In S1, a German Shepherd is hit by a car; you see the dog still alive in the road with blood around it. Throughout S1 you see this dog, long dead and decomposed, in a suitcase.
I never know what "excessive" means. I mean, it's not Saw but there's some blood dripping out of a wall, people get stabbed a lot in season two and get blood on their clothes, etc etc.
there is a blind character who is killed and possessed and the possession 'cures' her blindness and someone (a villain) calls it a gift even though the real person is effectively dead now
Kinda the big theme of season 2 really. being about Annie Wilkes and all.
Season one is less clear that people are mentally ill versus supernatural 'madness' but could be read as such.
okay so season 2 has two queer characters whose queerness walks that line between is it text or is subtext? But really, you'd be hard pressed to argue that their relationship is not flirtation moving towards a romantic relationship. I'm guessing that's why no one has answered this one yet, lol.
One of them dies.
someone is tracking/trying to find Annie and Joy in season 2 but I wouldn't call it stalking given the motivation. spoilers won't be hard to find if you need to know what I mean about motivation.
I would say season two has a lot possession or possession adjacent. it's not the exorcist but people can sometimes get out of the possession and be themselves for short minutes so it feels very similar.
not in the traditional supernatural type sense. but season one plays with time and space in a way that sometimes appears ghostly and season two has some hallucinations that similarly have a ghosty effect
season one has a b&b that gets turned into like an... interactive murder museum and b&b and involves quite a few mannequins in various states of dress, dismemberment, appearing to be murdered. none come to life though
kinda complicated in a horror supernatural way and it never comes to fruition. season 2 a 16 year old is planned to be possessed by a dead adult woman who was the lover of the main villain who is currently in the body of a 30-40 something man. no one really talks about when or if they'll be lovers again but he does occasionally behave in a tender romantic sort of way towards her
S2 revolves a lot around drugs. Main character's always worried she's not gonna be able to get her medication, medicine is injected in several episodes, and one underage character unknowingly eats a weed brownie.
In season 1 episode 1, a kid is holding a chicken upside down by his feet. The chicken is squawking and struggling. The kids then holds the chicken over s fence to entice a crocodile. The croc lunges and opens his mouth, then the kid pulls the chicken back over the fence and walks away, still dangling the frantic chicken.
both seasons. in the first one a child and an adult are both kidnapped and imprisoned. one by a pastor and the other by a sheriff.
an infant is kidnapped in season 2
Only commenting to say season 1 is safe from what I saw
Season 2 episode 1 skip from about 32 to 36. I was rewinding because I stepped out of the room and saw it while rewinding I'm going to guess audio and visual. If you watch leading up, I'm guessing med withdrawal.
Season 2 episode 6 roughly 15 min in 2 instances. 1 a woman is in a car on the phone and very shortly after audio as well when she is being wheeled in the hospital. Just skip to 20 min mark.
Season 2 episode 8 in the recap to the above occurance
There is one completed suicide in season two, strong references to ideation, and one attempted 'suicide to save the others' all in season 2.
In season one a character says he tried to kill himself but god brought him back
A character who remains involved in the show through flashbacks and letters commits suicide early in the first episode of the first season. His intentions are clear for some time before he takes action, but when he does, it is sudden and brutal. I’m not sure why, but it hit me hard.
S1 E9, there is an upsetting scene where we see a mother choke her baby with a clothes hanger. You see her press the hanger to the baby's neck while he cries. There is silence while you assume the baby is dead, but he then begins crying again.