Chicagoan Frank Gallagher is the proud single dad of six smart, industrious, independent kids, who without him would be... perhaps better off. When Frank's not at the bar spending what little money they have, he's passed out on the floor. But the kids have found ways to grow up in spite of him. They may not be like any family you know, but they make no apologies for being exactly who they are.
This tv show contains 150 potentially triggering events.
The mother Monica abandons the kids on several occasions throughout the series. Frank also basically abandoned the family only comes around when he needs something.
There is a lot of evidence of gaslighting throughout the show, most commonly done by Frank as he is a very manipulative person and one of the main characters
in seasons 3 ep 6 and 4 ep 11, a main character gets beaten by his dad for being gay. mostly in earlier seasons, frank is abusive towards his children, headbutting ian in season 1 ep 2
This show is very charged with inappropriate scenes with children being preyed upon, I can’t begin to think of them all. If this is a trigger I would highly avoid this show.
*trigged warning before you read the next part*
There are multiple instances of underage sex with an adult. Including Ian being in an relationship with a 40-something yr old store owner when he is 15. Also Ian being intimate with a man in his 50’s while he is still underage. He also works at a bar while underage where he is shown being hit on and grabbed.
There’s an episode about a registered female pedophile who is a school teacher and preys upon her students. In this episode Lip tries to get proof of her reoffending, they have sex and at one point she even puts Nair on him to make him hairless in his pubic area. This issue is treated as a joke in the show like women can’t be pedophiles and the boys she assaults are “lucky”.
Mandy is impregnated by her father, it is not shown but it is talked about a lot.
There’s a scene where Debbie is very young and has a man expose himself and masturbate on a city bus. The whole episode she makes references to it.
debbie is shown holding a kid under the water a kid at the city pool as retaliation for bullying. She spends several episodes prior training herself to hold her breath underwater.
There’s an episode about a registered female pedophile who moves into the neighborhood. There’s multiple discussions in this episode about whether or not it’s wrong that she as a school teacher assaulted her male students. It is treated as a joke and her victims are noted as “lucky”.
Several times.
In the first season Karen rapes Frank on screen very Visual. season 1 episode 11
Season 2, episode 10. Mandy is implied to be raped by her father Terry by being impregnated with his baby while underage. Not seen.
Mandy rapes Lip, slightly visual. Lip is seen telling Mandy “no” as she shoves him down to the floor. season 3 episode 11.
Mickey is forced to have sex with a hooker by his father while his gay partner watches as a form of conversion therapy. Season 3, episode 6. It is extremely visual and very hard to watch. It’s a scene I skip always.
Season 5 episode 3 Debbie raped an unconscious, semi visual Later on in the series, Debbie will have sex with another boy, however seeming consensual then she didn’t take her birth control and convinced him not to wear a condom saying that she was on birth control. However not noticeable till later.
on what i think is the last episode of season 2,
(spoiler by the way)
monica slits her wrists in the kitchen during a family dinner and blood is squirting out- she doesn’t die and is taken to a hospital i’m pretty sure.
Yes, in season 8 episode 11, Debbie has a welding accent where a heavy pipe falls on her foot. She needs a surgery, but it's too expensive, so she tries to do it herself and passes out in the process. While she's unconscious, Frank walks in and does it for her, cauterizing the wound with a cigarette lighter.
Carl doesn't get a vasectomy, he gets a circumcision and goes through difficult healing process, popping his stitches and mutilating himself multiple times in the meantime.
Several main characters that are children (some played by adults) are shown having active sex lives. When played by an adult actor the sex is shown, when played by a minor it cuts to a new scene before anything exremely explicit happens.
Veronica’s brother marty escaped prison to attend his sister’s wedding, he has more than one psychiatric condition one of which is Tourettes, the actor that plays him does not have Tourettes, in the episodes u can see him having vocal tics
While if happens several times throughout the series, Franks are mentioned a lot he is shown in the hospital alot for it.
