there is a moment where the doll's mother sees that Art is emotionally needy and embraces him. it is a deeply uncomfortable scene and possibly the film's only instance of effective horror.
The main antagonist stalks two girls in the beginning, following them into a restaurant and then kidnaps one of the girls; following the other into an abandoned building.
There is a man who works for pest control and he says that he is going to bug bomb a building because it has rats, but no rats are harmed in the movie.
Even though a cat offscreen sounds like it could be in extreme distress, I am going to assume that it is most likely stray alley cats fighting. A cat is seen later scrounging for food, but is not harmed.
There is graphic genital mutilation. A woman’s underwear are ripped from her body and she is suspended upside down fully nude against her will. Another woman’s b*****s are cut off offscreen.
The whole movie franchise is known for its extremely explicit and graphic body horror. This movie is only for hardcore horror movie fans, or people who can definitely handle their stomachs.
- a man’s head is hollowed out and candles are put in it halloween pumpkin style - a woman is hung upside down and sawed in half genitals-first - a woman’s breasts are cut off
someone with severe facial trauma and scarring is played by an actress without said injury but this makes sense in the context of the film. up to you if it counts
not destroyed, but a doll is stolen from its owner which causes her a lot of distress. the doll is later accidentally stepped on but doesn't appear to be physically damaged
technically no, but there are a few scenarios that are very unhygienic and that includes human feces. If unsanitary is a problem, I'd suggest skipping 14:40-14:57
at one point art (the antagonist) uses someone’s skinned breasts and scalp to walk around naked with (if i remember correctly) his dick tucked between his legs- there is nothing explicitly said to mock trans people but many find this a harmful addition to this trip and upsetting
not those words, but there is one scene where a disfigured woman refers to wishing she had died/was dead and another where another woman talks about wanting to be killed if she ever became disfigured
A woman hides in a small closet space and is breathing erratically, hiding from the killer. She is not claustrophobic, but it made me feel claustrophobic.
No but due there not being a tag for transphobia, I will add here that there is a transphobic scene where Art wears a naked woman's body as a suit and it's played off in a very transmisgonystic way.
There is an entire scene where a woman is completely sawed in half in extremely graphic detail, including genital torture. I have never seen such graphic gorey content in any horror movie. This movie is definitely not for the weak of stomach. I'm a grown ass man and I nearly shat myself.