Jessica Day is an offbeat and adorable girl in her late 20s who, after a bad breakup, moves in with three single guys. Goofy, positive, vulnerable and honest to a fault, Jess has faith in people, even when she shouldn't. Although she's dorky and awkward, she's comfortable in her own skin. More prone to friendships with women, she's not used to hanging with the boys—especially at home.
This tv show contains 91 potentially triggering events.
S5Ep8, after Cece and Schmidt look at a warehouse venue, they walk down a street and talk about how they watched someone have a dog funeral. S5Ep9, when Reagan confronts Nick while he is laying in a pool full of ice, Nick babbles and mentions something about a dog dying. S5Ep14, when the owner of the bar accuses Nick and Schmidt of placing a fish in the vents, she describes how she accidentally hit and killed a dog with her car. S5Ep17, after Schmidt's friend goes up to a woman with floor length hair and compliments her vest, she says it's made of dog skin. S7Ep7, while Nick discusses his latest manuscript with his publisher, the publisher brings up the fact that many dogs died during Nick's childhood.
S1Ep13, two men spy on their ex. S2Ep14, a suspected murderer is stalked, and his property is searched by Nick. S3Ep18, Schmidt and 2 others follow Schmidt's girlfriend because they don't trust her. S5Ep12, for most of the episode, Schmidt makes Jess wear a helmet with a camera mounted on it so he can see everything she sees/does. S5Ep14 partially focuses on Jess stalking her ex despite him putting a restraining order on her. S5Ep19, Nick spends the whole episode texting his girlfriend from multiple burner phones and pretending to be other people on them so he can force her to text him back, though his girlfriend reveals at the end that she knew it was Nick. S6Ep8, while Winston has dinner with two other people at a restaurant, he secretly has Jess on a phone call so she can listen in on what the two other people talk about. S6Ep18, Schmidt's new assistant is very invasive, as he gathers personal info about the main characters, listens in on Schmidt's calls, and breaks into the apartment during the night. S6Ep19, Schmidt's new assistant gathers a bunch of info about Schmidt's neighbourhood then comes to his place at night to give it to him.
There are multiple mentions of Nick's ex-girlfriend Caroline physically, emotionally, and psychologically abusing him in the past. Nick forgives her, and gets back together with her near the end of Season 1, but soon breaks up with her before any abuse resumes. Throughout Season 4, Schmidt's girlfriend manipulates and uses him; he forgives her every time, and they break up on friendly terms. S5Ep9, Winston tells Schmidt to use a 'cop voice' to convince Cece to do something, so while Winston, Cece, and Schmidt sit in the sitting room together, Schmidt yells at Cece in a genuinely stern tone. Cece leaves the apartment upset, but comes back later to forgive Schmidt. S6Ep16, after Aly comes into a public bathroom, Winston jumps out and Aly kicks him several feet on instinct. S7Ep6, after Schmidt and Cece come to see Winston and Aly, Schmidt pulls Winston aside and tells him/has flashbacks about Cece yelling demeaning and antisemitic things at Schmidt due to hormones.
S3Ep6, a character discovers that the correspondences and advice he has been receiving from a celebrity his whole life were actually written by his mum and his best friend. S5Ep15 and S6Ep17, Rhonda constantly plays pranks on the characters; several of her pranks are based on tricking characters into believing something very serious has happened and then laughing as she reveals that none of it was true. S7Ep8, after moving out, two characters (and the audience) find out that they have been lied to for the whole season by their friend about needing to move out.
S4Ep13, when Schmidt is in his office, his boss comes in and takes one of his pills for stomach ulcers because she just wants any pill to take. S4Ep16, a group of women get high on acid, a plan that is mentioned a few times earlier in the episode. S5Ep12, while Schmidt's father talks to Schmidt, the father briefly discusses that he has been getting high on weed a lot throughout his life. S5Ep17, after Schmidt's friends show up in a van, two of them mention splitting a pill. S5Ep18 focuses on two characters getting/being high on cannabis. S5Ep21, Jess offers Xanax to Cece right after they are first shown in Jess' room, but she doesn't take any. S6Ep4, when Jess arrives at the school someone in a mascot costume hotboxes, and is seen acting high when the group drives away from the school. S6Ep7, due to being very injured, Robby is seen taking many prescribed pills throughout the episode, and mentions having to take 18 pills an hour. S6Ep11, when Jess and Reagan are shown sitting at a bar, they briefly discuss potential cocaine use, but they don't use it. S6Ep15, Jess and Nick get high from continuously sniffing strong glue for a large portion of the episode. S7Ep5, right after the group leaves Winston's and his partner's bedroom, his pregnant partner puts a cigarette in her mouth and Winston starts to light it, but it turns out they were just testing Jess. S7Ep7, Jess is high on weed for much of the episode.