Liam is also known for overdosing on coke, season 4 episode 5. This might be particularly disturbing as Liam is a toddler.
early season 3, frank falls onto and smashes debbie’s art project she had been working on. shes obviously upset, and frank doesnt care, which causes her to finally just snap for the first time, and she beats frank with a pillowcase full of bars of soap while screaming at him and crying
watching for the first time and seeing as theres no time stamps i’ll write down whatever i don’t manage to skip in time
season 1:
-episode 9 when frank and a woman wake up after the woman starts crying she throws up into frank’s lap
season 2:
-episode 5: this whole episode frank has a vomit stain on his shirt, it’s not graphic but knowing that it was intended to be vomit made me a little uneasy. towards the end of the episode little hank says he thinks he’s going to be sick but he doesn’t actually throw up. at the very end of the episode as music is playing and lip is walking away a man vomits from what i saw fairly graphic but i tried to look away before seeing anything
season 3:
-episode 2: debbie tells fiona steve/jimmy is puking in the washroom and as fi gets closer the noises start VERY graphic and it cuts to inside and he is gagging himself to make himself throw up…tried to skip as much as i could but VERY graphic
-episode 8: right after fiona says “guess we’ll call the landlord and tell him we’ll take it” it lasts a while
-episode 12: when frank and lip are skating AROUND 30:55 lip goes to the side of the rink and starts coughing it’s fairly graphic and then frank says “domino effect” and close up of him vomiting blood it looks very fake but could still be triggering and in the back you can see lips vomit
season 4:
-episode 1: veronica says she thinks she’s gonna be sick and runs to the washroom, audio only.
-episode 3: they lead drunk mike to the bathroom and prop him up on the toilet it is very obvious he’s going to throw up.
-episode 7:
sammy bring in burger king for frank and he yells at her to get it out of the ro then cuts to a quick scene of him throwing up. followed by it slightly visible on the sheets
-episode 10: fiona says she’s gonna puke she opens the car window and throws up
season 5:
-episode 11: (tgis is all an assumption cause i fast forwarded this whole part) but i THINK bianca id sick in the bathroom around 44:47 if thats the case it is just audio no visuals you just see frank outside the bathroom and tou can turn the vokume up once bianca comes out, i cant speak to how grapphic the sounds are because i didnt hear them cause i muted way before ir happened
season 6:
-episode 4: right after fiona asks if sean wants something to eat
in season 5 there are mentions of electro therapy surrounding ians brief time in a mental institution and carl tries it on ian by throwing a toaster in the pool (toaster was not connected so nothing happened).
monica is diagnosed with a brain tumor, frank starts dating a young doctor with cancer who eventually dies and another one of frank’s lovers named dottie is terminally ill and dies during sex
Most of the Gallaghers suffer from addiction and severe trauma. Their mother, Monica is Bipolar and has depression with suicidal tendencies (shows suicide attempt). Ian is diagnosed with Bipolar disorder (shows manic episodes).
(tw!! self harm and violence) a bipolar mother and son act out a lot. for example the son burns a van, gets into fights, and threatens to shoot people. the mother causes self harm and slits her wrists.
The Monica scene mentioned in another comment is extremely explicit. She goes to the kitchen during dinner and slashes her wrists. The family runs in and all see her with blood everywhere, it’s very traumatizing for everyone.
all through out the series. Pretty much every episode and series however season 11-10 is more lighthearted about it, more just classics swears and terms then offensive language to specific groups.
Yes, we see baby Liam in the early seasons. Season 5 , you can see baby yevgeny. Season 3-4ish V and V’s mom will both be pregnant and time to time we see V’s mom son. And we will see Amy and Jenna in almost all episodes after they are born. Debbie will also get pregnant with Franny season 6, and have her with her in every episode after that. Tami will be seen pregnant with Freddy and you will see him from then forwards. Karen also has her baby. And lip will interact with some babies at a play group.
A man with tourettes and psychosis is made fun of severely when he wants to speak at his sisters wedding, and the stereotype of all people with tourettes only screaming curse words is shown. They chain him to a toilet and leave him there to avoid him coming to his sisters wedding.
to add on to the previous comment, the boy wasn’t actually transgender. his mother wanted a daughter so she dressed him up in girl clothes and told him that he was a girl.
Micky was homophobic to Ian at the beginning of the show. This homophobia was internalised due to his cruel upbringing.
Micky's dad is homophobic & forces him to sleep with a woman.
In season 5 Micky & Ian fight Micky's dad & while getting arrested Micky rubs in the fact that he's been in a sexual - & at that time also romantic - relationship with Ian for several years.
Steve's family kiss each other in a not family-like manner, Kevin's foster daughter attempts to have sex with him since she was raised in a cult (he rejects her), Karen's father has a creepy obsession with her sex life, Karen comes on to Frank multiple times despite dating his son and Frank sleeping with her mother and eventually has sex with him. Frank, being himself, was definitely not sober though was enthusiastic.
yes, multiple characters become homeless throughout the show and in the later seasons, several homeless people get a chance to become the mascot for a beer company and have to compete in various challenges.