Raymond "Red" Reddington, one of the FBI's most wanted fugitives, surrenders in person at FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C. He claims that he and the FBI have the same interests: bringing down dangerous criminals and terrorists. In the last two decades, he's made a list of criminals and terrorists that matter the most but the FBI cannot find because it does not know they exist. Reddington calls this "The Blacklist". Reddington will co-operate, but insists that he will speak only to Elizabeth Keen, a rookie FBI profiler.
This tv show contains 74 potentially triggering events.
season 5, episode 4 - opening: barn is burned down with several horse trapped inside - I didn’t watch it, my fiancé did for me, and he said it’s bad and to skip to the 2 minute mark
if bugs freak you out, skip season 6, episode 7 altogether. so many bugs throughout the whole epsiode. people are killed by unknowingly eaitng larvae of carnivorous beetles that hatch and eat them from the inside out. there is a scene where they break through someone’s trachea/neck and pour out. another person killed in the same way is found with the beetles surrounding them and covering their face/body
season 6, episode 13 - 36.5 min: same bugs from episode above kill and come out of someone’s mouth and they show it up close
S2 E12 is about a religious group the sexually abuses children. Nothing is ever shown. The most disturbing scene is the cold open where the leader of the group holds a sermon where he describes a pedophilic relationship and at the end there is a child bride. The church is attacked and the ceromony does not go through.
Yes, a female judge mentions within the last 15 minutes of the episode that when her son was 17 years old he assaulted a woman. She mentions rape kit twice. This was as a part of a conversation about how she used to be moral, but that changed when someone offered to make the rape kit disappear.
No, but we are briefly led to believe that a woman will be raped on screen. She's told by her kidnapper to lay down on the bed, begs him no and he gets on top of her. He ends up just taking a picture of her face, and that's it. But it's still very triggering.
A father of a little girl is burned alive in something that looks like a religious ceremony. The little girl, standing next to her mother, watches her father burned alive as he begs them not to do it. The mother does not prevent it (she's part of this religious people) and the father is screaming to death. This scene continues a previous scene where the same father and daughter are walking on snowy ground, and the father is being haunted by a gun man who kidnapped the father by his legs (his legs are trapped) and dragged him on the snow while he's screaming.
In S2E9 Luther Braxton hangs Samar, Ressler and an unnamed prison employee with chain nooses. While none of them are killed this way, they are forced to stand on cinder blocks. When Director Cooper doesn't comply with Braxton's demands, he has one of his goons pull the chain noose around Samar's neck up in the air and puts the phone next to her so Harold can hear her suffocating. He let's her down but she later has bruises around her neck. The scene is very obvious and you'll know when it's coming.
There is a very gruesome scene where a group of teenage fanatics shove twigs into a man's eye sockets and mouth. The process is not shown but when the FBI enter the building near the end of the episode (season 4 but I don't remember what episode) there is a closeup of the man's body sitting in a chair for several seconds. Also, in season 7 episode 13, about 15 minutes in, a man is murdered using soundwaves that are pulsed through a bathtub-like structure that he is restrained in. He begins bleeding out of his eyes, ears, and nose and is finally killed. At 15:52 when Agents Ressler and Park go to investigate the abandoned van, a closeup is shown of the man's face. His eyes were completely destroyed and his bare sockets are visible. It's incredibly disturbing but can be skipped over as it's only shown for about 2 seconds. His body is shown once again at 16:30 on an autopsy table for about 2 seconds as well.
Tom's baby Agnes is missing from the hospital. He believes her to have been abducted. When he confronts the woman he thinks is responsible it turns out that she did take Agnes, but that this was only to protect her from someone else that wanted to abduct her, so in the end Tom has her back and is seen holding her.
None of the characters on screen have an ED, but there is a mention of someone in the past having anorexia. If just the mention triggers you: in season 2 the MC will start talking about a girl in summercamp. Just skip a Minute and you will be fine
Memories that characters have often bring flashes, police cars have flashing lights, and one character suffers from an injury that causes her to have sensitivity to light, enhancing lights in her point of view.
*Spoiler* the main character gives birth and fakes her death from it, but for awhile you believe she really died. She doesn’t come back till many episodes later.
No, but it's worth mentioning that an adult man gets into bed with a teenager and is seen kissing her as she silently cries before the scene ends. At this point in the episode I, and I'm sure many others as well, believed that this man was the girl's father. It turns out it's her husband, though, and it's really about young girls being legally married to adult men and abused.