Amas de Casa Desesperadas is an Argentine television series, that debuted on Canal 13 on August 30, 2006. Set in the fictional Manzanares Street, a suburb surrounding Buenos Aires, the series follows the lives of four housewives and the domestic problems and daily mysteries surrounding their husbands, friends and neighbors, which can be more sinister than they appear. The series' tone combines elements of drama, comedy, mystery, farce, soap opera and satire.
Based on the American television series, Desperate Housewives, it was developed for Argentina by Buena Vista International and Pol-Ka Producciones. The show’s first season was broadcast by Canal 13 on Argentina, and also by other networks on Uruguay and Paraguay. On October 2006, Canal 13 renewed Amas de Casa Desesperadas for a second season, that will start filming on August 2007.
This tv show contains 104 potentially triggering events.
There is a dog introduced in season 4, Rafael, and he is barely seen and remains safe for the series.
Later in season 4 Carlos gets a guide dog, who Gabrielle hates and doesn’t speak kindly about but also remains safe.
Women die and are hurt throughout the show, but I wouldn't say it's for shock purposes and it's never sexualized. It's all just part of the show's drama.
There's a one-off autistic character who's shown to be living in a home for autistic adults. Depending on how you view this, this could be seen as misrepresentation, as all of the autistic adults are shown to essentially have the brains of children, drawing pictures which are initially believed to be children's drawings.
However, this character is also nonverbal, which is a real trait some autistic adults have. As an autistic person, I was somewhat upset autism is never otherwise presented in the show, however it's a product of its time and it's definitely not the worst representation.
In season 3, Gabby has a secret admirer that verges on stalker tendencies when he breaks into her home to leave her gifts, she calls him a stalker. She quickly finds out who he is and begins to go on a few dates with him.
Throughout the series, some of the men get physically aggressive with their wives. Carlos occasional gets too physically rough with Gabrielle in early seasons. Susan’s mother has an abusive boyfriend that is talked about in season 1.
There is a prominent plot point in season 4, where Katherine Mayfair’s first husband is shown to have been very physically abusive towards her. She talks in detail about her abuse and some is shown in flashbacks. In season 5, Dave chokes Edie out as he lashes out in anger.
Orson was abused by his mom and ex wife, and becomes abusive towards Bree. Gabriella abuses a teen boy sexually, and it Gets known that she was molested by her father as a girl.
Three times in the series, with Gabrielle as a main plot, with Katherine as a flashback, and with one of the son’s of a main character, grown women are shown to be having affairs with 16 year old boys. Throughout the series there are a few occasions where a child is slapped as a punishment, usually met with horror from those around the incident.
In season 5, Tom pushes one of his teen sons against a wall and screams at him, it is very violent but the son ends up okay.
In season 1, Carlos’ mother is shown to be a gambling addict.
Later in the same season, Lynette becomes addicted to her son’s ADD medication.
In season 3, Bree becomes an alcoholic.
In season 4, Mike struggles with a pill addiction.
In season 3 one of the main housewives becomes an alcoholic, mostly with wine, and denies it for a long time. Eventually she ends up in AA - still not admitting her alcoholism. By season 4 she is recovering and no longer abusing alcohol, though she will make an occasional reference to that time in her life.
Lynette buys a pet rat in S2, and sets it loose in the house so that Tom will realize he needs to clean more often. It is later revealed he killed the rat when he found it.
Two instances in the show statutory rape is depicted by older women sleeping with 16 year old boys.
In season 3, a man is drugged and raped by his ex wife in collusion with his mother.
In season 2, a nun runs into some candles and her dress is caught on fire, she ends up being okay.
In season 3, Ian’s mother’s blouse catches aflame and she is briefly seen with her entire arm engulfed. The fire is promptly put out and she ends up being okay.
(Season 1 episode 11) Martha Huber is said to have had dirt in her lungs when they find her dead body, alluding to her still being able to breathe and therefore alive when she was buried.
At the end of season 3, Edie attempts to “fake” hang herself, but due to timing she ends up accidentally actually hanging herself. Someone is able to cut her down and she recovers.
In season 3, the mystery revolves the murder of a woman named Monique. Without spoilers, the murderer of Monique removed all of her teeth and the bag of her teeth are a prominent piece of evidence throughout the season. When it is finally revealed who killed her, the killer is shown removing her teeth - no sound effects or visuals, just what the killer is obviously doing.
In season 3, in order to implicate someone for her murder, a character cuts off two of her fingers. The act is not shown but the fingers are shown and her hang wrapped up from the damage is also shown.