S4Ep3 centres around a woman who is a recovering sex addict; she discusses this addiction and rehab throughout the episode. S5Ep12, while Schmidt's father talks to Schmidt, the father briefly discusses that he has been getting high on weed a lot throughout his life. S5Ep19, right after Aly and Winston talk to the police officer who saw them in the closet, the police officer briefly discusses his gambling addiction. S6Ep7, after Winston first sits next to Robby while he watches a parade on TV, Robby briefly discusses that he has to take 18 prescribed pills an hour and that it is guaranteed that he'll become addicted to them.
Since one of the main characters is a bartender, many scenes take place in the bar, where people often get drunk. Several times per season the main characters drink an excessive amount of alcohol together (particularly during the True American drinking game) and there are drunken antics. Additionally, in S5Ep11, when there is a flashback of Cece and Jess pulling a knife out of the wall of Cece's apartment and then putting it back in, a 12-year-old walks in and asks for alcohol. S7Ep1, a bunch of parents get wildly drunk and violent towards each other at a 3-year-old's birthday party. S7Ep8, during the drinking game True American, there is a flash forward of young children playing the same game and drinking from unidentifiable cans; the word beer is said as one child drinks, but the children are presumably drinking pop.
S3Ep8, there is a mention of a lizard being run over. S3Ep23, after Schmidt drops a ring in the ocean he describes an animal death that didn't happen, and when Winston talks about night fishing he mentions shooting fish with guns. S4Ep6, while the cop talks to Nick alone in his room, Nick discusses how he used to purposely kill animals with food that wasn't safe for them to eat. S4Ep9, near the beginning, Nick discusses a past girlfriend whose fish died while he took care of them. S4Ep19, when Schmidt's mother is shown the bar he's buying a share of, she says she saw a fish dying outside.
S2Ep13, someone plans to sell a horse to someone who will use the horse for a product, but doesn't in the end. S2Ep19, Schmidt tries to buy a fish he finds sexy, and when he gets it, he intends to flush it down a toilet, but doesn't and ends up accidentally flinging it across a beach. S4Ep2, right after the magician makes a joke about eggs, he picks up a rabbit so he can pull a hat out of it off camera. S4Ep12, after Winston's ceremony ends, the group gets up and has a chat, during which Ryan mentions that someone was arrested for b**st**l*t*. S6Ep3, while Nick discusses the book character based on Schmidt, he mentions that the character kicks around a puppy.
S3Ep10, while looking for animals, Nick finds a long dead fish; he carries it around and cooks it, and Jess gets very sick after eating it. S3Ep11, after the principal announces the merging of the classrooms, a teacher walks in holding a tray of dead frogs. S3Ep18, when Schmidt and the others walk around the car they hit, a dead bird is seen on the hood of the car. S4Ep20, while looking for a golfball in some plants, Jess says she sees a dead bird, which isn't shown.
S4E17 there is a spider in the apartment and they go on a hunt to find it. 16 minutes in Schmidt opens a drawer of spices and it's there. A minute later it's found on Schmidt's face.
Women and men are often objectified. On multiple occasions, Schmidt forcefully kisses his friend Nick on the mouth despite his protests. S2Ep11, Sam kisses Jess at the second Christmas party without her permission, and she is upset about it. S2Ep16, a woman grabs Winston's butt and talks sexually to him, which he is uncomfortable about. S2Ep19, Jess and Nick express interest in (and Jess tries to initiate) sex while Jess is high on painkillers, but they don't have sex. S2Ep21, Nick touches Jess' breasts several times unexpectedly, despite them not having a sexual relationship yet. S3Ep11, right after the old man dies, Schmidt unexpectedly kisses a woman in a relationship. S4Ep5, during a demonstration, Jess accidentally grabs Ryan's crotch twice. S4Ep6, when Cece shows up, Schmidt grabs her and kisses her unexpectedly. S4Ep11, while Schmidt talks alone with an old man in the airport lounge, the old man offers Schmidt money to let him have sex with Cece, but Schmidt declines. S4Ep22, while Schmidt tries to get Cece's box from a man, the man blows a rape whistle, though he isn't being sexually assaulted. S5Ep11, Nick deals with a flasher at the bar throughout the episode. S6Ep8, while Winston has dinner with Genevieve, she starts massaging Winston's thigh without permission; he is very uncomfortable about it as he has a girlfriend.
