season 2 ep 5 has a hospital scene where Grace visits her father in the hospital after an incident with his blood glucose.
Season 2 ep 8 has a hospital scene after several main characters are kidnapped.
Season 2 ep 9 is mostly set in a hospital after two main characters are in a car accident, including in one scene of a flashback.
Michelle (a main character in season 1) has a sister with Schizophrenia, who is seen in season 1 and season 4. She is medicated in season 4. There are also several instances of mental illness in one time characters, on 911 calls.
There is a scene where several characters jump through a glass window that is very high up, due to mercury poisoning. They are not in control of their actions, but it has the appearance of people committing suicide.
Kind of? A main character hits his head and falls unconscious resulting in a weird sitcom-like version of his life before the series. Established characters play his family members and random people
A racist woman refuses to be treated by the team because she does not want to be touched by people who are gay, transgender, Muslim, or Black. She also calls the cops on her Latino neighbors and makes racist comments about them.
There is a scene involving a MRI. Response team strips to their underwear to remove metal from their bodies so they can deal with it. Not nude but close
There’s a 911 call from someone who’s Domme goes into anaphylactic shock during their scene, the dispatcher engages in the scene in a non sexual manner to motivate the caller
In the first episode, a main character is diagnosed with cancer. They speak as if he may die ("will I make it to [event]", etc). He does not actually die. There is also a one time character who is terminally ill and resuscitated against her wishes.
There is also a main character's brother with Huntington's disease who commits assisted suicide.
Season 1 episode 10 a main character is shot, season 2 episode one someone steals a tank with intent to harm, season 3 a main character shoots someone to save an innocent person, season four a main character’s father is shot and killed and in another episode he almost shoots someone he believes killed his father
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