In season 4, it is shown that a child has a dresser fall on her and she dies. The act itself is not shown but the visual of the child's arm from underneath the dresser is.
In season 5, a child dies in a car crash, it is not seen but it's talked about multiple times in the season.
A lot of characters throughout the show die one of the first scenes on episode 1 is a character’s suicide, don’t want to give any spoilers but certainly quite a few deaths throughout, no gory or gruesome deaths though.
The opening of the entire series is a mother dying. Throughout the series, main characters will perish and since most of the characters are parents they are parents who die.
Not exactly. Lynnette's son has an imaginary friend who uses an umbrella, like ºMary Poppins". And the umbrella gets destroyed by a garbage truck in front of him, after his mother tried to dispose of it.
A few times in the series, children are kidnapped. They are all usually quickly dealt with and not kidnapped by anyone dangerous - Gaby taking a baby shes trying to adopt, Katherine taking MJ without his parents consent, etc.
Every single main character is involved at some point or another in a cheating storyline, whether it’s them or their partner or even just alluding or being tempted by cheating.
Sort of? In season 5, a character sees his deceased wife and child multiple times as his psyche breaks more. They're not presented as stereo-typically ghost-like but they are similar in terms of how they move and act in the world.
Season 1 episode 20, within first 8 minutes audio only, shes sat in new car and talking about leather smell.
Season 2 episode 11, baby v* on gabrielle and can see it on her jacket, not triggering at all tbh
Season 3 episode 6, Susan is very drunk and runs to the bathroom, audio only and super easy to see coming
Season 3 episode 16, finds out she’s pregnant and goes to bathroom - 10ish seconds later audio only, another 10ish seconds later more audio only. Found this one quite triggering, might be as it caught me off guard
Season 4 episode 1, Lynette v* in a handbag as her kid is performing in a school show around 19/20 mins, audio only
Season 4 episode 12, around 33:40 she’s kneeling down in the bathroom, audio only
Season 5 episode 3, around 35:20 kid gets up from the table and v*, audio only, not very triggering as super fake sounding
Season 5 episode 13, around 22:20 Lynette v* into the toilet, audio and slight visual. Safe when she’s out of the bathroom and on the phone
Season 5 episode 15, around 1 minute in kid v*, no visual only unrealistic sound. You can skip the first little bit of this episode and not miss anything
Season 6 episode 6, guy asks if they have a sink and runs off, few seconds later around 9:25 v* sounds no visual
Season 7 episode 1, Lynette’s baby v* on her around 15:30 after they say she has the perfect suburban family, visual and audio but not realistic
Season 7 episode 20, after trying the brownie she says ‘I need to go buy a new handbag’ then cuts to her v* into the bag outside, safe when it’s back to Tom’s office. Wasn’t /too/ awful but definitely one of the more triggering instances
Season 7 episode 23, after gaby’s stepdad is gone she leans over and v* no visual but realistic audio, safe when it’s back to in the house, found this one quite triggering!
Season 8 episode 1, Gaby has chewing tobacco, mute when she gets out of the car, v* into a bin no visual realistic audio. Safe when cuts to man in car
Cops are sometimes on the housewives' side but sometimes shown as corrupt. Just like most characters. The main characters are (mostly) privileged white women, so the cops treat them as such.
In season 1, Paul sends his son to a “mental asylum” (the show’s words). In season 2, Bree volunteers to go to a mental institution to get help for her alcohol dependency. Eventually they keep her there against her will.
In season 6, Katherine spirals after her breakup with Mike and her mental health deteriorates. Before she recovers she is sent to a mental institution and there are scenes there.
There are numerous hospital scenes throughout the series. Characters end up in the hospital because of things such as comas, cancer, and general accidents. Scenes involving characters with ailments often happen in their hospital rooms.
Danielle, in season 3, cuts her wrists to anger her mother. She ends up quickly going to the hospital and being okay.
In season 6, Katherine cuts herself in an effort to blame Mike.
Gabrielle doesn't cope well with gaining weight during her pregnancy, complaining about being a dress size bigger early on. I don't know if that counts.
No character has an eating disorder but the character of Gabrielle makes references to them in regards to her past career as a model. When she begins tutoring young girls to be models it is implied that one of the girls was in the beginning stages of an eating disorder, but that it is quickly stopped.
The opening of the series is a woman committing suicide, it kicks off the mystery of season 1.
In season 2, George commits suicide to win Bree back.
In season 3, Edie attempts, but does not succeed. In the same season, a character’s father committed suicide in the past and it is shown in a flashback.
