Second of three film adaptations of the book series by R. L. Stine. In 1978, Camp Nightwing is divided by the campers and counselors who hail from the prosperous town of Sunnyvale and the campers and maintenance staffers from the downtrodden town of Shadyside, but when horrors from their towns shared history come alive, they must band together to solve a terrifying mystery before it's too late.
This movie contains 64 potentially triggering events.
The killer in the movie is the boyfriend of a main character (and he does eventually kill her), which could trigger responses to domestic violence. But the plot hinges on him becoming possessed by Sarah Fier; he disappears inside himself before the murders start and his "character" is never glimpsed again.
2 people can be seen smoking (possibly weed) and also ask for drugs. Another person is seen rolling a blunt. 2 people take unknown pills. A characters lights and smokes a blunt but then quickly puts it out.
No addiction is shown in this movie, but there’s a few scenes where a girl smokes weed recreationally. It’s the first movie that shows excessive drug use and references addiction.
In addition to the dead bugs (which get stepped on and make squelching sounds), there's a snake in a tank whose fate is somewhat ambiguous. Tommy smashes the tank with an axe, but the snake is shown safety slithering away among broken glass and climbing onto Ziggy. Once Ziggy gets caught by Tommy and dragged away by her hair, I don't believe the snake is shown again.
Will Christine/Ziggy tells the story Sam is tied up and restrained in the bathroom. And when Sam gets possessed they restrain and tie her up with a phone cord
Something that people don't fully understand is the difference between body horror and gore. Body horror is when the human body is shown being mutated or changed in some way. Most famous example of this is The Human Centipede. Gore on the other hand, is the depiction of graphic violence and injury. Take the Terrifier franchise for example. This movie doesn't have any body horror; however, it does have a good amount of gore throughout the movie.
There is a painting/drawing in a book of Sarah Fier cutting her hand off. // Tommy cuts off someone’s head and we see the headless body moments later. // Tommy’s head is cut off with a shovel. We see his head fall off and his headless body tumble to the ground.
More demon or evil spirits than ghosts. Of course (SPOILERS) The whole story is Sarah Fier and her curse. How she traded her hand for eternal life and the undead killers coming back.
A minor character is shown from behind getting out of bed after having intercourse with another minor character, completely naked - only buttocks shown - and is heard turning on and getting in the shower off screen.
No clowns - but there is a brief moment where loads of past killers come back to hunt down the two remaining main characters and one of them is a child with an unsettling mask on.
Wanted to comment because audio gore doesn't usually get to me as badly, but near the end of this movie, something is so extreme it gave me a panic attack. Someone on the ground gets axed right in the chest over and over and over again, while someone else on the ground watches and is also getting stabbed in the gut, and they try to say final words to each other. Even if you turn your eyes, it's just a solid 30-60 seconds of axe chop sounds, stab sounds, bloody choking, and sad farewells. If audio gore gets to you, you're gonna want to mute when they end up lying in the grass, perhaps keep an eye on the SDH captions to know when it's over.
Not really - the possessed killers are constantly referred to as having “simply gone crazy” by characters who don’t believe in the curse. The derogatory use of the word “crazy” to describe killers can be frustrating and interpreted as slightly ablelist.
It is described that Nurse Lane’s daughter kills herself after murdering 7 of her friends. // Cindy sacrifices herself for Ziggy, which could be seen as a suicide.
Unlike the other two movies in the trilogy, there is no discussion of queerness within the flashback that comprises the vast majority of the movie. Outside the flashback, Sam is still possessed, but she remains tied up and safe the whole movie.
One of the kids that dies at the hands of Tommy is a black kid, but he is killed either 2nd, 3rd or 4th.
Tommy does not kill the kid because he's black but because he's a Shadysider & Tommy's under the influence of the Goode curse.
No one drowns in this film - there's no water to drown in. Previous commenter might be thinking of the first film in the trilogy, where someone does drown.