A few episodes Nick is seen with shaving cream on his face, not sure if he's actually seen shaving though. Another episode when Schmidt tries to climb through the roof of the bathroom a homeless man shaves Schmidts legs while he's stuck
S2Ep16, after Nick tells Sam about the kiss, Sam punches Nick in the throat and he struggles to breathe. S3Ep5, after Schmidt talks to a Rabbi, a man who just got hit by a car chokes on a big wad of gum and spits it out after the heimlich maneuver is performed on him. S3Ep9, after Nick says Schmidt isn't actually fine, there's a flashback and Schmidt starts to strangle himself with and chokes, though Nick stops him after a few seconds. S4Ep9, Schmidt gets mad at Nick and they strangle each other for a few seconds. S5Ep13, while Nick explains to Jess why he doesn't want to apologize to Sam, there is a flashback to Sam punching Nick in the throat and him struggling to breathe; later, when Nick says "beard" to Sam too many times, Sam punches Nick in the throat again.
No one is buried alive, but while talking to Nick about something that angers her, Jess makes a threat to bury another person alive; this threat is made in Season 7 either Episode 4, 5, or 6 (I apologize that I can't remember which of those three episodes it happened in).
S3Ep10, when Jess wakes up in the hospital, there is a brief mention of potential amputation. S7Ep1, throughout the episode, there are multiple discussions of how Jess' finger had been detached in an accident, and her bruised finger is seen in a splint.
No heads are squashed, but in S5Ep16, Jess gets her head stuck in a small helmet; she bangs her head in a door multiple times in frustration, and the helmet is removed off camera by placing a screwdriver on it which is hit hard by a hammer. S6Ep8, throughout the episode there are a few mentions of a fictional person being squished. In Season 7 either Episode 5, 6, 7 or 8 (I apologize that I can't remember which episode), while discussing the quality of living in the loft's building, Cece mentions to Jess that the building's elevator fell down into the basement and fell onto someone.
Winston attempts to kill someone’s cat and one of the ways he intends to kil the cat is to hang him. He doesn’t actually go through with it but a noose can be seen midway through the episode
It is mentioned throughout the series that Schmidt's penis gets broken, but you do not actually see the damage being done. It is mainly discussed in Season 1 episode 22, but it gets mentioned a few other times during the series.
S3Ep10, Nick and Jess are in the woods at night and they fall into a hole in the ground, and Nick cracks a few ribs; he is later seen in the hospital with bandaged ribs. S3Ep11, Winston plays basketball on a hill in a flashback, and injuries (presumably breaks) his leg. S3Ep19, a man comes into Schmidt's rental to look at a lamp, and breaks his arm offscreen when glass shatters; he is seen in a cast at a hearing. S4Ep12, after Nick and Coach find the cat food bowls, they mention that Winston broke his arm in the past wrapping presents. S5Ep1, Jess breaks both her legs and spends most of the episode in casts. S5Ep3, after Jess gets chosen for jury duty, the principal calls to tell Jess in detail that his hip is broken. S5Ep11, after Jess panics about not being able to find the binder in Cece's apartment, Jess says she's going to break her own arm, but she doesn't. S6Ep6, Robby's bones are broken multiple times throughout the episode. S6Ep7, no bones are broken, but Robby's leg is in a cast throughout the episode and hurts his broken leg a few times. S6Ep12, after Robbie and Jess start discussing Robbie's hospital bill, there are a series of flashbacks of him breaking his bones. S7Ep1, throughout the episode, there are multiple discussions of how Jess' finger was detached and Nick's shin bone was highly damaged in an off screen car accident. S7Ep7, there is no mention of bones being broken, but after the limo arrives at the hospital, Nick is shown with a cast and splint on his hand for the rest of the episode. S7Ep8, Nick has the same cast and splint on for the entire episode.
S3Ep11, while Schmidt shows trees in a flashback, an old man seizes up while having a heart attack. S3Ep12, during a presentation at work, an old man seizes up as he fakes a heart attack.