In season 6, Danny attempts suicide and does not succeed, he ends up being okay.
In season 2, Gabrielle suffers from a miscarriage. In season 3, a character named Alma is shown in flashbacks and references a miscarriage she suffered from.
In season 6, Lynette miscarries one of her twins.
There is references to getting abortions throughout the many character pregnancies in the series, but no one actually ever gets one. Creator Marc Cherry after the show ended remarked that ABC would not let them depict abortion, which is why all the women refer to abortions but usually end up going through with their pregnancies or miscarrying.
In season 4, Carlos is temporarily blind from an accident, though he thinks it’s permanent. Gabby then does some incredibly ableist behavior by using his blindness to abuse him, make him run into things, feed him dog food, and more. She also shames him for his blindness. This then sparks an entire arc of Gabby being incredibly ableist. She uses Carlos’ disability to get a handicapped parking spot and takes it from a wheelchair user, then has an entire scene where she insults and says awful things to this man in a wheelchair.
Circumsizing is a topic by Orson and is described as traumatic experience for him. Anyway Bree goes and Gets Danielles baby circumsized since she belive it is cleaner and tradition.
A few times in the series there are jokes directed at the weight of female extras. In season 3, Bree freaks out when someone took a bite from her daughter’s birthday cake and immediately accuses a young fat woman by insulting her weight. Later in the same season when Lynette doesn’t like the shirts her husband chose for the pizzeria and attempts to get employees to agree with her and hate the shirts - in this sequence she insults a bigger girl on how the shirt will look on her.
In season 5, Gaby makes a fat joke at the expense of her seamstress.
In season 6, there is a small arc where Gaby can’t believe that Carlos would date a woman who isn’t skinny when she meets his ex, and she says a lot of fatphobic things. Honestly, most of the jokes in the series comes from Gaby.
In season 6, Susan imagines what her life would be like if she stayed married to Karl and the actress is in a fat suit, and some jokes are made about her weight.
A few times in the series, racist remarks are said to Carlos. Usually said by the women he is dating. It is usually said for a joke and not dwelled on by the characters.
When Andrew first comes out, homophobic remarks are made by his mother and she even tries to get a priest to convert him.
In the first season a woman has statoury rape with a underage teen. Also season 4 Susans cousin admit to had sex with Katehrine at 15 when she was fullt grown, another statoury rape. Bree tries to make her son hook up with a much older guy.
Sex and sexuality is a prominent theme in the series. All of the characters are very sexually active, kissing and sex is depicted often if not every episode.
in season one, rex, bree’s husband, is into S&M and even tries to convince bree to try it. she does, but only in an attempt to save her marriage. it’s very clear she’s incredibly uncomfortable with it
Tom and Lynette make a few references to a child who told their children that Santa isn’t real.
In season 5, there is a scene where Carlos accidentally mentions Santa isn’t real in front of a child.
It depends on how you view it! The ending is meant to be ambiguous in multiple ways. Susan closes the chapter of her life that is Wisteria Lane, watched on by those who have come and gone in the series. It’s a bittersweet ending that shows her happiness at beginning a new chapter of her life. Another family moves in and shows the cyclical nature of the drama of Wisteria Lane, which can be seen as an unhappy ending that the cycle never ends.
There are a few car crashes throughout the series.
In season 3, Orson’s mother tries to steal a car and quickly crashes it into a lamp post.
In the same season, Susan accidentally runs her car off the road and into a lake. In the premiere of season 5, there is a car wreck within minutes.
Also in season 5, Edie wrecks her car.
In season 1, Andrew hits Juanita with a car and she succumbs to injuries from that.
In season 2, Susan hits Edie with her car.
At the end of season 2, Mike is hit by a car and falls into a coma.
A few times in the show people are shot or stabbed, usually in climactic violent moments, and some blood is shown. Usually not a lot because of the fact that it was on cable.
Bree van de Kamp is a member of the NRA and frequently speaks about her love of guns throughout the series. Throughout the series there are also times where characters are held at gunpoint, below are the times shots are fired.
In season 1, Bree and George go shooting and he is shot, not fatally. It is mostly for comedy and he recovers.
In season 3, A very prominent episode in the series “Bang” depicts a wronged woman shooting up a grocery store. Multiple shots are fired, one character is fatally shot and another is shot in the arm.
In season 5, a character plots to shoot another on a hike. Shots are fired but no one is hit.
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Later in season 4 Carlos gets a guide dog, who Gabrielle hates and doesn’t speak kindly about but also remains safe.