In Season 3, episode 6, it is strongly hinted that Villanelle was abused by her mother, and that the mother is verbally abusive to another child family member.
Season 2 Ep. 6 when they’re in a Hookah bar, Eve is told a distressing story about hampsters. It’s not in any way relevant to the plot. After it cuts from the interview video, I’d recommend tuning your ears out for a couple minutes. It’s not the worst but if your brain is like mine, it paints a vivid and haunting picture.
Not physically in the show, but in season 2, ep 6 Caroline describes animal abuse of hamsters around 9 minutes in. You won’t miss anything important if you skip.
in season 4, episode 1: around 17:15-17:50, then again at 22:30-22:48 there's a dead cat. the scenes are slightly graphic (bl**d, etc.) I would recommend skipping, it adds like nothing to the plot.
in season 4, episode 1: around 17:15-17:50, then again at 22:30-22:48 there's a dead cat. the scenes are slightly graphic (bl**d, etc.) I would recommend skipping, it adds like nothing to the plot.
At 3:38 a man is strapped to a table in a fetish parlor and a tender body part is surgically clamped. His safe word is ignored and he is gassed to death.
While the assualt never occurs, there is an arc following a main character for the first few episodes that has the looming and unspoken threat of sexual assualt for the entire time. There is also a scene following the escape sequence, that just solidifies a helpless feeling, again under a male character, in such a way that does involve physical violence, and it is implied the male perpetrator enjoys it, and so the threat of sexual violence is implied there as well. As a survivor I found this whole arc extremely triggering, even there was no assualt shown. The helplessness and pleasure of the perpetrator, the invisibility of the threat assualt to those who could help, top to toe it was extremely triggering.
Mentioned in one of the season 4 episodes, a therapist character who works with low empathy people had a client who is a cannibal. We never see this person. Another episode in season 4 has Gunn filleting a man who was trespassing on her land. It’s unclear if she necessarily wants to eat him
In S1E3 a man is murdered while having his balls clamped for fetish reasons. Actual clamping not shown on screen but he does make pain noises and his safe word is ignored.
In season 4, episode 2: there's a moment at the beginning at a 'town square' type place with a reenactment of a death (not graphic at all), later in the episode when Eve is at Helen's, there's a scene involving a burner (33:50-35:00), it's not necessarily torture according to the dialogue but it's doesn't add anything to plot really
eve thinks her husband might be cheating on her when he seems to be good friends with one of his coworkers, but he doesnt actually cheat.
there are references to anna cheating on her husband (?) with villanelle.
Season 2 Episode 5: Eve forces herself to t*u* at her house. Not graphic. Season 3 Episode 2: Eve t*u* after talking to Caroline at the restaurant. Season 4 Episode 3: Fernanda runs to the bathroom to t*u* after drinking a lot of wine, it’s obvious and not shown Season 4 Episode 6: described in detail, but nothing happens
Possibly. The main character is shown sitting on a toilet at the hospital, but you can't tell exactly what she's doing. It's not explicit and there's no nudity there.
season one episode one Eve stabs her thigh with the very tip of a knife. the audience sees a bead of blood which she wipes away with her thumb and hides from her husband.
That’s basically the whole show. Villanelle is a no/low-empathy person and she was trained to be an assassin. Any time she is with other people, there is a chance that she will at least attempt to murder them, even for such a little infraction as annoying or inconveniencing her.
In season 3, episode 5, some of Villanelle’s relatives talk about how they believe the words of David Icke, a well-known Holocaust denier, and his idea that the world is run by Jewish lizard people.
I think it is rather terrifying and not humiliating, because the dress was intended to be worn by Eve. Therefore I don’t really think it is a joke about men in dresses. It could be interpreted that way though and I think that interpretation is also valid
The show is LGBT-themed and there are multiple LGBT characters, some of whom die. A man who talks about having had previous gay encounters is killed by stabbing. A woman is killed by her former lesbian girlfriend. Most disturbing is a woman with whom the main character previously had a lesbian affair, whose husband is killed by her affair partner (offscreen). This character commits suicide on screen.
No but the only main black character was conveniently like erased from the show (didn’t get what happened there, maybe the actress had another role at the same time..?) and the only other black character we see only appears in season 3
You see Villanelle and her boyfriend having sex in one of the earlier episodes. A secondary character's past sexual liaisons are discussed extensively. In the final episode Villanelle and Eve lay in bed together; Villanelle talks about masturbation and it's implied the two are about to have sex but they do not.
In season 3, episode 7, Carolyn's assistant is found under the surface of a pond. Based on a preceding scene, it is obvious that he is about to be murdered, but we do not see how he is murdered. He could have been killed and then disposed in the pond or drowned. We don't know.