Darkwing Duck is an American animated action-adventure television series produced by The Walt Disney Company that ran from 1991–1995 on both the syndicated programming block The Disney Afternoon and Saturday mornings on ABC. It featured the eponymous anthropomorphic duck superhero whose alter ego is mild-mannered single quacker Drake Mallard. It is the only direct spin-off of DuckTales.
bud flud, an anthropomorphic dog, falls into a vat of toxic chemicals and his body is entirely destroyed. however, he is turned into a being made of water. he is also defeated by being mixed with cement but breaks free in later episodes.
aside from the occasional villain, an anthropomorphic duck (the titular character, in fact) appears to die in “dead duck”, however it’s revealed that this is a dream caused by a head injury
megavolt wears a dress in one episode as part of a disguise, and given the time period the show was made in this is most likely meant as comedic. i think he looked fabulous.
megavolt is one of the main villains, and he suffers from brain damage and delusions (he believes that electrical devices are alive and enslaved by humans)
darkwing’s main weapon is a “gas gun” that shoots many things (laughing gas, itching powder, butter at one point) but never bullets. villains and police use real guns occasionally.
gosalyn’s parents are dead and she is raised by her grandfather, who also dies (presumably of old age). she is adopted by darkwing, who appears to die in the episode “dead duck” but is just dreaming.
i believe there are a few car crashes, but most road accidents are on darkwing’s motorcycle. i don’t think they actually hit any people directly but just in case.
launchpad is a famously bad pilot, and even though this show has far less crashes than it’s predecessor (ducktales), he still crashes occasionally. there are other crashes not caused by launchpad.
In addition, a banana doll is possessed by an evil spirit in at least one episode. The doll isn't a person, but the possession is somewhat unsettling, nonetheless.
gosalyn and honker, who are elementary-school aged children, occasionally get captured by villains, but are always either saved by darkwing or use their own skills to get out