S3Ep16, right after Cece and Coach say they'll just be friends, they go in for a kiss and Coach accidentally bites Cece's tooth and breaks it, though the tooth damage itself is not shown. S6Ep6, while bench pressing, Robbie breaks his two front teeth (his mouth bleeds a lot when it happens), and his damaged teeth are shown throughout the remainder of the episode. S7Ep4, while Winston and Aly stand near a stage at the bar, Aly hands Winston a small red box; inside the box are cat teeth, and Coach walks over and eats one. Later, while someone talks onstage, Coach makes a comment about pieces of teeth being stuck in his teeth.
S5Ep15, there are multiple brief discussions about toe and finger mutilation throughout the episode. S6Ep20, Jess' dad drops a bowling bowl on his foot on-screen, there are mentions of one of his toes being bruised, and while he's lying in bed Jess clips his toenails and does it so short her dad yells in pain. S7Ep1, throughout the episode, Jess is seen with a splint on one of her bruised fingers, and there are multiple discussions of how her finger had been detached in an accident. S7Ep7, Nick's fingers are injured while fighting Russell, and after the limo arrives at the hospital, Nick is shown with a cast and splint on his hand for the rest of the episode. S7Ep8, Nick has the same cast and splint on for the entire episode.
Yes. It’s the episode where two of the main characters (i wont spoil who it is) are having an engagement party. Either during or before the party, Jess falls down a huge flight of stairs. She ends up with a many broken bones and has to be in a wheelchair.
No one falls to their death, but in S5Ep1, near the beginning of the episode while Jess and Cece are at the party venue, Jess falls down a very big flight of stairs and breaks both her legs. S6Ep26, Jess gets upset at someone, then mentions taking them to San Francisco and throwing them off the Golden Gate Bridge; it's only a threat and doesn't happen.
S3Ep10, while Nick cooks a fish, one of its eyeballs fall out. S4Ep10, while Cece keeps Jess down on the ground, Jess puts breast pumps over Cece's eyes to suck at them; in the next scene, red bruises are seen around Cece's eyes, and Jess has a black eye. S4Ep13, right after Jess discovers the students are working in a ditch, a wasp nest gets disturbed and wasps swarm everyone; for the remainder of the episode, Coach has a swollen and discolored eyelid from a wasp sting. S6Ep3, after Jess discusses Nick with Cece and Schmidt, Jess gets a text telling her someone got jabbed in the eye. S7Ep7, near the beginning of the episode, after Nick leaves the bathroom with the dog, Jess slips on the floor and lands on her face. It is mentioned that she scratched her cataract, she is seen in an eyepatch for the rest of the episode, and at the alter the eyepatch is removed to reveal severe bruising around her eye.
In a Rhonda prank a baby is posed as winston’s child when it is revealed as both not Winston’s and not Rhonda’s her cousin Dave admits he borrowed the baby from the hospital he works at, cece says that everyone ignores this too quickly and that Dave committed a felony, it is assumed the baby gets back safely 6:20 mark
S5Ep1, Nick thinks he has picked up Cece's mother from the airport, but really she is a stranger who doesn't speak English and doesn't understand why Nick won't let her leave the car; the woman is terrified, thinking that Nick has taken her with the intention of killing her. S5Ep18, after Winston confesses his feelings for someone and kisses her, the group is kidnapped by some friends for a party.
No one is possessed, but in the opening scene of S3Ep6, a character briefly pretends to be possessed by the ghost of someone who died in the apartment they are in.
I'm thankful for the comments, but they were scattered so I put them in order:
S1E16 3 minutes in. Someone throws lettuce at Schmidt, he vomits on screen
S1E18 toward end of episode, Nick says he needs to puke, but doesn't until another scene. He vomits in the grass
S2E1 12 minutes in Schmidt taking a test and vomits on screen
S2E5 Cece heaves multiples times
S2E12 at about 12:30 Sam throws up in the fire place, it's mentioned later
S2E20 around 15:40 Elvis impersonator dry heaves and later vomits off screen, only audible
S3E21 during flashback, Coach is crying in a tub and sticks his fingers in his mouth and gags, but doesn't throw up
S4E8 Coach wakes up after Jess tells Ryan she has feelings for him, Coach demands a bucket to throw up, but he doesn't
S4E15 Schmidt and Cece are sitting in a bathroom stall, Cece says she needs to throw up and leans over toilet, but the scene changes before she vomits
S5E21 around 13:05 Schmidt runs in closet saying he will throw up then foes to bathroom, he gags, but the commenter isn't sure if he throws up because they skipped the scene
S3Ep14, after Schmidt puts a lemon in his mouth, he spits out a spray of lemon juice. S5Ep12, after Winston goes into a house with Aly, a man runs over to the car Nick is in and runs his tongue all over the window, leaving it covered in spit. S5Ep13, people frequently sneeze and splatter things with snot/spit, and right after Nick begs Cece not to blow her nose since it's so gross, Cece blows her nose for a long time and it sounds a bit like a fart. S5Ep14, after Cece invents a new whisky cocktail, Schmidt drinks it and immediately spits it out. S7Ep7, right after Nick's publisher talks to Nick about his latest manuscript and then walks away, bird poop lands on Nick's shoulder; smeared remains of it are on his shoulder for the rest of the episode.
