Based on the novel of the same name by Cixin Liu, the first in the Remembrance of Earth’s Past trilogy. Hundreds of physicists died mysteriously. A Chinese nanomaterials expert, Wang Miao, sees a mysterious countdown in his eyes. Soon he finds out that the "disastrous planet" under three suns in a game really exists. The three-body civilization there will reach the Earth in 400 years. A future catastrophe is coming for humanity...
This tv show contains 14 potentially triggering events.
As far as I can remember, there aren’t any black characters in the book at all. Most of the characters are Chinese and the other characters are white-coded.
A person hides and photographs some of the main cast of characters as they are getting out of a funeral home without their knowledge
one of the main characters is being threatened by a minor character who knows about her countdown hallucination (it is a mystery how) and is pressured to leave her job
People mention science to be "broken" and "impossible" saying all what we know is not true anymore, debating the existence of god, when time began, how the universe started, and what and why all accelerators in the world are breaking down impossibly at the same time
There are hallucinations by one of the main characters of numbers, there are other characters to shown to be impacted by it as well, and the characters mention that physics of the last 60 years is broken and all they get from the particle accelerators is gibberish that makes our reality like an Alice in Wonderland thing
There’s a part where someone refers to Aztecs as bloodthirsty and says they’re happy the Spanish ended their civilization because otherwise democracy wouldn’t have existed 🙄
Not really but a character described another character as “might have been abused in her childhood and got autism or something” referring to how they thought she was weird. Autism is not caused by abuse.
Theres photographing of the main character cast after coming out of a funeral, and a conspiracy board of who is likely to die as well as striking with a pen of who did die. A main character is also evangelized to and then threatened by a minor character about the christian god and to leave her job in science if she wants her hallucinations to stop (they dont know each other)
Government of the revolution is lying to the people and is flooded eith anti-intellectualism. It is used to dissuade, sway, plant lies, and get fake evidence out of people. A lawyer also uses gaslighting techniques against a main character to get fake admissions
Particularly in the video game scenes. Part of the book takes place in a world where virtual reality technology is so advanced that players can feel the sensations of the characters they are playing
A person is whipped to death. A main character has been put through prisoner labor camp. That character is then put in a freezing cold cell with no fire, and has freezing cold water bucket poured on her as punishemnt for refusing to testify fake evidence
Episode 5. A scene where a large number of children and families die gruesomely. The scene in question is pretty hard to watch even though no children are shown actually dying on camera. But it’s really gruesome and the adults are shown dying inc camera and very gory/bloody. A severed child’s leg is shown later. Viewers will be pretty clear when the scene is about to happen so you could fast forward to skip over that scene altogether. It takes a few minutes but there’s nothing you miss except watching people die horribly.
In an earlier episode a child is shown dying on camera in different sad/horrible ways. The child is in game, and it wasn’t as triggering as episode 5 in how it was. But the scenes are still pretty gruesome/sad.
A father is whipped to death in front of a frothing enraged croud of revolutionists anti-intellectuals/anti-academics and his daughter is forced to watch. His wife is standing next to him as it happens and supports the revolution. Later the daughter commits suicide when she is older by jumping into the liquid of a particle accelerator from a high vantage point
A character suffers from shortness of breath that almost becomes a panic attack after she has an angery outburst but is calmed down shortly a bit by cigarettes.
A person is evangelizing/proselytizing to a person suffering from hallucinations insinuating their problems would be solved if they believe in the christian god
Characters asked if they believe in god several times, some times stressed by the person that posits that question that its impossible or the only possible answer, depends on the person asking the question. The revolutionaries at the start of the episode are vehemently anti-god in any way shape or form.
there is proselytizing/evangelism to a character that is suffering from hallucinations saying her life would be better if she will believe in the christian god
This is very violent and brutal show. It’s not for faint of heart. Many different types of blood/gore death scenes from suicide to torture to mass deaths on camera. Kids die too so be aware. In one scene a child is shown burning to death.