A wolf appears at the convent gates, and after being asked to reveal himself, Dracula quite literally emerges from the wolf's body in a very graphic manner.
In ep 3, Dracula and Lucy have some romantic interactions. Dracula is 500 years old and Lucy is supposed to be 22. There's about a 25 year age gap between the actors in real life.
Nothing on-screen, but in Ep 3, Dracula tells the wife of one of his victims that she shouldn't be upset by her husband's demise since he "loved to hit her."
Dracula unsuccessfully gaslights Harker by telling him there is no baby crying when the baby is literally only feet away from him crying in a sack. Harker doesn't believe him although he keeps denying it.
Rats are used as a (off-screen) food source, and one is grabbed and eaten (off-screen) in Episode 1.
The cabin boy discovers a headless dead seagull on deck of the Demeter in Episode 2.
Renfield plucks a fly out of the air and eats it in Episode 3.
In Episode one a man is raped by another man while he is sleeping and half awakes to it- this is shown on screen from the victim's point of view, and later he has flashbacks
Harker accidentally cuts his thumb superficially on a mirror that Dracula breaks in Ep 1. Sister Agatha cuts her palm with a knife in order to tempt Dracula and expose his weakness.
The remaining crew of the Demeter and Sister Agatha set Dracula on fire, but he escapes by jumping into the ocean in Ep 2. Lucy is unfortunately cremated after she resurrects inside her coffin. There are two quick scenes of flames engulfing the coffin and her hair igniting, but that's it.
In Ep 3, Dracula takes Lucy to a cemetery and shows her that there are ghouls buried there, and you can hear them knocking and banging on their coffins to be let out. Dracula is also trapped temporarily in one of his earth boxes underwater after the Demeter sinks.
Dracula frames Sister Agatha for the murders onboard the Demeter, and everyone bands together to hang her. She does get cut down though when they finally find out it's Dracula.
Harker and Sister Agatha both begin to lose their fingernails as their vampirism advances. There are a few scenes of them pulling off their fingernails. In Ep 3, Dracula bites the thumb off a diver.
Technically, a bunch of dolls get blown up when the ship does in the second episode. It is not clear that the dolls belong to anyone in particular, and they don’t get shown in detail during the explosion
I'm insanely afraid of ghosts - I go to doesthedogdie to check for ghost triggers before I watch movies that seem like they might feature ghosts - and I had no "ghost reaction" at any point during this series. There are undead people, people appearing in other people's minds/dreams, possibly hallucinations... but I personally don't consider any apparition or entity I saw in the series a ghost.
Upon seeing Dracula emerge from the wolf, the Mother Superior makes gagging and retching sounds and covers her mouth, but doesn't vomit. In Ep 3, Dracula vomits profusely after tasting Zoe's blood the first time.
Harker drools profusely when presented with Mina's bleeding injuries. Dracula lets entire mouthfuls of blood slip out of his mouth whenever he seems to feel like it. Sister Agatha bites her lip and spits blood on Dracula's face to reveal his true nature.
The Harker Foundation is a specialized hospital facility, but there aren't too many hospital-like rooms. Zoe is seen in a hospital bed when Jack visits her in the Oncology unit, and again in a few more scenes later.
Dr Helsing has asymptomatic cancer at the beginning of Ep 3, and it becomes virulent and hospitalizes her in the middle of the episode. She doesn't show severe signs of having it, besides pale complexion, sunken features, and being in the hospital room. She does end up dying from it.
Sister Agatha cuts her palm with a knife to tempt Dracula in Ep 1. Dracula cuts his wrist in Ep 3 to give Dr Helsing a blood sample when she's unable to use the butterfly needle.
In Ep. 1, Johnathan Harker suffers several anxiety attacks during his imprisonment at the castle, while trying to find his way out.
In Ep. 2, Dr. Sharma seems to suffer from one as he mulls over the existence of undead creatures.
Dracula has several of his victims and experiments locked in boxes or small crates, packed away in contorted ways, and they have to untwist to crawl out.
Harker attempts to stake himself after becoming a ghoul/ vampire in Ep 1
Dr Sharma's daughter takes a poison to kill herself in Ep 2.
Dracula drinks the blood of Zoe, who's dying from cancer, in order to kill himself.
In Ep 2, Lord Ruthven, who it is heavily implied he is in a relationship with his manservant, Adisa, is killed by Dracula. Adisa is killed soon afterwards. NEITHER of these killings are hate crimes.
In ep 1, we see Dracula nude from behind. In ep 3, we see Lucy technically nude but with her skin effectively charred and burnt off, and we see side views of Dracula and Agatha/Zoe nude and embracing.
Nothing explicit, but Harker has a dream about having sex with Mina, and the sailor with the broken leg has a dream about the dead wife of Lord Ruthven on top of him, and Zoe has a dream about having sex with Dracula while she's dying. All of these are Dracula's illusions.
Lord Ruthven pulls a gun on Dr Sharma and uses it after Sharma attacks him. Adisa pulls a gun on Dracula and fires it several times into his chest with no effect.
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