At some point in the show, one of the main character decides to become a cop. After that there are several cops in the show that are depicted as nice people.
There is no electro-therapy, but in S5Ep12, after Winston goes into a house with Aly, a man runs over to the car Nick is in and Winston uses a taser on him.
There are no needles or syringes used, but in S4Ep18, right after Paul Genzlinger gets partially dressed up as a clown, there is a scene in a bathroom during which Coach has a large toothpick sticking out of his leg.
S2Ep9, several scenes take place in a gynecologist office and examination room. Near the end of S2Ep11, the group hangs out in a hospital. S3Ep10, after Nick and Jess get out of a hole in the ground, the remainder of the episode takes place in a hospital. S3Ep11, there are several hospital scenes in flashbacks as Schmidt talks about his past in volunteering. S4Ep10, right after Jess puts the breast pumps over Cece's eyes, there is a hospital scene for a few minutes. S5Ep3, after Jess gets chosen for jury duty, the principal calls Jess and is shown to be in an ambulance. S6EP6, after Robbie is injured while bench pressing, Jess and Schmidt are shown sitting in an emergency room for a few minutes, and then Jess visits Robbie in his hospital bed. S6Ep12, after Robbie and Jess start discussing Robbie's hospital bill, there is a flashback to Robbie being in a hospital. S6Ep17, after Rhonda convinces Aly to help her with a prank, they play a prank in a hospital for a few minutes. S7Ep7, after the group leaves the loft and takes a limo, the rest of the episode takes place in a hospital.
S2Ep14, Schmidt enters the bathroom asking about his 'pogo' and puts a knife to his own skin for about a minute and threatens to cut a mole off, but doesn't. S3Ep1, right after Nick says he's going to shred his passport, Schmidt says he'll shred himself before he lets that happens, and puts his own hand and face near the slot of the paper shredder in threat of this, but he stops and isn't hurt. S3Ep3, while Jess and Nick are in a car together, both of them intentionally stick their fingers into a cigarette lighter to burn themselves. S5Ep11, after Jess panics about not being able to find the binder in Cece's apartment, Jess says she's going to break her own arm, but she doesn't. S5Ep18, after Aly tells Winston she's not single, Winston says he's going to try push his face through a grate, but he doesn't.
In the first minute of the show jess talks about her last time in New York and in her memories it shows a man dive onto the tracks as a train comes in the subway, jess is looking the other way so doesn’t look visibly distressed but people in the background do
S2Ep10, there is a plotline about anxiety attacks, and there are several on-screen anxiety attacks. S2Ep15, while Nick and Jess argue in a room during a drinking game, Nick mentions that he's panicking and then climbs out a window onto a ledge to get some air. S3Ep14, Jess panics and faints after Nick finds her at the party, then Nick does the same after he sees Prince. S3Ep23, when Coach volunteers for a demonstration, he has a panic attack for a few minutes. S5Ep5, after Schmidt and Bob are shown sitting on the couch together while Nick and Carol are in Nick's room, Schmidt and Bob run in to find Nick having a panic attack. S5Ep10, when Nick comes to Jess' room and finds both Jess and Reagan in there, he mentions he is "feeling anxiety" and his legs are tingly from it. S6Ep8, there are no anxiety attacks, but Winston practices an alter ego throughout the episode and sometimes it's like he has Dissociative Identity Disorder: at one point he asks Jess what she talked to his alter ego about as he wasn't aware during the conversation, and another time he does something as his alter ego that he doesn't remember afterwards. S6Ep11, at the beginning of the episode Nick frantically starts changing things in the apartment in preparation for his girlfriend coming, and Cece states that he's having an anxiety attack.
