Mrs. Chen is somewhat stereotypical. Frances isn’t a well-developed villain but also isn’t stereotyped (unless you count her having superpowered screams which could be seen as the “loud Black woman” stereotype).
Much of this movie focuses on the relationship between Eddie and Venom, and frames it in terms of a couple with relationship problems. They get into physical fights on a few occasions, which escalate to them 'breaking up', so to speak.
Cletus was abused and became a serial killer, starting with killing his abusive mother and grandmother. There are later scenes resembling domestic abuse by Cletus to Shriek but all of them are initiated by Carnage and out of his control. Regardless, you could still consider him becoming a murderer as a similar concept to “abused becomes abuser” and the film kind of glosses over Cletus’ beef with Eddie being that he withheld the fact that he was abused from the press.
Venom is told to eat their two chicken pets but venom refuses. later he goes to eat other chickens but it's shown off screen. you hear chicken screeches and after show venom with chicken feathers in his mouth. no bodies are ever shown
Anne and Dan's cat is shown being carried into their car as they prepare to flee the city. It's not shown or mentioned again but nothing bad is implied to have happened.
No, but Venom forces Eddie and Anne to hug in order to transfer himself between them. Eddie claims that this is “so 1980’s” of him but Anne says that she kind of enjoyed it, neither of them are that uncomfortable.
Near the end, one character has a chain wrapped around his neck, is pulled off the ground, and is thrown off a platform. He hits some beams instead of falling all the way, and wakes up later.
A character in the beginning of the movie gets her eye shot out and it's bandaged, but it's not shown graphically and in later scenes, the eyeball actually looks perfectly fine, albeit purple. Towards the end of the movie, the same character prepares to gouge someone's eye out and comes uncomfortably close, but is interrupted before she can.
The children who beat Cletus in the flashback might have gotten killed by Shriek but if you look closely they already have the x eyes before she knocks them down.
Venom makes Anne and Eddie hug in front of her boyfriend and she seduces Venom in front of him earlier but neither of these were done with the intent of cheating.
When venom let’s go of a bad host the person vomits. It is graphic and happens twice. The second, more focused on time, is during the rising action in a convince store.
There's a scene where Eddie tries to ride his motorcycle into oncoming traffic, saying that he couldn't get hurt or die even if he tried, and the venom symbiote steers him away.
There are several scenes where sirens or alarms go off and lights flash, as well as a scene in a club, but I don't think there were really extreme strobe effects during it.
There’s a joke about a guard interpreting the term “screw you” from a prisoner of the same gender literally and she says the inmate isn’t her type. This guard is killed moments after but her sexuality is not only unconfirmed (she was sarcastically joking), it also had no relation to her murder.