Set amidst a wave of violent animal attacks sweeping across the planet, a young renegade scientist is thrust into a race to unlock the mystery behind this pandemic before time runs out for animals and humans alike.
This tv show contains 23 potentially triggering events.
Potentially off screen in season 1 episode 8 a horse charges into a crowd of people and in the next scene the horse was implied to have been killed by animal control.
Circus lions are abused on season 1 episode 2. There's also a lot of violence against animals as several are trying to kill them over the course of the show.
There's one in season 1 episode 11 at 30:26 - 30:31.
Also in season 2 episode 5, the episode is about snakes. It first appears at 20:55.
They capture a snake so it's shown multiple times again over the course of the season.
There's a giant snake in season 3 episode 7
A dead person with a leg chewed off is shown in season 1 episode 12. Someone's hand is cut off in season 1 episode 11. It's not shown on screen but their screams are heard. There's also an amputation of a toe in season 2 episode 3
Yes in season 1 episode 10, season 1 episode 11, season 2 episode 8 and season 3 episode 2 - season 3 episode 3 because a character is kept hostage for some episodes and is tortured.
A large needle is stuck in someone's eye in season 1 episode 6. The needle is held close to the eye but it's stabbed in off screen. We're later shown the bloody eyeball.
We're also later shown the needle being pulled out of his eye. This is from 26:20 to 26:29 if you want to skip the scene.
S2E2 around 22:30, black blood is coughed up. S2E5 around 20:30, a spray of blood and a snake comes out of someone's throat. S3E11, from 7:00 to 8:00, people are medically drowned and cough up blue liquid.
A cop illegal takes a tablet from a dead woman, goes into the morgue and uses her biometrics to unlock the tablet. This is considered justified in the show.
In season 3 episode 2 from 11:56 - 13:09. Again in this episode at 33:46 - 36:18.
Also in Season 3 episode 9 from 24:49 - 25:34 and again in this episode from 36:12 - 36:43.
Two people drown to death after a plane crash in season 1 episode 3.
People also have a liquid forced into their lungs and choke on it in season 3 episode 11.
Lots of it. Very graphic and disturbing. Nearly every episode has some sort of gore or mutilated bodies. If that's not for you. I don't recommend the show.