4:54 there’s a bit about a waitress’ husband who fell down stairs “but when he found out he had become a viral sensation…he killed himself” and jess responds “ugh I know how he feels”
There's an episode where Schmidt's worries a lot about gaining weight again and when he gets a scarf that is way too long he believes that this is how people see him
S2Ep10, Jess has a panic attack due to claustrophobia after she accidentally gets trapped in her closet; however, only the closet door from the outside is shown. S3Ep10, Nick and Jess are in the woods at night and they fall into a deep and narrow hole in the ground. S3Ep14, after a butterfly lands on Prince, he briefly locks Jess in a dark closet. S3Ep23, after the group locks themselves in their small cabin to talk, they can't open the door back up, and they're stuck in there for 3 days. S6Ep17, three people get trapped in a cellar over night.
S3Ep9, after Nick says Schmidt isn't actually fine, there's a flashback in which Schmidt starts to strangle himself with the intention of commiting suicide, though Nick stops him after a few seconds. S4Ep16, in the opening scene, Schmidt makes a comment about how someone may have committed suicide (they didn't). S6Ep4, Jess has a series of ~3 flashbacks as she recounts her last horrible visit to New York; the last flashback is of someone jumping onto train tracks as a train can be heard approaching. S6Ep19, Nick writes "k*** y*******" in a young girl's book (as a reference to something in the book) after she asks him what the book is about, then Nick briefly discusses this on the phone right after Jess hangs up on Cece. S6Ep21, after Jess and her dad go to a restaurant and place their order, Jess' dad briefly talks about how someone committed suicide.
S2Ep6, throughout the episode, there are multiple scenes in a haunted house wherein there are intense white strobe lights in dark rooms. S2Ep18, there are bright red, blue, and white lights flashing across the screen; this happens while Shivrang talks on a stage and then talks with Cece offstage. S3Ep22, when Nick is hanging out with 2 teens, he sets off a bundle of fireworks outside at night, which flash and flicker brightly for a few seconds. S5Ep18, after the group is taken from the loft and the bags are taken off their heads, there are bright multi-coloured beams of lights flashing across the screen for the remainder of the episode. S6Ep14, right after Robbie and Jess are shown walking along a trail at night, a lightning storm starts; in the rest of the scenes in the cave, there are occasional lightning flashes.
There are no miscarriages, but it's worth mentioning that in S3Ep20, immediately after Schmidt makes a comment about fertility to the new neighbour while holding a vase, the neighbour mentions that she used to be pregnant.
There is no on-screen childbirth, but in S4Ep10, after Jess gets mad at Schmidt for giving Cece her purse, there is a prolonged scene at a baby shower with a fairly far along pregnant woman. S5Ep7, in the opening scene, there is a brief discussion about someone having given birth in a kitchen; the birth apparently "didn't go well." Throughout Season 7, a major character is shown highly pregnant, and her bare stomach is shown multiple times in S7Ep1. S7Ep7, a major character goes into labour and has contractions throughout the episode, then she gives birth off-screen awhile after they arrive at the hospital.
There are no abortions, but it's worth mentioning that in S3Ep20, immediately after Schmidt makes a comment about fertility to the new neighbour while holding a vase, the neighbour mentions that she used to be pregnant.
S3Ep2, Nick calls himself the r slur. S3Ep21, in order to calm down from some mild stress, Nick steals some of Schmidt's anxiety pills and gets high on them. S4Ep3, right after Cece says that Jess' dad has bad luck with dating women, there is a mention and flashback of a woman pretending to be disabled.
S5Ep4, Nick and Schmidt walk into Jess' room and greet a person in a wig and one of Jess' dresses, who turns around and is someone who uses he/him pronouns. Nick and Schmidt don't make fun of the person, but the two of them are clearly struggling not to, and the music playing is a tune that usually plays during jokes.
Not specifically however season 6 episode 3 when a character tries to persuade another that they do want to be in a relationship despite them saying adamantly that they are happy single
There are countless offensive comments and jokes throughout the show on a variety of topics, including but not limited to race, weight, physical appearance, gender, and economic status.
Jess dates a man named Russell Schiller in the episodes “Fancyman part 1” and “Fancyman part 2,” and maybe for some time in later episodes as well. It is clear that Russell is much older than Jess, as he has gray hair and I believe children?
