Scott McCall, a high school student living in the town of Beacon Hills has his life drastically changed when he's bitten by a werewolf, becoming one himself. He must henceforth learn to balance his problematic new identity with his day-to-day teenage life. The following characters are instrumental to his struggle: Stiles, his best friend; Allison, his love interest who comes from a family of werewolf hunters; and Derek, a mysterious werewolf with a dark past. Throughout the series, he strives to keep his loved ones safe while maintaining normal relationships with them.
This tv show contains 86 potentially triggering events.
a lot throughout the show but i personally think the scariest is season 4 when a very scary looking criminal stalks a girl in high school. there are scenes where you see him watching her through a bookshelf, etc. not a very long plot line but still quiet disturbing.
One of the main characters' father is abusive; this abuse is explicitly shown. It is also revealed later in the show that //spoiler: the protagonist's father was abusive, though the father was kicked out of the house at the first sign of violence//
isaac was already mentioned so i'll write about the other ones. it's implied that a minor character from season 5 (corey) is neglected but we don't know for sure what's going on and we don't see any of it. theo also is still legally a child (although not played by one) and the villains of season 5 who are sort of his guardians aren't particularly nice to him. stiles also hallucinates his dad verbally abusing him, and when his mom had dementia she thought he was trying to kill her. not really abuse but still a child being treated not very nicely. i think scott's dad also did something to him but i can't remember what. argent is so awful with his scare tactics in season 2 that when allison finds out her mother is dead she assumes it's a setup by him :|. victoria is also pretty verbally abusive towards her.
A deer was terrified and ran through the windshield of Lydia's car. Fortunately, they died immediately and didn't suffer.
And a LOT of birds
And all the animals at the vet's killed themselves brutally. It was a bloody mess.
in season 3a all of the cats in custody of dr deaton die trying to escape from their cages. the most gore shown from this is a bloody paw. there is also an instance in season 4 where a cat is shown alive but it’s owners all die and we don’t find out what happened to it :(
Season 6 Part II - Episode 12 "Raw Talent"
They pop up several times throughout the episode in both single and greater numbers. Time codes below:
1:39-1:45 Single
2:14-2:45 Single
(The space between 2:45-3:15 may want to be avoided as well as it's out of sight, but still driving this part of the story.)
3:15-3:38 Single
11:32-12:02 Large amount
Season 6 Part II – Episode 14 “Face-to-Faceless”
Large amount at the beginning:
Season 6 Part II – Episode 16 “Triggers”
2:54-3:00 (Implied)
5:30-5:36 (Implied & then visible)
Season 6 Part II – Episode 18 “Genotype”
34:12-34:25 (Implied & visible)
34:57-35:07 (Visible)
Off screen, an implied relationship between Kate and Derek when he was 15-16. She was using him and later brings it up while torturing him and being licking his stomach while he looks uncomfortable
s1 character gets her throat slit w claws. u can’t see the throat getting cut but you do see blood splatter the window and then her fall to the ground with blood all over her neck
ALSO - MUCH MORE GRAPHIC a character takes a knife and cuts along her arm, very graphic and the camera can see it quite well
scott (main character) has asthma and has an asthma attack in like the first ten minutes of the pilot. after that there’s some “out of breath” moments throughout. danny has a moment in season 3 where he can’t breathe and in season 5 scott’s asthma “comes back”. there are also a few panic attacks where characters hyperventilate
one man is carried and dropped into a barrel filled w fire and burned to death. we don’t see him burn but it does pan to the barrel with two legs sticking out (s1)
in season 4 or 5, 8 or so kids are buried almost like hibernating so they could turn into various creatures but we never see them buried. i can’t think of any other scenario where this happens
To reply to the comment above, Derek breaks Scotts arm to show him that pain can stop him from turning, in season 1 (I'm sorry I don't remember which episode) and then in season 2 Scott breaks his leg when playing lacrosse in the episode when Alison's grandfather goes to watch the game with her
Parents die throughout. There is also a plot-line in Season 3a with //spoilers: parents specifically targeted in an act of violence for being parents //
Sheriff's father & Stiles' grandfather nonchalantly reveals to Scott that Rafael has cheated on Melissa when the 2 were married in season 6A. It is never shown & never mentioned again.
There are 5 shower scenes in total in the show:
- Lydia in the Season 2 Premiere at the time of her recovery of the Bite;
- Allison in the Season 3's Hotel California;
- Malia in Season 3's Echo House;
- Lydia again in Season 5A & in 5B - it is the same one as the one in 5A is a flashforward;
- Scott & Malia in Season 6B. This one is somewhat sexual in nature.
please avoid season 5 if you're sensitive to this!!!! there's other minor use of needles across the seasons (particularly at the hospital and in deaton's clinic,) but they're mostly blink and you'll miss it. in season 5 however, syringes are constantly used & very relevant to the plot.
Melissa - Scott's mother - is a head nurse at Beacon Hills Hospital.
Most scenes at a hospital bed are with Lydia, 1 with Stiles in season 3B & 1 with Braeden in season 3A.
Season 301
Suicide is the overall theme, you can hear people taking there own life (~min 13.30 - 15).
Attempt (visual) between min 30 and 32.30.
Attempt 2 (visual) between min 33 and 37.30
Victoria Argent somewhat kills herself & somewhat makes Chris kill her in Season 2. She was not suicidal, she just abided the Argent-family code to not becoming a werewolf after being bitten by an Alpha.
In season 3's Hotel California a minor character at the beginning of the episode also kills himself - they show a warning ahead of the episode.
I think it happens somewhere between 2x08-2x10? It’s a minor character. I think she gets her throat ripped out by claws? Or is paralysed by venom from supernatural creature.
pretty much all of the male characters constantly take their shirts off. as for the girls sometimes they're put in weirdly objectifying situations, like the camera staying on naked malia for a little too long. there's no actual nudity though because malia's covered up by various objects and such
Sexual content with the following people occurs:
- Allison & Scott in seasons 1 & 2;
- Lydia & Jackson in season 1;
- Lydia & a random boy in season 3A;
- Derek & Jennifer in season 3;
- Lydia & Aiden in season 3;
- Allison & Isaac in season 3B;
- Malia & Stiles in seasons 3B & somewhat 4;
- Braeden & Derek in season 4;
- Kira & Scott in somewhat seasons 4 & 5;
- It is only implied, not shown Hayden & Liam in seasons 5B & 6A;
- Malia & Nathan in season 6A - this one is more explicit than the others;
- Malia & Scott in season 6B.
liam's fake crying in 4x4 is played as a joke but he wasn't actually crying, and scott and stiles don't laugh at him for it. there's just humourous background music.
beginning of season 3 we find out a character accidentally turned into a werewolf in the car and the cat spun out of control and crashed, but we don’t see it, just the old broken car