Jess also flirts with and kisses (offscreen) a man who is older than her. He is also one of her best friends fathers, which makes the situation even more uncomfortable.
In the scene where Nick is donating sperm to give to his cousin and his wife(i can’t remember her name) who are unable to have a baby, the situation gets strange and the last resort is for the wife to physically have sex with Nick. The time comes and Nick is clearly uncomfortable, but his cousins wife keeps yelling at him to take his pants off and get on with it. Eventually, Nick panics and leaves. He stands up for himself by saying something along the lines of “you guys are treating me like an object, and I will not stand for it!” Nick and his cousins wife do not end up having sex.
S5Ep5, Nick agrees to impregnate his cousin's wife (who Nick considers to also be his cousin), but doesn't do it in the end. S5Ep8, after Cece signs papers for a venue, she pretends that she and Schmidt (who are together) are cousins. S6Ep14, two characters who have been dating each other for awhile find out that they're third cousins, so they break up.
There is implied sex throughout the show, and characters talk regularly about it. There isn't anything shown on screen besides people laying next to each other in bed/kissing.
There is a character who lives on the streets outside of the roommates apartment. Many people call him “Outside Dave.” He is often shown to be dirty and sometimes acting a bit crazy. He is seen in multiple episodes throughout the show, but his appearances are never meant to be taken as a serious issue, they are all in a joking manner.
S2Ep11, there are multiple discussions about whether or not Santa is real; they ultimately decide he is. S4Ep11, right after Jess orders a drink at a bar in the airport, a man who Jess assumes is Santa grosses Jess out by proposing they have sex; after this, 'Santa' steals Jess' presents, and there are a few mentions of this throughout the remainder of the episode.
S2Ep17, Jess slowly uses her car to push Schmidt's car out of the way while he is inside it. S3Ep18, when Schmidt starts to drive Cece's car away, the car bumps into a parked car. S5Ep15, while test driving a car, Jess speeds, swerves around, and occasionally lifts her hands off the wheel while looking away from the road, but she doesn't crash into anything. S5Ep17, while Schmidt and Cece drive together, they come up to an intersection and almost crash into a car that's speeding through the intersection. Additionally, right after Schmidt tries to light a cigar, the motorcycle he is on speeds up and swerves off the road; he bumps into a small mound of dirt and falls backwards off the bike. S7Ep1, throughout the episode, there are multiple discussions of how Jess and Nick got injured in an off screen car accident.
S2Ep17, Nick sits in a parking spot and Schmidt gently pushes him back with his car. S3Ep5, after Schmidt talks to a Rabbi, a car can be heard squealing its tires, and a man is shown injured on the street and his bike is damaged. S3Ep9, after Jess stops her car next to Schmidt, there is a prolonged scene where Schmidt convinces Jess to hit him with the car, and she lightly bumps him once and accidentally hits him hard afterwards. S3Ep14, in the opening scene, there's a flashback to Jess and Cece nearly getting hit by a speeding car, which screeches to a stop.
S2Ep18, there is a flashback to Schmidt having a bloody hand from getting cut offscreen; this happens immediately after Schmidt mentions a time Nick poorly planned a party. S2Ep23, a bloody dead body is seen in the background right after firefighters show up. S2Ep25, Winston is shown to have a bloody animal bite after he comes out of the vents. S3Ep18, immediately after Schmidt pulls a spiky necklace out from under his shirt, he starts bleeding through his shirt. S4Ep10, moments Cece and Jess start a physical fight, Cece holds Jess down on the ground and Cece is shown to have a nosebleed. S4Ep12, while Nick and Coach talk to Winston, Winston laughs at a text he gets, and he shows it to be a photo of a bloody stab wound. S5Ep15, in the opening scene, Winston talks about his new girlfriend Rhonda, who runs in with a bloody stab wound, which turns out to be fake as part of a prank. S6Ep6, while Robbie bench presses, he accidentally drops the bar, resulting in him bleeding a lot from his mouth. When Jess visits him in the hospital, his face and shirt are still bloody. S6Ep12, after Robbie and Jess start discussing Robbie's hospital bill, there is a flashback to blood coming from Robbie's face, and right after the two of them, Nick, and Reagan are shown in the cubicle, Nick shows a drawing of the bloody event. S7Ep3, after Ruth stands up for a boy who cut an oval instead of a circle, the room breaks out into chaos and someone throws a pair of scissors into a man's cheek; his face is bloody for the rest of the scene.